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4-May-2020 3:10 PM EDT
UAH boosts search for COVID-19 drugs using HPE Cray Sentinel supercomputer
University of Alabama Huntsville

University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) professor of biological science Dr. Jerome Baudry is collaborating with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) to use HPE’s Cray Sentinel supercomputer to search for natural products that are effective against the COVID-19 virus.

Released: 5-May-2020 9:40 AM EDT
Researchers Explore Quantum Computing to Discover Possible COVID-19 treatments
Penn State College of Engineering

Quantum machine learning, an emerging field that combines machine learning and quantum physics, is the focus of research to discover possible treatments for COVID-19, according to Penn State researchers led by Swaroop Ghosh, the Joseph R. and Janice M. Monkowski Career Development Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering. The researchers believe that this method could be faster and more economical than the current methods used for drug discovery.

Released: 29-Apr-2020 12:50 PM EDT
Major Upgrades of Particle Detectors and Electronics Prepare CERN Experiment to Stream a Data Tsunami
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

For an experiment that will generate big data at unprecedented rates, physicists led design, development, mass production and delivery of an upgrade of novel particle detectors and state-of-the art electronics.

Released: 27-Apr-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Fighting COVID with computing: Fermilab, Brookhaven, Open Science Grid dedicate computational power to COVID-19 research
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)

Scientists and engineers at Fermilab and Brookhaven are uniting with other organizations in the Open Science Grid to help fight COVID-19 by dedicating considerable computational power to researchers studying how they can help combat the virus-borne disease.

Released: 24-Apr-2020 10:45 AM EDT
Advanced software framework expedites quantum-classical programming
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

An ORNL team developed the XACC software framework to help researchers harness the potential power of quantum processing units, or QPUs. XACC offloads portions of quantum-classical computing workloads from the host CPU to an attached quantum accelerator, which calculates results and sends them back to the original system.

Released: 23-Apr-2020 3:05 PM EDT
Meet the Director: Michael E. Papka
Department of Energy, Office of Science

This is a continuing profile series on the directors of the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facilities. Michael E. Papka is the director of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility.

Released: 21-Apr-2020 11:05 AM EDT
Upgrades for LLNL supercomputer from AMD, Penguin Computing aid COVID-19 research
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

To assist in the COVID-19 research effort, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Penguin Computing and AMD have reached an agreement to upgrade the Lab’s unclassified, Penguin Computing-built Corona high performance computing (HPC) cluster with an in-kind contribution of cutting-edge AMD Instinct™ accelerators, expected to nearly double the peak performance of the machine.

Released: 20-Apr-2020 10:10 AM EDT
Mitch Allmond: Shaping a better fundamental understanding of matter
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Profiled is Mitch Allmond of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, who conducts experiments and uses theoretical models to advance our understanding of the structure of atomic nuclei.

Released: 17-Apr-2020 4:15 PM EDT
UC San Diego Researchers Optimize Microbiome Tool for Computer GPUs
University of California San Diego

University of California San Diego researchers have ported the popular UniFrac microbiome tool to graphic processing units (GPUs) in a bid to increase the acceleration and accuracy of scientific discovery, including urgently needed COVID-19 research.

Released: 15-Apr-2020 4:55 PM EDT
U.S. Department of Energy’s INCITE program seeks proposals for 2021
Argonne National Laboratory

The INCITE program is now seeking proposals for high-impact, computationally intensive research projects that require the power and scale of DOE’s leadership-class supercomputers.

Released: 15-Apr-2020 3:30 PM EDT
ORNL is in the fight against COVID-19
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

In the race to identify solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory are joining the fight by applying expertise in computational science, advanced manufacturing, data science and neutron science.

15-Apr-2020 2:35 PM EDT
Researchers Develop Potential COVID-19 Protease Inhibitors
University of California San Diego

Researchers at UC San Diego recently created a pharmacophore model and conducted data mining of the conformational database of FDA-approved drugs that identifies 64 compounds as potential inhibitors of the COVID-19 protease. Among the selected compounds are two HIV protease inhibitors, two hepatitis C protease inhibitors, and three drugs that have already shown positive results in testing with COVID-19.

Released: 10-Apr-2020 8:05 PM EDT
US approaching peak of ‘active’ COVID-19 cases, strain on medical resources, new modeling shows
University of Washington

A new data-driven mathematical model of the coronavirus pandemic predicts that the United States will peak in the number of “active” COVID-19 cases on or around April 20, marking a critical milestone on the demand for medical resources.

Released: 10-Apr-2020 8:15 AM EDT
South Africa’s National Integrated Cyberinfrastructure System joins Los Alamos’ Efficient Mission Centric Computing Consortium
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Efficient Mission Centric Computing Consortium (EMC3) recently welcomed its first international partner, the South African National Integrated Cyberinfrastructure System (NICIS).

Released: 9-Apr-2020 11:05 AM EDT
UTEP School of Pharmacy Developing COVID-19 Vaccine, Drug Treatments Using Supercomputing
University of Texas at El Paso

Research is underway at The University of Texas at El Paso’s School of Pharmacy to develop vaccines and antiviral drugs to combat the novel coronavirus within 15 months to two years.

Released: 8-Apr-2020 5:35 PM EDT
SDSC’s Comet Supercomputer, TSCC Available for COVID-19 Research
University of California San Diego

The San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California San Diego is providing priority access to its high-performance computer systems and other resources to researchers advancing our understanding of the virus and efforts to develop an effective vaccine in as short a time as possible.

Released: 7-Apr-2020 5:10 PM EDT
Supercomputers Assist International Engineering Team on Wave Energy Project
University of California San Diego

Researchers at Sand Diego State University and the Polytechnic University of Turin in Italy used supercomputer simulations to study how ocean wave energy converters can harness energy and turn it into into electricity, offering the potential to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

Released: 7-Apr-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Working on Computational Models to Design Ways to Treat COVID-19
Brookhaven National Laboratory

A team of Stony Brook University (SBU) researchers is working on computer models that could help speed the discovery of drugs to combat the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. They are doing this work in collaboration with scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory, and will be leveraging those laboratories’ computational resources and expertise.

Released: 6-Apr-2020 12:15 PM EDT
IMSA High School Internship advances DUNE project and showcases unexplored potential of physics
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory’s Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) High School Internship Program has this year’s exceptionally bright high school students working on the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE)’s world-changing research.

Released: 2-Apr-2020 5:00 PM EDT
Preparing for exascale: Eliminating disruptions on the path to sustainable fusion energy
Argonne National Laboratory

With the world’s most powerful path-to-exascale supercomputing resources at their disposal, William Tang and colleagues are combining computer muscle and AI to eliminate disruption of fusion reactions in the production of sustainable clean energy.
