Location: Australia

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Newswise: Renewable aviation fuels prepare for take-off in Australia
Released: 21-May-2024 1:05 AM EDT
Renewable aviation fuels prepare for take-off in Australia
University of South Australia

Aviation experts from the University of South Australia (UniSA) will work with their Chinese counterparts over the next two years to develop a sustainable aviation biofuel industry in both countries.

Released: 17-Oct-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Critical step made for managing brushtail possums
University of Otago

Researchers say mapping the genetic code of the brushtail possum will benefit those working to both conserve and control the animal.

Released: 7-Sep-2023 8:05 PM EDT
Labour laws need updating now remote work is here to stay
University of South Australia

Australia’s employment laws and regulations must be updated to reflect the changing nature of work, with many people continuing to work from home long after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Newswise: Fire, disease threatening sanctuary plants for Australian wildlife
Released: 22-Aug-2023 1:05 AM EDT
Fire, disease threatening sanctuary plants for Australian wildlife
University of South Australia

New research has revealed that Australia's iconic grass trees - aka yaccas - play a critical role in protecting wildlife from deadly weather extremes, thereby ensuring their survival. But the grasses themselves are under threat due to back burning, clearing and disease.

Newswise: Preventing weight gain: Yo-yo no-go zones for Australians
26-Jul-2023 11:00 PM EDT
Preventing weight gain: Yo-yo no-go zones for Australians
University of South Australia

There’s no doubt that Aussies love a good celebration. We’re all in when it comes to the weekend, and most of us can’t go past a Christmas celebration without a little bit of overindulging. But all this comes at a cost, and it’s taking a massive toll on our waistline.

Newswise: ‘I feel like I’m suffocating’: what’s driving suicidal thoughts in the Australian construction industry?
Released: 19-Jul-2023 10:20 PM EDT
‘I feel like I’m suffocating’: what’s driving suicidal thoughts in the Australian construction industry?
University of South Australia

What's driving one Australian construction worker to take their life every second day?

Released: 12-Jul-2023 2:35 PM EDT
Insomnia affecting younger worker productivity
Flinders University

Daytime drowsiness, mental health issues and even road accidents are all connected to sleep disorders, leading experts to examine workplace productivity losses among as many as one-in-five younger Australians affected by sleep disorders.

Newswise: Caesarean birth injury rates have risen for mums and babies but training and a new device could change that
Released: 11-Jul-2023 2:10 PM EDT
Caesarean birth injury rates have risen for mums and babies but training and a new device could change that
Flinders University

Over 34% of women in Australia have a caesarean birth, and a significant proportion of these happen in late labour when the fetal head is deep in the mother’s pelvis and can be impacted which makes delivering a baby challenging and poses serious risks to both the mother and the baby.

Newswise: Rural placements help to boost health workers in regional Australia
Released: 6-Jul-2023 9:05 PM EDT
Rural placements help to boost health workers in regional Australia
University of South Australia

New research from the University of South Australia reveals that rural experience could be the key factor in increasing the number of health workers in Australia's rural and remote communities.

Released: 3-Jul-2023 10:05 PM EDT
Escaping exploitation with nowhere to go: Barriers in accommodating survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery
University of South Australia

Survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery are struggling to find places to live with some people becoming homeless and facing risks of re-entering exploitative environments.

Released: 27-Jun-2023 8:10 PM EDT
Children the 'hidden victims' of modern slavery
University of South Australia

Dependant children of people impacted by human trafficking and modern slavery are being left unsupported and their needs overlooked, putting families at risk of intergenerational trauma.

2-Jun-2023 6:45 PM EDT
Parental provision of alcohol to adolescent children and peer influence linked to subsequent alcohol harms
Research Society on Alcoholism

Parental supply of alcohol is a relatively common practice in Australia, believed by some parents to be an effective means of teaching their children to drink responsibly. New research shows that family and peer factors each play a role in the development of excessive and risky drinking in early adulthood and associated harms. These results and others will be shared at the 46th annual scientific meeting of the Research Society on Alcohol (RSA) in Bellevue, Washington.

Newswise: New study to help Aussie farmers curb chronic pain
Released: 13-Jun-2023 10:05 PM EDT
New study to help Aussie farmers curb chronic pain
University of South Australia

Whether it’s a lack of appropriate services, time or simply a ‘she’ll be right’ approach, farmers often face many barriers when it comes to seeking health care, say researchers at the University of South Australia.

Released: 30-May-2023 6:00 PM EDT
New DNA testing technology shows majority of wild dingoes are pure, not hybrids
University of New South Wales

Wild dingo populations have less dog lineage, with a significantly greater proportion of pure dingoes than previously thought, according to new research, challenging the view that pure dingoes are on the decline due to crossbreeding.

Newswise: Rental housing standards a threat to resident health and wellbeing
Released: 21-May-2023 10:05 PM EDT
Rental housing standards a threat to resident health and wellbeing
University of South Australia

A large proportion of Australian rental properties are in such poor condition that they are putting residents’ health and wellbeing at risk, according to new research from the University of South Australia.

Newswise: Lived experience: the way forward for Australia’s mental health system
Released: 17-May-2023 1:05 AM EDT
Lived experience: the way forward for Australia’s mental health system
University of South Australia

Changes to Australia’s mental health and suicide prevention system must be underpinned by lived experience to ensure appropriate care, say experts at the University of South Australia.

Released: 11-May-2023 7:20 PM EDT
Scientists discover fire records embedded within sand dunes
Desert Research Institute (DRI)

A new study shows that sand dunes can serve as repositories of fire history and aid in expanding scientific understanding of fire regimes around the world.

Newswise:Video Embedded map-reveals-ancient-australian-landscape-from-60-000-years-ago
Released: 5-May-2023 11:15 AM EDT
Archaeologists map hidden NT landscape where first Australians lived more than 60,000 years ago
Flinders University

Scientists at Flinders University have used sub-surface imaging and aerial surveys to see through floodplains in the Red Lily Lagoon area of West Arnhem Land in Northern Australia.

Newswise:Video Embedded unisa-health-students-ahead-when-it-comes-to-autism
Released: 26-Apr-2023 3:05 AM EDT
UniSA health students ahead when it comes to autism
University of South Australia

UniSA’s allied health students will be the first in Australia to learn how to implement the National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders, as the University becomes the first hosting partner of Autism CRC’s tailored undergraduate eLearning lecture and activity.

Newswise: Nullarbor rocks reveal Australia’s transformation from lush to dust
Released: 18-Apr-2023 1:25 PM EDT
Nullarbor rocks reveal Australia’s transformation from lush to dust
Curtin University

Curtin researchers have discovered how long ago the Australian Nullarbor plain dried out, with a new approach shedding light on how ancient climate change altered some of the driest regions of our planet.

Newswise: Humanising international education requires 360-degree support
Released: 13-Apr-2023 9:05 PM EDT
Humanising international education requires 360-degree support
University of South Australia

As university students settle into semester one, education experts at the University of South Australia are calling for broader community supports to prioritise the health, wellbeing, and social connection of international students as they live and study in Australia.

Released: 31-Mar-2023 7:30 PM EDT
At the end of the dry season: CO2 pulses over Australia
Universität Heidelberg

End-of-dry-season CO2 pulses recur each year in the atmosphere above the Australian continent, a discovery made by an international research team led by environmental physicist Prof. Dr André Butz of Heidelberg University.

Newswise: Out of the shadows and into the Light: UniSA reopens historic haunt as new Enterprise Hub
Released: 23-Mar-2023 8:00 PM EDT
Out of the shadows and into the Light: UniSA reopens historic haunt as new Enterprise Hub
University of South Australia

From publicans and pawnbrokers to vampires and exotic dancers, Light Square has a long and colourful history of interesting residents. Now, a new breed of business will occupy the north-western corner of Light Square as UniSA unveils its new state-of-the-art enterprise and innovation facility.

Newswise: Solar industry feeling the heat over disposal of 80 million panels
Released: 20-Mar-2023 6:40 PM EDT
Solar industry feeling the heat over disposal of 80 million panels
University of South Australia

Renewable energy experts have come up with an environmentally-friendly plan to dispose of solar panels at the end of their life.

Released: 9-Mar-2023 4:40 PM EST
Moving on from COVID means facing its impact on mental health, say experts
University of Sydney

A new review on the global mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic confirms feared increases in depression and anxiety, with leading experts saying little has been done to address what is set to become a mounting mental health crisis.

Newswise: Australia’s rarest bird of prey disappearing at alarming rate
Released: 28-Feb-2023 1:35 PM EST
Australia’s rarest bird of prey disappearing at alarming rate
University of Queensland

Australia’s rarest bird of prey - the red goshawk - is facing extinction, with Cape York Peninsula now the only place in Queensland known to support breeding populations.

Released: 23-Feb-2023 3:30 PM EST
Working women more educated but not more respected
University of Sydney

Young Australian women are still fighting for equal pay, respect and opportunities in the workforce, according to a new report from the University of Sydney and the Australian National University.

Newswise: The grassroots support that’s Taking Stock of farmers’ mental health
Released: 22-Feb-2023 8:05 PM EST
The grassroots support that’s Taking Stock of farmers’ mental health
University of South Australia

The University of South Australia is ensuring that mental health and wellbeing remain a top priority in rural communities as a grassroots wellbeing and suicide prevention tool is launched today to support Australian farmers. The free online multimedia site – Taking Stock – has been designed by and for Australian farmers, to help them tackle the everyday struggles of living on the land.

Newswise: Gay bars in Sydney survive COVID-19 pandemic, new Policy Paper finds
Released: 8-Feb-2023 2:05 PM EST
Gay bars in Sydney survive COVID-19 pandemic, new Policy Paper finds
University of Sydney

Published preliminary data that shows gay bars, venues and events rebounded following their closure during COVID-19; however, more attention is needed for those in marginalised communities and regional NSW.

Newswise: Remapping the superhighways travelled by the first Australians reveals a 10,000-year journey through the continent
Released: 3-Feb-2023 3:50 PM EST
Remapping the superhighways travelled by the first Australians reveals a 10,000-year journey through the continent
Flinders University

New research has revealed that the process of ‘peopling’ the entire continent of Sahul — the combined mega continent that joined Australia with New Guinea when sea levels were much lower than today — took 10,000 years.

Released: 24-Jan-2023 1:30 PM EST
Environment law fails to protect threatened species
University of Queensland

Federal environmental laws are failing to mitigate against Australia’s extinction crisis, according to University of Queensland research.

Newswise: There’s something fishy about flake sold in South Australia
Released: 22-Jan-2023 11:05 PM EST
There’s something fishy about flake sold in South Australia
University of Adelaide

It is a popular takeaway choice at fish and chip shops, but new research has revealed threatened species of shark are being sold as flake at some outlets across South Australia. The University of Adelaide study is the first of its kind to examine flake fillets sold at South Australian fish and chip shops.

Newswise: What’s driving re-burns across California and the West?
Released: 18-Jan-2023 1:05 PM EST
What’s driving re-burns across California and the West?
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Seasonal temperature, moisture loss from plants and wind speed are what primarily drive fires that sweep across the same landscape multiple times, a new study reveals. These findings and others could help land managers plan more effective treatments in areas susceptible to fire, particularly in the fire-ravaged wildland-urban interfaces of California.

Newswise: Research reveals new links behind climate change in Australia
Released: 11-Jan-2023 4:30 PM EST
Research reveals new links behind climate change in Australia
Cornell College

Cornell College Professor Rhawn Denniston and a team of collaborators have combined stalagmites and climate model simulations to reveal links between monsoon rains and tropical cyclones (called hurricanes in the U.S.) in Australia.

Released: 9-Jan-2023 5:55 PM EST
Ecosystems in Victoria and Tasmania may be most at risk from climate change
Australian National University

A new study led by researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) has shown that ecosystems in western parts of southeastern Australia – including western Victoria and western Tasmania – may be most at risk of feeling the impacts of climate change in the coming decades.

Newswise: Wastewater samples show the dramatic effects of tough love on codeine addicts as consumption plunges
Released: 19-Dec-2022 6:40 PM EST
Wastewater samples show the dramatic effects of tough love on codeine addicts as consumption plunges
University of South Australia

Wastewater sampling has shown the significant impact of removing the strong painkiller codeine from pharmacy counters to a prescription-only medication since 2018 in Australia. The move has led to a 37 per cent drop in codeine use, cutting dependency and potentially saving lives.

Newswise: National plan needed to improve children’s D- grade 
for physical activity
Released: 6-Dec-2022 8:05 PM EST
National plan needed to improve children’s D- grade for physical activity
University of South Australia

Researchers are calling for a National Physical Activity Plan to encourage greater levels of physical activity among Australian children following dismal results in the 2022 Active Healthy Kids Australia (AHKA) Report Card.

Newswise: New UniSA study to boost support for early career teachers
Released: 5-Dec-2022 7:20 PM EST
New UniSA study to boost support for early career teachers
University of South Australia

A new University of South Australia research project hopes to boost retention of early career teachers by investigating how improved induction programs can better support new teachers in the classroom.

Newswise:Video Embedded teleport-600-million-years-and-virtually-explore-the-flinders-ranges
Released: 30-Nov-2022 6:25 PM EST
Teleport 600 million years and virtually explore the Flinders Ranges
University of South Australia

One of Australia’s most captivating landscapes can now be explored virtually, thanks to a University of South Australia project that documents the geological and cultural significance of the Flinders Ranges.

Newswise: When cyclones and fires collide…
Released: 27-Nov-2022 8:05 PM EST
When cyclones and fires collide…
University of South Australia

As strong winds and torrential rains inundate Australia’s south-eastern coast, new research suggests that high intensity bushfires might not be too far behind, with their dual effects extending damage zones and encroaching on previously low-risk residential areas.

Released: 15-Nov-2022 3:35 PM EST
Dam safety: New study indicates probable maximum flood events will significantly increase over next 80 years
University of Melbourne

The flood capacity of dams could be at greater risk of being exceeded, due to out-of-date modelling for potential maximum rainfall, according to industry-funded research by UNSW and the University of Melbourne.

Newswise: Surf’s up (and don’t mind the sharks)
Released: 1-Nov-2022 3:05 AM EDT
Surf’s up (and don’t mind the sharks)
University of South Australia

In a new study from the University of South Australia, researchers found that 60 per cent of surfers are not afraid of sharks when surfing, despite more than half of them spotting a shark when out in the water.

Newswise: Preventing Drowning by Improving Beach Safety Signage
Released: 30-Oct-2022 8:05 PM EDT
Preventing Drowning by Improving Beach Safety Signage
University of Adelaide

A new study by a University of Adelaide researcher has recommended improvements to beach safety signage, which could prevent drownings in the future.

Newswise: Australians Clueless About Their Country’s Most Endangered Species
Released: 27-Oct-2022 8:05 PM EDT
Australians Clueless About Their Country’s Most Endangered Species
University of South Australia

A study led by University of South Australia conservation psychologist Dr Elissa Pearson reveals overwhelming public ignorance of Australia’s most threatened species, a factor that is contributing to the country's extinction crisis.

Newswise: Future health of coral reefs written in the sand
Released: 12-Oct-2022 11:25 AM EDT
Future health of coral reefs written in the sand
University of Sydney

Geoscientists develop new technique that reveals the health of coral reefs from space.

Released: 1-Aug-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Services combine for homeless solution
Flinders University

The majority of 575 people in South Australia with a history of chronic homelessness have found stable housing and are well on the way to a better life after three years of intensive support under the ‘Aspire’ program – Australia’s first social impact bond targeting homelessness.

Released: 6-Jul-2022 2:40 PM EDT
Tooth Isotopes Offer Window Into South Australia’s Early Colonial History
Flinders University

Published in Australian Archaeology, the new research involved isotope analysis of teeth excavated from graves to determine how many people buried were born in South Australia or Britain, as part of scientific efforts by Flinders University experts deploying this technique for the first time in the state.

Newswise: Search Begins for Precious Australian Children’s Artworks in the UK
Released: 6-Jul-2022 2:15 PM EDT
Search Begins for Precious Australian Children’s Artworks in the UK
Curtin University

Households across the United Kingdom are urged to be on the lookout for hundreds of precious artworks created by Australian First Nations children who were forcibly taken from their families in the 1940s.

Newswise: Whales Learn Songs From Each Other in a Cultural ‘Deep Dive’
Released: 1-Jul-2022 12:40 PM EDT
Whales Learn Songs From Each Other in a Cultural ‘Deep Dive’
University of Queensland

A University of Queensland-led study has found humpback whales can learn incredibly complex songs from whales from other regions.
