Feature Channels: LGBTQ Issues

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Released: 25-Jun-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Sociologists Available to Discuss Same-Sex Marriage
American Sociological Association (ASA)

With the Supreme Court of the United States expected to rule imminently in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, which addresses the matter of marriage equality and the constitutional status of state bans on same-sex marriage, the American Sociological Association (ASA) has a number of sociologists available to discuss same-sex marriage.

Released: 10-Jun-2015 11:00 AM EDT
Texas Tech Researcher Publishes Study of Reasons Behind Alcohol Abuse in Non-Heterosexual Women
Texas Tech University

Non-heterosexual women who feel a disconnect between who they are attracted to and how they identify themselves may have a higher risk of alcohol abuse, according to a new study led by Amelia E. Talley, an assistant professor in Texas Tech University’s Department of Psychological Sciences.

Released: 1-Jun-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Political Science Study Debunks Idea of Public Opinion Backlash
University of California, Irvine

Does putting same-sex marriage in the public spotlight impede future policy gains for gay and lesbian couples? A new study says no, contrary to previous research on the topic.

Released: 1-Jun-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Study Explores Reasons Behind Alcohol Abuse in Non-Heterosexual Women
American Sociological Association (ASA)

Non-heterosexual women who feel a disconnect between who they are attracted to and how they identify themselves may have a higher risk of alcohol abuse, according to a new study.

Released: 20-May-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Negative Findings for Children of Gay Parents Don't Hold Up to Scrutiny
Indiana University

A 2012 study has been widely cited to argue that lesbians and gay men don’t make good parents. Now researchers have reanalyzed the same data and reached a very different conclusion.

Released: 19-May-2015 6:05 PM EDT
Twitter 'Big Data' Could Provide Valuable Details About Transgender Individuals’ Health and Social Needs
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

Researchers and public health officials have looked for ways to better understand the health concerns of transgender populations, so social "big data" technologies like Twitter offer an untapped rich source of information that they can use for the benefit of these communities

Released: 14-May-2015 7:05 AM EDT
Empathy Is Related to Sexual Orientation
University of Haifa

The study, led by Professor Simone Shamay-Tsoory of the University of Haifa found that, in addition to gender, differences in empathy between people is related to sexual preference and, therefore, this orientation is important when assessing differences in empathy among people

Released: 12-May-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity Linked to Eating Disorders
Washington University in St. Louis

Transgender and non-transgender lesbian, gay and bisexual students are at greater risk for eating disorders, finds a new study from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The study used data from the American College Health Association–National College Health Assessment, a survey of 289,024 students from 223 U.S. universities. Researchers found that the rates of self-reported eating disorders were highest in transgender people. Heterosexual men had the lowest rates.

