Feature Channels: Economics

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Released: 10-Oct-2008 4:15 PM EDT
Americans and the Economy: Angry Feelings, Fear Exceeds Terrorism Risk
University of Oregon

In the first three days of the country's economic meltdown that began Sept. 29, 81 percent of Americans surveyed in a national poll agreed or strongly agreed that the financial crisis "poses a greater threat to the quality of my life than does the threat of terrorism." And researchers found little trust in the government and even less in business leaders.

Released: 10-Oct-2008 11:05 AM EDT
History Professor Compares/Contrasts Current Economic Crisis with Great Depression
Temple University

Bryant Simon, professor of history and director of American studies at Temple University, says that there are some obvious similarities and differences between today's crisis and the Great Depression. But one key difference, said Simon, is that society in the 1930s was better organized, and social groups -- such as labor and even small business groups -- were better able to push back against Congress.

Released: 10-Oct-2008 10:20 AM EDT
Economic Crisis: Story Ideas and Expert Commentary
University of Alabama at Birmingham

With questions over the economy's future becoming more numerous by the day, the business, management and finance experts at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Business are able to provide answers on a range of issues. Six UAB experts offer expert commentary on six topics connected to the country's economic crisis. All are available for print and broadcast interview.

Released: 10-Oct-2008 10:10 AM EDT
Financial Crisis: Don’t be Impatient
Rowan University

We are not entering another Great Depression, says finance professor Dr. Robert Pritchard of Rowan University. The current fiscal crisis we are facing, he believes, should be close to bottoming out.

Released: 9-Oct-2008 7:00 AM EDT
Economic Meltdown Creates New Independence For Brokers
National Securities Corporation

The recent collapse of several major financial institutions"”A.I.G., Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Wachovia, and Washington Mutual"”has left the world's financial markets reeling, with no one knowing when the dust will settle.

Released: 8-Oct-2008 2:00 PM EDT
During These Times of Economic Crisis a Cardiologist Warns Against Signs of a Cardiac Crash
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Rising unemployment rates, the worst Wall Street crises since the end of World War II, record home foreclosures. There is plenty of stress to go around. What effect is stress having on our health and what can we do about it?

Released: 8-Oct-2008 1:45 PM EDT
University Offers Experts for Comment on Economic Crisis
Tulane University

Tulane University offers experts for comment on economic crisis.

Released: 7-Oct-2008 5:15 PM EDT
Professor Available to Discuss History of Economic Panics
University of New Hampshire

Jessica Lepler, assistant professor of history at the University of New Hampshire, is available to discuss the history and culture of economic panics, in particular, the Panic of 1837.

Released: 6-Oct-2008 9:00 PM EDT
Wellness Expert Offers Couples' Economic Survival Tips
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Economic turmoil can lead to couples' arguments. The key is to make those discussions productive, not destructive, said a psychologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Josh Klapow, Ph.D. offers five tips for a productive financial dialogue.

Released: 6-Oct-2008 2:10 PM EDT
As Economic Turmoil Widens, Consumers Should Stay Calm, be Careful, Cautious and Confident
Temple University

Uncertainty in a widening global financial crisis is impacting the already fragile psyche of investors and consumers who are worried about their jobs, their homes and their savings/retirement funds. But a Temple University psychologist says the public should remain calm, be cautious and careful, and have confidence.

15-Sep-2008 10:00 AM EDT
Government Accommodates Rich and Poor Alike
North Carolina State University

The election year is in full swing, complete with allegations of class warfare and claims about which candidates cater to the rich. But a new study shows that it would be impossible to cater solely to any socioeconomic group, because people's preferences tend to be overwhelmingly similar when it comes to how the federal government should spend its money.

Released: 2-Oct-2008 2:15 PM EDT
What Went Wrong? Is a Bailout the Answer?
Johns Hopkins University Press

The latest book from FINANCIAL TIMES columnist Martin Wolf explains why global imbalances cause financial crises--including the one ravaging the United States right now--and outlines the steps for ending this destructive cycle. Sharply and clearly argued, Wolf makes the case that the current financial crisis is a result of a dysfunctional system of global finance.

Released: 1-Oct-2008 8:20 PM EDT
Experts Available to Comment on Financial Crisis
American University

American University experts are available to provide analysis of the financial crisis, the rescue plan, the impact of both on the economy, small businesses, and U.S. taxpayers.

Released: 1-Oct-2008 8:05 PM EDT
Noted Financial Advisor Urges Movement on Bailout Revival
Texas Tech University

Average taxpayers are likely to suffer most if Congress cannot find a palatable compromise to the $700 billion bailout that died on the House floor this week.

Released: 1-Oct-2008 8:00 PM EDT
Wake Forest University to Host Panel Discussion on Financial Crisis
Wake Forest University

Wake Forest University will host a panel discussion, "Exploring Today's Financial Crisis: Business, Politics, Ethics and You," at 4 p.m. Oct. 3, at Scales Fine Arts Center's Brendle Recital Hall.

Released: 30-Sep-2008 4:10 PM EDT
Experts Can Address Far-Ranging Impacts Of Economic Crisis
North Carolina State University

The current economic crisis is having a significant impact in areas far from Wall Street. North Carolina State University has experts who can provide key insights into the crisis' impacts on everything from farmers and agriculture to this year's elections.

Released: 30-Sep-2008 10:50 AM EDT
Wake Up Main Street, The Fiscal Crisis is Hitting Home
Rowan University

It's not Wall Street vs. Main Street. We're all in the current fiscal crisis together. Now is the time to decide whether we sink or swim . . .

Released: 29-Sep-2008 8:10 PM EDT
House Wisely Rejected $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout, Experts Say
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

The U.S. House of Representative's rejection of the Troubled Assets Relief Program, the proposed $700 billion Wall Street bailout, was a prudent decision, say two University of Arkansas researchers who are closely monitoring the U.S. financial crisis.

Released: 29-Sep-2008 11:05 AM EDT
Mortgage Losses on Owner-Occupied Homes Lower than Assumed
Ohio State University

Homeowners who are struggling with mortgages for their own residences are a relatively small part of the overall mortgage crisis, according to results of a new nationwide study of consumer balance sheets. The study estimates that losses on first mortgages for owner-occupied homes may range as high as $180 billion -- a large amount, but not catastrophic, according to an economist.

Released: 29-Sep-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Subprime Meltdown: Causes, Consequences, Solutions
University of Maryland, Baltimore

It started with families losing their homes to foreclosure, and has led to the failures of Wall Street titans. Where will the fallout from the subprime mortgage meltdown be felt next? And what should be done to correct it? Some of the top legal and financial talent from companies and agencies at the heart of the matter will discuss the issues.

Released: 26-Sep-2008 5:10 PM EDT
Wellness Expert Offers Tips on Coping with Economic Turmoil
University of Alabama at Birmingham

In the wake of America's financial upheaval, one psychologist says it's time to take control of emotions and better regulate the mind-body stress response. University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Associate Professor Josh Klapow, Ph.D., offers four 'action points' to dealing with stress and anxiety brought on by the crisis.

Released: 26-Sep-2008 11:25 AM EDT
The Financial Crisis: U.S. Could See Great Turnaround in 12-18 Months
Rowan University

While the U.S. may face a depression if the current crisis is not managed properly, a finance professor and expert believes the country could enjoy a major turnaround in the near future if things are handled properly today.

Released: 25-Sep-2008 7:20 PM EDT
Expert Who Anticipated Financial Crisis Available to Discuss Bailout
Wake Forest University

Robert Bliss, a former senior financial economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago who teaches finance at Wake Forest University, is available to discuss the federal government's $700 billion rescue plan to acquire troubled mortgage-backed securities from lenders.

Released: 25-Sep-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Economist Available to Discuss Repercussions if Bailout Effort Fails
University of New Hampshire

Michael Goldberg, associate professor of economics at the University of New Hampshire Whittemore School of Business and Economics, is available to speak with journalists about the economic repercussions if the current bailout effort fails.

Released: 25-Sep-2008 8:55 AM EDT
Leading Finance and Real Estate Experts at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business
University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business

The Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley can provide leading experts in the field of real estate, banking, finance, and the economy to address the news unfolding around the financial market turmoil and troubled US housing market.

Released: 24-Sep-2008 4:45 PM EDT
Economist's Model Forecasted Current Economic Slowdown One Year In Advance
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

An economist at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute says that a model he developed forecasted the current economic slowdown at least one year before it became apparent to most observers. The model, which was first published in the Journal of Finance in June 1991, has successfully predicted every recession since 1955.

Released: 24-Sep-2008 3:50 PM EDT
Bailouts: Better Regulatory Infrastructure, Clear Budgeting Rules Needed
Washington University in St. Louis

"It is troubling that weighty bailout decisions are being made on an ad hoc basis behind closed doors," says Cheryl Block, leading federal budget expert and professor of law. "These decisions potentially involve not only substantial amounts of taxpayer money, but they also involve employment decisions regarding management of major business enterprises."

Released: 24-Sep-2008 11:50 AM EDT
Seven Habits (To Break) Of Highly Effective People
Saint Louis University Medical Center

During tough financial times, many people try to demonstrate their value at work by working harder and longer. But, if you don't also make time to take care of yourself, success may come at a hefty cost: your health. Dr. George Griffing, Saint Louis University professor of internal medicine, offers the seven worst habits of workaholics.

Released: 23-Sep-2008 1:40 PM EDT
Experts: How to Raise Resilient Children in Tough Times
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Explaining the loss of a home or job to young children can be difficult for parents. However, even during tough economic times, families can take steps to develop resilience, the coping mechanism needed to recover from life's challenges, say University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) education professors Lynn Kirkland, Ed.D., and Janice Patterson, Ph.D.

Released: 17-Sep-2008 2:55 PM EDT
Network Approach May Be the Answer to Understanding Financial ‘Contagion’
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

University of Arkansas economists find that a network approach to the study of financial "contagion" "“ the transmission and impact of financial crises "“ may be applied to understand the current turmoil in the U.S. banking sector and the need for a system-wide response by the Fed.

Released: 16-Sep-2008 12:40 PM EDT
Banking Expert Available to Discuss Shakeup of Major Financial Institutions
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Banking expert Tim Yeager, associate professor of finance at the University of Arkansas and former economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, is available to answer questions about the ongoing crisis at major U.S. financial institutions.

Released: 16-Sep-2008 10:00 AM EDT
Workplace Aggression Expert Available to Discuss Employee Layoffs
University of New Hampshire

Paul Harvey, assistant professor of management at the University of New Hampshire, is available to discuss the intricacies of laying off employees. According to Harvey, although there really is no good way to tell someone they are being laid off, employers should tailor the bad news in a way that minimizes the likelihood of an extremely bad reaction.

Released: 16-Sep-2008 9:00 AM EDT
After The Weekend That Wracked Wall Street, Think Big About Small Says Financial Author
Business School of Happiness

The recent collapse of three major financial institutions"”Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, and Merrill Lynch"”has left Wall Street reeling, and no one knows when the bloodletting will come to an end. While investors are duly concerned about the future financial landscape, opportunities for growth still exist.

Released: 16-Sep-2008 9:00 AM EDT
Economist Warns Future Generations May Be Worse Off Than Past
University of New Hampshire

For the first time in America's recent history, future generations may be worse off economically than their parents, warns economist Ross Gittell at the University of New Hampshire.

Released: 15-Sep-2008 11:30 AM EDT
Too Bad Greenspan Wasn't So Blunt in Office, Says Historian
University of Maryland, College Park

"The situation we face in financial markets today was largely the creation of a Federal Reserve under Alan Greenspan's long tenure," says University of Maryland business and economic historian David Sicilia. "It's a shame he wasn't as forthright then as he is now as a prominent private citizen." Sicilia calls the current credit crisis "the worst in postwar history."

Released: 10-Sep-2008 4:35 PM EDT
Fannie, Freddie and Me
Washington University in St. Louis

Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Ph.D., assistant professor of finance at Washington University in St. Louis, comments on the mortgage giants' federal bailout and the impact on taxpayers, shareholders, the mortgage market and the confidence of the American people.

Released: 10-Sep-2008 7:00 AM EDT
Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae Take-Over Will Lead to Active Prime Market
Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University

A finance expert in the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University predicts an active prime market after the take-over of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae by the government.

Released: 3-Sep-2008 3:20 PM EDT
Top Five Tips for Dealing with the Emotional Cost of Foreclosure
Menninger Clinic

Realty experts are saying that more than $200 billion in adjustable rate mortgages are scheduled to reset during the second half of 2008. Many Americans could soon be facing the harsh reality of foreclosure. Edythe Harvey, MD, a psychiatrist at The Menninger Clinic in Houston, offers tip on how to deal with the emotional side of foreclosure.

Released: 26-Aug-2008 2:45 PM EDT
Child Poverty High in Rural America
University of New Hampshire

New data indicate that 22 percent of rural children are living in poverty. The new report, based on U.S. Census Bureau data released today, finds that on average, rates of child poverty are persistently higher in rural parts of the country relative to suburban areas and share similar rates with many central cities.

Released: 25-Aug-2008 3:25 PM EDT
Consumers Can Predict Inflation as Well as Professional Economists
Kansas State University

Research by a Kansas State University professor shows that household surveys predict the inflation rate fairly accurately and as well as professional economists. The pros employ statistics like the unemployment rate, money supply growth and exchange rate changes. Consumers are more likely to think about how much they spent at the grocery store that week.

Released: 18-Aug-2008 7:00 AM EDT
The Do’s and Don’ts of Laying Off Employees
University of New Hampshire

As the economic downturn forces more companies to lay off workers, a workplace aggression expert at the University of New Hampshire cautions employers about what to do and not do when breaking bad news to employees.

Released: 13-Aug-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Carsey Institute: Urban, Rural Children Experience Similar Rates of Low Income and Poverty
University of New Hampshire

The rates of children living in low-income families are similar in both rural areas and central cities, a new report from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire finds. Nearly one-half of all children living in rural areas and in central cities lived in a low-income family.

Released: 28-Jul-2008 10:25 AM EDT
Food Prices Growing, Here's How Consumers Can Cope
Saint Joseph's University

The current economy is putting a strain on everybody's pocketbook and food is no exception. You don't need to watch the evening news to know that food prices are rising faster than the average; just walk down the supermarket aisle. John Stanton, Ph.D., chair of food marketing at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, offers ten things you can do to reduce the cost of your food bill while still eating well and not taking too much time.

Released: 23-Jul-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Iowa Law Professor Offers Changes to Improve World Bank Accountability
University of Iowa

A University of Iowa international development expert is proposing a new method of holding the World Bank accountable when its development projects damage communities in developing countries.

Released: 23-Jul-2008 11:00 AM EDT
Study Predicts Crop-production Costs Will Jump Dramatically in 2009
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Soaring energy prices will yield sharp increases for corn and soybean production next year, cutting into farmers' profits and stretching already high food costs, according to a new University of Illinois study.

Released: 16-Jul-2008 12:30 PM EDT
Depressed Housing Market Demands Change in Lead Generation Techniques
Baylor University

A down housing market calls on real estate agents to change their tactics, according to Dr. Chris Pullig, Director of the Keller Center for Residential Real Estate Sales & Marketing at Baylor University's Hankamer School of Business. His recent study of lead conversion rates revealed that varying market conditions call for different approaches to lead generation.

Released: 16-Jul-2008 9:00 AM EDT
New Carsey Institute Report Finds Four Distinct Rural Americas
University of New Hampshire

A new report from the Carsey Institute, based on a comprehensive survey of 8,000 Americans from 19 rural counties, identifies four distinct, often disparate, rural Americas. The data-rich report presents a complex picture of the economics, demographics, politics, and values of people in rural America.

7-Jul-2008 8:30 AM EDT
Members of Consumer-driven Health Plans Choosing Less Care
University of Oregon

Consumer-driven health plans (CDHP) -- hailed since their inception in 2000 as a tool to help control costs -- are resulting in members forgoing care and discontinuing drugs to treat chronic medical problems, according to two newly published studies.

