Feature Channels: Evolution and Darwin

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Released: 30-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
University Experts Available to Discuss Charles Darwin and Evolution
University of California San Diego

The University of California, San Diego is hosting a series of events this spring to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin and to reflect on how his ideas continue to influence science. The University also has a list of experts who can comment on Darwin and his rich legacy.

Released: 30-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Charles Darwin, Evolutionary Biology Experts
University of Wisconsin–Madison

With Charles Darwin's 200th birthday coming up in February, several University of Wisconsin-Madison experts are available to talk about the evolutionary biologist and related research.

Released: 27-Jan-2009 10:15 AM EST
Ithaca Darwin Days 2009
Cornell University

The events for Ithaca Darwin Days 2009, the bicentennial celebration of Charles Darwin's birth.

Released: 12-Jan-2009 4:20 PM EST
World-Renowned Scientists to Celebrate Darwin’s Life, Legacy at The Florida State University
Florida State University

This year marks the 200th birthday of pioneering naturalist Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his book "The Origin of Species," truly a landmark work that changed the world. Celebrations and tributes, both large and small, are scheduled around the globe this year, and many are already under way.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 5:00 PM EST
150 Years After ‘Origin of the Species’, Science and Religion Remain in Conflict Over Evolution
Southwestern University

When Charles Darwin published his landmark book On the Origin of Species in 1859, his theories on evolution were quickly accepted by the vast majority of scientists. The general public, however, was not as eager to accept Darwin's ideas, due largely to the fact that they challenged established religious beliefs. Today, 150 years after the publication of Darwin's book, science and religion remain as conflicted as ever when it comes to the subject of evolution.

Released: 8-Oct-2008 9:00 AM EDT
E.O. Wilson to tout Darwin and ’The Creation’
Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

On Nov. 4, E. O. Wilson will kick off Arizona State University's Darwinfest, a series of events and speakers that will tap into what Darwin set in motion when he stepped outside of the box 150 years ago to publish "On the Origin of Species." Wilson will speak about "Darwin and the Future of Science" at 7 p.m. at Arizona's Tempe Center for the Arts.

Released: 4-Sep-2008 1:30 PM EDT
Paleontology Society Urges Repeal of Louisiana Science Education Act
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology

Today the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, the world's leading organization of vertebrate paleontologists, urges Louisiana citizens and legislators to repeal the "Louisiana Science Education Act" and to prohibit the injection of religious content in America's public school classrooms.

Released: 11-May-2006 4:35 PM EDT
National Forum on the Future of Science Education
Florida State University

How should science be taught in America's schools? Florida State University will host a panel of nationally known scholars from such disciplines as biology, law, philosophy and theology as they participate in a public forum to discuss that and other topics of critical importance to our nation's future.

Released: 25-Apr-2006 5:00 PM EDT
Dover ‘Intelligent Design’ Decision to be Topic of National Forum
Florida State University

The first high-level public discussion of how science is taught in public schools "” in light of the recent federal court ruling on the intelligent-design challenge in Dover, Pa. "” will be conducted next month by a nationally known panel of scholars at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fla.

Released: 23-Feb-2006 6:55 PM EST
Evidence That Natural Selection Is a General Driving Force Behind Origin of Species
Vanderbilt University

A study provides clear evidence supporting the proposition that natural selection drives the process of species formation in a wide variety of plants and animals.

Released: 1-Feb-2006 11:55 AM EST
Learning Matters: Education Tips from Indiana University
Indiana University

Controversy involving Intelligent design and public schools, classroom discussions -- or the lack thereof -- about the war in Iraq, and the Underground Railroad are discussed by Indiana University education experts this month.

Released: 27-Oct-2005 10:00 AM EDT
Book Explains How Evolution Really Works, Rebuts Intelligent Design
Harvard Medical School

In a new book, Harvard Medical School's Marc W. Kirschner and John C. Gerhart, of the University of California"“Berkeley address a key problem in evolutionary theory that has puzzled scientists from Darwin on and which is now under intense scrutiny by proponents of intelligent design: where do the big jumps come from in evolution?

Released: 14-Oct-2005 4:00 PM EDT
Scientist Urges Colleagues to Focus on "Unintelligent Design"
University of Massachusetts Amherst

The scientific community's failure to mount effective opposition against the intelligent design movement calls for new tactics, contends a veteran scientist. He will propose that his colleagues abandon religious and philosophical discussions and focus on evidence that he believes shows a clear lack of intelligent design.

Released: 27-Sep-2005 8:45 AM EDT
Why Scientists Reject Intelligent Design
Joseph Henry Press / National Academies Press

Origin of life scientist and researcher, Robert Hazen, has come forward to pronounce why Intelligent Design should not be taught in the science class room.

Released: 26-Sep-2005 4:25 PM EDT
Professors Available to Comment on Dover Intelligent Design Case
Elizabethtown College

Robert Wheelersburg, associate professor of anthropology, has taught human evolution at Elizabethtown College for nearly 20 years. Michael Silberstein, associate professor of philosophy, is director of the College's Center for Science and Religion. Last March, he organized a forum on Intelligent Design and Darwinian Evolution.

Released: 23-May-2005 7:45 PM EDT
While ‘Quack Science’ Is Debated in Kansas, Evolution in Schools Is Endangered Species
Swarthmore College

"Evolution is a "˜theory' like gravity is a "˜theory,'" says Associate Professor of Biology Colin Purrington. "The low-budget remake of the Scopes trial that is currently taking place in Kansas will make educated Kansans want to flee the state so that their children will not be subjected to quack scientific ideas such as intelligent design."

Released: 1-Dec-2004 8:00 AM EST
Paul Davies Explores Impact of 'Hobbit' Discovery
Science & Theology News - defunct

1) Effect of 'hobbits' on science-and-religion; 2) American churches embrace "The Purpose-Driven Life"; 3) Study uncovers link between religious service attendance and health; 4) Coverage of Mind and Life Institute Conference; 5) Intelligent design backers and critics face off.

Released: 7-May-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Origin of Bipedalism Seems Most Closely Tied to Environmental Changes
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

During the past 100 years, scientists have tossed around a great many hypotheses about the evolutionary route to bipedalism, and what inspired our prehuman ancestors to stand up straight and amble off on two feet.
