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Released: 14-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Teach Kids Compassion At Christmas
University of Alabama at Birmingham

With Christmas just around the corner, children are busy writing their wish lists, but the holidays also are the perfect time for parents to teach children to reflect on those who are less fortunate.

Released: 14-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Don't Be a Credit Card Santa
University of Alabama at Birmingham

It's easy to pull out that credit card to Christmas shop on-line or at the local mall, both for convenience or if you're a short on cash.

Released: 14-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Trauma ICUs Are Good Investment
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Trauma-specific intensive care units (ICUs) result in better patient outcomes and reduced costs and hospital stays for trauma patients, according to a study by UAB researchers.

Released: 14-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Don't Crowd Newborns
University of Alabama at Birmingham

To keep your baby healthy through the holidays, resist the urge to take your newborn to large gatherings, advises a UAB pediatrician.

Released: 7-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Saying "No" to Expensive Gifts
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A White House economist warned this week that unemployment rolls in the United States will continue growing even as the economy recovers next year.

Released: 7-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Holiday Lighting Safety Tips
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Electrical lights and decorations abound during the holiday season, but the MPH, of UAB's Injury Control Research Center says misuse can lead to tragedy.

Released: 7-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Metal Hips Trump Plastic
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Hip-replacement components made of metal last longer and endure more wear and tear than artificial hips made of plastic.

Released: 7-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Sales Trend Turns Sentimental
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Sales and marketing of patriotic and anti-terrorism items have fallen from the peak that immediately followed Sept. 11.

Released: 7-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
The Custom of Caroling
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Modern day carols began as "madrigals," songs written for small groups with each person singing an independent part, says the UAB Department of Music chair.

Released: 7-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
New Findings About Emotion, Pain
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Two UAB studies reveal new findings about the association between emotion and pain. The studies show that emotion does influence pain perception.

Released: 1-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Flu Shots Don't Trigger Asthma
University of Alabama at Birmingham

New research indicates that flu shots are safe for people with asthma, regardless of the severity of the asthma.

Released: 1-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Music To Soothe The Scrooge
University of Alabama at Birmingham

If you're having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit, try listening to festive music.

Released: 1-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
First Feminist Subject of New Book
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A new book by UAB political scientist, "Rebel Writer: Mary Wollstonecraft and Enlightenment Politics" examines the life and political ideology of the 18th century feminist author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman."

Released: 1-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Waistband Motivator
University of Alabama at Birmingham

One way to watch your waistline this holiday season is to use a pedometer.

Released: 1-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Don't Party At Office Celebration
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Don't confuse an office holiday celebration with a "party," says management professor.

Released: 1-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
I'm Fine, Coach
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Coaches and trainers need to be careful in deciding when an athlete who has taken a blow to the head should return to their sport, says the head of UAB's new Sports-Related Concussion Program.

Released: 16-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
European Citizens‚ Support of War Soft
University of Alabama at Birmingham

While the war in Afghanistan has received political support from NATO countries, their citizens are less supportive, says University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) international affairs expert.

15-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Racial Disparities and Stroke Patients
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB researchers are still trying to determine why whites have a higher incidence of stroke-causing plaques but fewer strokes than blacks.

12-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Decaf Coffee Increases Risk of RA
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Older women who drink four or more cups of decaffeinated coffee a day are more than twice as likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis, while women who drink more than three cups of tea a day are much less likely to develop the disease, according to a recent UAB study.

12-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
New Arthritis Drugs
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A multi-center, international pilot study of two new drugs to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis has found the drugs to be safe and effective in treating the disease.

Released: 10-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Nuclear Threat Unlikely
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Some nuclear weapons once held by the former Soviet Union are unaccounted for. Now, President Bush has announced that Osama bin Laden is seeking nuclear weapons.

Released: 10-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Feast Without Fat
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Overeating at Thanksgiving may be one of life's guilty pleasures, but a registered dietitian of UAB's Eat Right Information Service says that with smart menu adjustments, you can remove some of the guilt while keeping the pleasure.

Released: 10-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Christmas on a Budget
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Christmas shoppers are kicking into high gear, but what if you're a little short on cash this year?

Released: 3-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Media Missing The Big Story
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The news media's coverage of the anthrax scare is "excessive," says a UAB communication studies expert.

Released: 3-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Resetting The Body's Clock
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Turning back the clock also means giving the body time to reset its internal clock.

Released: 3-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Consider the Source on Anthrax Info
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Today, many television programs, Internet sites and newspapers are feeding the public information on anthrax. However, consider where the information is coming from before taking it to heart.

Released: 3-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Protecting The Protectors From Anthrax
University of Alabama at Birmingham

How emergency responders can protect themselves from anthrax will be taught at a new class Nov 20 by the UAB Center for Labor Education and Research Workplace Safety Training Program.

Released: 3-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Body Scans for Healthy People?
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Is it a mistake for doctors to offer full-body CT scans for people who do not have disease symptoms?

Released: 3-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
New Technique Yields Better Diagnoses
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A state-of-the-art diagnostic technology now offered by UAB gives patients with digestive ailments more accurate and comprehensive diagnoses and treatment options.

Released: 1-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
New Book Looks at Quality of Life
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The impact chronic illnesses such as asthma, cancer, cystic fibrosis, diabetes and their treatments can have on a child's quality of life is the subject of a new book...

Released: 27-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Helping Chronically Ill Children Cope
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The impact chronic illnesses like asthma and diabetes can have on a child's quality of life are examined in a new book.

Released: 27-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Rethink Investments In Today's Market
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Falling interest rates are encouraging for those seeking to buy new homes and cars, and for those seeking to refinance mortgages or other debt.

Released: 27-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Celecoxib for Precancerous Skin?
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A drug for arthritis inflammation and pain may also help people plagued with skin lesions called actinic keratoses -- scaly, rough patches of skin that may be red, brown or almost colorless.

Released: 27-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Diabetes - Puberty Link
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Healthy teenagers grow resistant to insulin in much the same way as people with type 2 diabetes, according to a study done at UAB and the University of Southern California.

Released: 27-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
How to Get Ahead in a Slow Economy
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A person who wants to better their career when their employer isn't growing and no one else is hiring in their field can still take steps to get ahead, says a UAB management professor.

Released: 27-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
The First Anthrax Letters
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB's Reynolds Historical Library holds 17 letters written in 1882 by Louis Pasteur on anthrax vaccination.

Released: 20-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Web Site Gets Interactive On the Ice
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Oct. 20, dive into the frigid, ice-filled waters of Antarctica and join the latest adventure on the UAB interactive research Web site.

Released: 20-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Handling Hazmat Problems at Home
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Most people have pesticides, paints and cleaning products in their home, but few know how to handle those products safely.

Released: 20-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Stop Falls Before They Happen
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Elderly patients who have fallen often get caught in a "downward spiral," leading to more falls, according to UAB geriatrician.

Released: 20-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Cat Got Your Eye?
University of Alabama at Birmingham

When donning a Halloween costume this year, consider dressing up your eyes. Spooky looks include "cat eye," "red eye," "white out," "alien," "wolf" and "black spiral."

Released: 20-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Halloween History
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Nearly every culture has some celebration of the dead that has helped form the basis of Halloween.

Released: 20-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Melanoma Staging Vital to Treatment
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Determining cancer's "stage" after diagnosis is crucial in helping doctors determine the best treatment and helping patients understand the extent of their disease.

Released: 13-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Propaganda in the Century's First War
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The word "propaganda" conjures Cold War images of deliberate misinformation. But propaganda does not necessarily involve lies, rather it places facts into an interpretive context.

Released: 13-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
New Message: Fly The Safer Skies
University of Alabama at Birmingham

In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, most, if not all airlines will change their marketing and advertising strategies to help bolster customer confidence in flying and persuade customers to continue to use air travel.

Released: 13-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
No Boo-Hoo On Halloween
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Halloween doesn't have to be scary for parents, says an M.S., of UAB's Think First injury prevention program.

Released: 13-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
ADHD Guidelines
University of Alabama at Birmingham

New guidelines on treating children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from the American Academy of Pediatrics calls for physicians to treat ADHD as a chronic disease.

Released: 13-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Weight-loss Program for New Moms
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB is conducting a study to determine if new moms who are overweight can lose more weight with the help of a personal weight-loss counselor and an individualized weight-loss plan.

Released: 6-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Public Suffering Trauma From Attacks
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The mental health fallout from September's terrorist attacks may affect those who witnessed disturbing images on television or in person as well survivors and rescue workers, says a UAB social work expert.

Released: 6-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Cooler Weather and Asthma
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The cooler temperatures of fall can bode ill for asthma sufferers.

Released: 6-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Implant Coating May Ease TMJ
University of Alabama at Birmingham

It is estimated that 10 million Americans, the majority of them women, suffer pain and dysfunction in and near the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects the jaw to the skull.
