Curated News: Cell (journal)

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Released: 28-Aug-2019 3:05 PM EDT
Signal blocks stem cell division in the geriatric brain
University of Basel

Scientists from Basel have investigated the activity of stem cells in the brain of mice and discovered a key mechanism that controls cell proliferation.

Released: 22-Aug-2019 11:00 AM EDT
Ludwig Study Identifies an Achilles Heel of Many Types of Cancer
Ludwig Cancer Research

A Ludwig Cancer Research study has uncovered a novel vulnerability in tumors that are driven by a common cancer gene known as MYC. Such cancers, it found, are highly dependent on the cell’s machinery for making fats and other lipids.

15-Aug-2019 10:30 AM EDT
Mount Sinai Researchers Discover That Fasting Reduces Inflammation and Improves Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Mount Sinai Health System

New research is showing the profound benefits—for longevity and fighting disease—of intermittent fasting

Released: 20-Aug-2019 2:35 PM EDT
What Drives Inflammation in Type 2 Diabetes? Not Glucose, Says New Research
University of Kentucky

Research led by Barbara Nikolajczyk, Ph.D., disproved the conventional wisdom that glucose was the primary driver of chronic inflammation in type 2 diabetes. The data might change opinion of tight glycemic control as the optimal strategy for type 2 diabetes management.

19-Aug-2019 8:50 AM EDT
Helping Skin Cells Differentiate Could Be Key to Treating Common Skin Cancer
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

A new study from Penn researchers has identified a key regulator of a process that controls skin regeneration, which can control whether cells turn into a common skin cancer.

14-Aug-2019 9:00 AM EDT
Profiling the stem-cell characters in the story of stomach lining renewal
Institute of Molecular Biotechnology

Using an unbiased labelling technique, mathematical modelling, and single cell profiling to trace the footsteps of stem cells and their daughters, researchers at the University of Cambridge (UK), DGIST (S.Korea), and IMBA (Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) have confirmed that two populations of adult stem cells with distinct roles and characteristics reside in the glands of the stomach.

Released: 14-Aug-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Scientists Find Powerful Potential Weapon to Overcome Antibiotic Resistance
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are a major cause of serious infections that often persist despite antibiotic treatment, but scientists at the UNC School of Medicine have now discovered a way to make these bacteria much more susceptible to some common antibiotics.

12-Aug-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Microbial Fingerprinting
Harvard Medical School

Scientists have analyzed the genetic repertoire of bacteria in the human mouth and gut The effort marks the first chapter in efforts to compile a compendium of all genes in the human microbiome Mapping the microbial genome can reveal links between bacterial genes and disease risk and could inform the development of precision therapies Analysis reveals staggering person-to-person variation in microbial gene content Unique microbial genes, specific to each person, have functions distinct from common, or shared, genes Unique genes may act as a microbe’s evolutionary organ Researchers have made the data publicly accessible at The Universe of Microbial Genes

Released: 14-Aug-2019 9:00 AM EDT
Revealed: How our brain remembers the order of events
University of Warwick

For centuries understanding how the order of events is stored in memory has been a mystery. However, researchers from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick have worked out how the order of events in memory could be stored and later recalled in the hippocampal memory system in the brain.

9-Aug-2019 1:00 PM EDT
Preclinical Research Suggests Anti-Cancer Effect of Keto Diet
University of Texas at Dallas

It’s well known that keeping blood glucose levels in check can help individuals avoid or manage diabetes, but new research led by biologists at The University of Texas at Dallas suggests that restricting blood glucose levels might also keep certain cancers at bay.

Released: 12-Aug-2019 8:00 AM EDT
More Than Just Jaundice: Mouse Study Shows Bilirubin May Protect The Brain
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In studies in mice, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers report they have found that bilirubin, a bile pigment most commonly known for yellowing the skin of people with jaundice, may play an unexpected role in protecting brain cells from damage from oxidative stress.

6-Aug-2019 2:15 PM EDT
Bacteria on Tumors Influences Immune Response and Survival of Patients with Pancreatic Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

MD Anderson researchers find tumor microbiome influences immune response and patient survival in pancreatic cancer. Study points to fecal transplant as possible treatment.

7-Aug-2019 2:00 PM EDT
Balance of “Stop” and “Go” Signaling Could Be Key to Cancer Immunotherapy Response
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

A crucial signaling pathway that can tell the immune system to fight off cancer can also be co-opted by cancer cells to put the brakes on the immune system.

7-Aug-2019 4:05 PM EDT
Study identifies 69 genes that increase the risk for autism
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

A research team has identified dozens of genes, including 16 new genes that increase the risk of autism spectrum disorder.

8-Aug-2019 6:05 AM EDT
Upcycling of proteins protects DNA from parasites
Institute of Molecular Biotechnology

Researchers at IMBA - Institute for Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences – describe “adaptive radiation” of RNA export proteins. Their findings show how a small RNA pathway utilizes and re-purposes preexisting building blocks in the cell to protect genome integrity.

Released: 8-Aug-2019 10:05 AM EDT
A New Pathway: Researchers Identify Potential Treatment Target for Crohn’s Disease
Case Western Reserve University

There is no cure for the more than 1.6 million people in the United States living with Crohn’s disease (CD) and its symptoms, including abdominal pain, intestinal distress and severe weight-loss. CD is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in which the body’s own immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract, and treatment is focused on controlling the symptoms of the disease in its acute phase and managing it in remission. But recently, researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine identified a pathway in the immune system activated in CD and which holds promise for investigating new treatments.

Released: 6-Aug-2019 12:15 PM EDT
UCLA Study Links Progenitor Cells to Age-Related Prostate Growth
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

The prostates of older mice contain more luminal progenitor cells — cells capable of generating new prostate tissue — than the prostates of younger mice, UCLA researchers have discovered.

30-Jul-2019 11:00 AM EDT
Pitt First to Grow Genetically Engineered Mini Livers in the Lab to Study Disease and Therapies
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

In a proof-of-concept paper, Pitt researchers chronicle how they transformed genetically engineered human cells into functional, 3D liver tissue that mimics non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) – a condition involving fat buildup in the liver, which can lead to cirrhosis or even liver failure.

Released: 25-Jul-2019 5:35 PM EDT
Researchers discover the science behind giving up
UW Medicine

What happens when we give up? Inside the brain, a group of cells known as nociceptin neurons get very active before a mouse's breakpoint. They emit nociceptin, a complex molecule that suppresses dopamine, a chemical largely associated with motivation.

18-Jul-2019 2:00 PM EDT
Pain and Gain: Skin Nerves Anticipate and Fight Infection, Pitt Research Finds
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

A surprising new discovery in mouse models reveals a previously unknown role for pain in immunity and has implications for treating autoimmune diseases
