Feature Channels: Alcohol and Alcoholism

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Newswise: Gene therapy may offer new treatment strategy for alcohol use disorder
Released: 14-Aug-2023 11:55 AM EDT
Gene therapy may offer new treatment strategy for alcohol use disorder
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Gene therapy might offer a one-time, sustained treatment for patients with serious alcohol addiction, also called alcohol use disorder, according to a new study led by a researcher at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and College of Medicine.

11-Aug-2023 8:25 AM EDT
Greater Enjoyment, Not Greater Tolerance, May Motivate Heavy Drinking among High-Risk Drinkers
Research Society on Alcoholism

People who drink heavily experience heightened pleasurable effects throughout a drinking episode, which may be what motivates them to continue drinking, and not, as is commonly believed, that they require more alcohol in order to experience these effects.

10-Aug-2023 8:05 AM EDT
People with Severe Alcohol Use Disorder Have Impaired Ability to Learn From Others' Painful Experiences, Raising Their Risk for Ongoing Dangerous Drinking, Study Suggests
Research Society on Alcoholism

People with alcohol use disorder (AUD) are less able to learn from others' negative experiences, potentially rendering them more vulnerable to maintaining their dangerous drinking or relapsing, according to the first study of its type. The study explored social cognition, processes that enable us to understand and interact with others, and specifically social learning, our ability to learn by observing others' experiences.

9-Aug-2023 8:40 AM EDT
Brain Imaging May Predict Motivation for Behavior Change in Alcohol Use Disorder
Research Society on Alcoholism

Brain imaging of neuron activity in certain areas of the brain may predict whether an individual is likely to successfully respond to interventions to reduce their drinking. In a study published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, individuals whose baseline imaging showed decreased activity in areas of the brain associated with reward processing and impulsivity and increased activity in regions responsible for complex cognitive processes and emotional regulation were more likely to reduce their drinking following an intervention.

Newswise: Research Details Perils of Not Being Attractive or Athletic in Middle School
Released: 10-Aug-2023 8:30 AM EDT
Research Details Perils of Not Being Attractive or Athletic in Middle School
Florida Atlantic University

Life is harder for adolescents who are not attractive or athletic. New research shows low attractive and low athletic youth became increasingly unpopular over the course of a school year, leading to subsequent increases in their loneliness and alcohol misuse. As their unpopularity grows, so do their problems.

Released: 9-Aug-2023 3:30 PM EDT
Drinking alcohol not likely to increase risk of a breast cancer recurrence
Kaiser Permanente

A Kaiser Permanente study provides new information that may help oncologists answer one of the most common questions they hear from breast cancer survivors: Is it safe to drink alcohol?

Released: 7-Aug-2023 2:05 PM EDT
احتساء الكحوليات أثناء انقطاع الطمث يزيد من خطر الإصابة بحالات صحية خطيرة
Mayo Clinic

إن تناول المشروبات الكحولية باعتدال هو مفتاح التمتع بصحة جيدة، خاصةً للنساء اللواتي يحاولن التخفيف من أعراض انقطاع الطمث، وفقًا لخبيرة صحة المرأة في مايو كلينك. قد يؤدي تناول المشروبات الكحولية أثناء انقطاع الطمث إلى تفاقم الأعراض وارتفاع خطر الإصابة بمشكلات صحية خطيرة لدى النساء، مثل أمراض القلب وهشاشة العظام، وذلك وفقًا للدكتورة جوليانا كلينج، دكتور في الطب، المدير المساعد لمركز صحة المرأة في مايو كلينك بولاية أريزونا.

Released: 3-Aug-2023 1:05 PM EDT
El consumo de alcohol durante la menopausia puede elevar el riesgo de enfermedades graves
Mayo Clinic

Beber alcohol con moderación es clave para una buena salud, en especial para las mujeres que intentan minimizar los síntomas de la menopausia, de acuerdo con una experta en salud femenina de Mayo Clinic.

Released: 3-Aug-2023 1:05 PM EDT
O consumo de álcool durante a menopausa pode aumentar o risco de doenças graves
Mayo Clinic

O consumo de álcool com moderação é o segredo para a boa saúde, especialmente para as mulheres que estão tentando minimizar os sintomas da menopausa, de acordo com a especialista em saúde da mulher da Mayo Clinic.

Released: 31-Jul-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Routinely drinking alcohol may raise blood pressure even in adults without hypertension
American Heart Association (AHA)

An analysis of data from seven studies involving more than 19,000 adults in the United States, Korea and Japan found a clear association between increases in systolic (top-number) blood pressure and the number of alcoholic beverages consumed daily.

26-Jul-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Hazardous Drinking in Young Adults: Personal Characteristics Can Help Identify Effective Interventions
Research Society on Alcoholism

Young adults whose drinking lands them in the emergency room respond differently to different interventions to reduce their hazardous drinking, and those differences may be driven by certain personal characteristics.

17-Jul-2023 9:00 AM EDT
These Eight Habits Could Lengthen Your Life by Decades
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

A new study involving over 700,000 U.S. veterans reports that people who adopt eight healthy lifestyle habits by middle age can expect to live substantially longer than those with few or none of these habits.

Released: 20-Jul-2023 9:40 AM EDT
Hobbies and Healthy Habits Surged During the Pandemic
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rather than turn to vices such as alcohol and drugs, many people turned to new pursuits to cope with pandemic-related stresses, according to a Rutgers study.

Newswise: Researchers Discover Group of Genes That Influence Pain and Brain Communication Can Also Influence Alcohol Use Disorder Risk
Released: 17-Jul-2023 3:25 PM EDT
Researchers Discover Group of Genes That Influence Pain and Brain Communication Can Also Influence Alcohol Use Disorder Risk
Indiana University

Indiana University researchers have made a substantial discovery in the role genes play in the development of AUDs, finding that alteration of a group of genes known to influence neuronal plasticity and pain perceptions, rather than single gene defect, is linked to AUDs.

10-Jul-2023 8:10 AM EDT
Many Hazardous Drinkers Reduce Their Alcohol Use Before Entering Treatment, Predicting Positive Outcomes and Suggesting Alcohol Treatment Should Be Reconceptualized
Research Society on Alcoholism

People with alcohol use disorder (AUD) commonly cut back on drinking in the weeks before entering treatment, a new study has affirmed. Further, this self-driven “pretreatment change” is linked to better outcomes up to one year following treatment.

Released: 10-Jul-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Sharp rise in severe, alcohol-related liver injury during pandemic
Washington State University

Researchers found increasing cases of the alcohol-related liver illness from 2016 through 2020, but the rise was particularly pronounced the year COVID-19 arrived in the U.S. in 2020, which saw a 12.4% increase over 2019 levels.

7-Jul-2023 8:20 AM EDT
Web and Smartphone Apps Providing Personalized Feedback Can Help Hazardous Drinkers Substantially Reduce Their Alcohol Consumption Over Eight Weeks
Research Society on Alcoholism

Brief electronic intervention providing personalized feedback can help hazardous drinkers substantially reduce their drinking, according to a new study in Alcohol: Clinical & Experimental Research.

6-Jul-2023 8:30 AM EDT
Alcohol Use, Even at Low Levels, Increases Risk of Developing Disease
Research Society on Alcoholism

Even low levels of alcohol use can increase the likelihood of developing diseases like cancer and heart disease. A systematic review of studies of the relationship between alcohol use and risk of disease published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research found that disease risk increases as alcohol use increases and high levels of alcohol use have clear detrimental health effects. While lower-level alcohol use can be protective against certain diseases, it can have significant adverse health effects for many other diseases. The authors urge greater awareness that any level of alcohol use can increase a person’s risk of developing serious, even fatal, diseases.

5-Jul-2023 5:45 AM EDT
Medicaid Expansion Associated with Increased, But Not High Quality, Screening for Alcohol Use
Research Society on Alcoholism

People living in states with expanded Medicaid access were more likely to be screened by their doctor for alcohol use compared to people who lived in states that did not expand Medicaid access, but they did not necessarily receive effective interventions. A study published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research found that living in a state with expanded Medicaid access was associated with a higher prevalence of lower-income adults’ receiving some alcohol screening at a recent checkup but not receiving higher quality screening or brief counseling. The authors suggest that expanded Medicaid access may increase screening via increased access to primary care but that policies that target healthcare provider constraints are also needed to increase high-quality, evidence-based screening and counseling around alcohol use.

2-Jun-2023 7:40 PM EDT
Concurrent use of alcohol and cannabis leads to higher levels of drinking in the longer term
Research Society on Alcoholism

Co-existing use of alcohol and cannabis can lead to negative outcomes such as the development of a substance-use disorder, poor academic and occupational performance, and psychiatric disorders when compared to use of either drug alone. New research that examines simultaneous alcohol/cannabis use has found higher levels of drinking after 18 months. These results and others will be shared at the 46th annual scientific meeting of the Research Society on Alcohol (RSA) in Bellevue, Washington.

