Latest News from: University of Illinois Chicago

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Released: 9-May-2017 1:05 PM EDT
Seniors Who Live with Their Abusers Often Suffer Recurrent Abuse
University of Illinois Chicago

Older adults who have been hospitalized for injuries from an assault are more likely to experience subsequent physical abuse if they are female, widowed, diagnosed with dementia, or return home to live with the perpetrator, according to a new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Released: 8-May-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Poor Overall Environmental Quality Linked to Elevated Cancer Rates
University of Illinois Chicago

Nationwide, counties with the poorest quality across five domains – air, water, land, the built environment and sociodemographic – had the highest incidence of cancer, according to a new study published in the journal Cancer.

Released: 2-May-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Can You Feast While Dieting?
University of Illinois Chicago

Alternate-day fasting diets are just as effective as diets that restrict calories every day, researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago report. The study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, followed 100 obese adults for a year.

Released: 2-May-2017 11:05 AM EDT
$8 Million Grant to Reduce Tobacco Use in High-Use Countries
University of Illinois Chicago

Bloomberg Philanthropies has awarded the University of Illinois at Chicago $8 million to accelerate the development of effective tobacco tax systems in low- and middle-income countries. UIC will use the funding to engage with policy-makers in countries with the highest and fastest-growing rates of tobacco use, including Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan and others.

Released: 28-Apr-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Study Examines State of Social, Personality Psychology Research
University of Illinois Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago researchers conducted two studies to examine the state and quality of social and personality research and how practices have changed, if at all.

Released: 28-Apr-2017 12:05 PM EDT
UIC Medical Education Leader Receives Ellis Island Award
University of Illinois Chicago

Ara Tekian, professor and associate dean of international education at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, will receive the Ellis Island Medal of Honor at a ceremony in New York.

Released: 27-Apr-2017 12:05 PM EDT
UIC Innovation Center Sparks Academic-Business Partnerships
University of Illinois Chicago

UIC's Innovation Center has generated more than $2.6 million in revenue working with corporations including Caterpillar Inc.

Released: 26-Apr-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Youth Binge Drinking, Cardiovascular Disease Possibly Linked
University of Illinois Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago researchers are conducting a study to determine whether binge drinking is related to cardiovascular disease in young adults who are not predisposed to the condition.

Released: 25-Apr-2017 3:05 PM EDT
Legendary Chicago Restaurant Remembered in UIC Archives
University of Illinois Chicago

90 years of Blackhawk Restaurant remembered at UIC

Released: 25-Apr-2017 9:05 AM EDT
Political Left, Right Similarly Motivated to Avoid Rival Views
University of Illinois Chicago

A new report from social psychologists at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Winnipeg suggests people on both sides of the political aisle are similarly motivated to dismiss monetary enticements in order to distance themselves from hearing or reading opposing ideals and information.

Released: 20-Apr-2017 3:05 PM EDT
Summit to Examine Issues Confronting Great Lakes
University of Illinois Chicago

"Untrouble the Waters" features Great Lakes mayors, environmental advocates and community leaders who will address critical issues impacting the Great Lakes region.

17-Apr-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Naked Mole-Rats Turn Into Plants When Oxygen Is Low
University of Illinois Chicago

Deprived of oxygen, naked mole-rats can survive by metabolizing fructose just as plants do, researchers report this week in the journal Science – a finding that could lead to treatments for heart attacks and strokes.

Released: 18-Apr-2017 3:00 PM EDT
Poor Sleep in Anxiety, Depression May Make It Harder to See Positive
University of Illinois Chicago

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine have found that an area of the brain, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, may have to work harder to modify negative emotional responses in people with poor sleep who have depression or anxiety.

Released: 10-Apr-2017 8:05 AM EDT
Turning Skin Cells Into Blood Vessel Cells While Keeping Them Young
University of Illinois Chicago

Researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago have identified a molecular switch that converts skin cells into cells that make up blood vessels, which could ultimately be used to repair damaged vessels in patients with heart disease or to engineer new vasculature in the lab.

Released: 5-Apr-2017 2:05 PM EDT
‘Open Engagement’ Conference Highlights Art, Social Justice
University of Illinois Chicago

The University of Illinois at Chicago is co-sponsoring "Open Engagement 2017 - Justice" conference.

Released: 3-Apr-2017 12:05 PM EDT
New Book Spotlights Health Disparities for South Asian Americans
University of Illinois Chicago

Dr. Memoona Hasnain, professor of family medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is the lead editor of a new book about the health of South Asian Americans.

Released: 31-Mar-2017 4:05 PM EDT
Symposium Explores Healing Remedies by Black Communities
University of Illinois Chicago

Scholars, Activists explore strategies that black, brown communities use to sustain and heal.

Released: 27-Mar-2017 5:05 PM EDT
Panel to Discuss Civil Rights Issues for Threatened Groups
University of Illinois Chicago

Second panel to discuss Civil Rights Issues.

Released: 20-Mar-2017 1:05 PM EDT
First Patient Cured of Rare Blood Disorder
University of Illinois Chicago

Using a technique that avoids the use of high-dose chemotherapy and radiation in preparation for a stem cell transplant, physicians at the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System have documented the first cure of an adult patient with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia.

Released: 20-Mar-2017 12:05 PM EDT
A Pocket-Sized Retina Camera, No Dilating Required
University of Illinois Chicago

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine and Massachusetts Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School have developed a cheap, portable camera that can photograph the retina without the need for pupil-dilating eye drops.

Released: 14-Mar-2017 12:05 PM EDT
The African-American Females of Chicago’s Great Migration
University of Illinois Chicago

How Chicago’s Great Migration affected African-American girls is the subject of the book “South Side Girls” and a discussion at UIC.

Released: 13-Mar-2017 8:00 AM EDT
Exchange Program Expands Asian Partnerships
University of Illinois Chicago

Students in the College of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago now have the option of traveling to Vietnam, which was added last year to the list of more than 40 study abroad countries by the UIC Exchange Program.

Released: 9-Mar-2017 12:05 PM EST
Med Students Meet Their Match on National Match Day
University of Illinois Chicago

On Match Day, 172 fourth-year medical students at the University of Illinois at Chicago will learn where they have been accepted for residency training. The UIC College of Medicine graduates more physicians than any other medical school in the U.S. and has educated 60 percent of Illinois’ minority physicians.

Released: 6-Mar-2017 3:05 PM EST
Spring Art Exhibit to Focus on the Meaning of Sanctuary
University of Illinois Chicago

UIC art exhibit looks into what the word Sanctuary means in the current political climate.

Released: 6-Mar-2017 2:05 PM EST
Bubble-Recoil Could Be Used to Cool Microchips, Even in Space
University of Illinois Chicago

UIC researchers have shown, under funding from NASA, that the tiny recoil force of bubbles leaving a heated surface can be harnessed to mix liquid coolant around high-power microelectronics -- in space or on Earth.

Released: 3-Mar-2017 5:05 PM EST
Mexican-Puerto Rican Population in Chicago Examined
University of Illinois Chicago

Presentation to discuss Mexican-Puerto Rican population.

Released: 1-Mar-2017 3:05 PM EST
Scientists Stimulate Immune System, Stop Cancer Growth
University of Illinois Chicago

A chemical found in tumors may help stop tumor growth, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago report that increasing expression of a chemical cytokine called LIGHT in mice with colon cancer activated the immune system’s T-cells and caused primary tumors and metastatic tumors in the liver to shrink.

Released: 1-Mar-2017 3:05 PM EST
Ovarian Cancer Target Molecule May Be Key to Blocking Its Spread
University of Illinois Chicago

Blocking a protein found on the surface of ovarian cancer cells could prevent or reduce the spread of the disease to other organs, according to new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Released: 1-Mar-2017 2:05 PM EST
Panel Discussion, Concert to Focus on Jewish-Muslim Issues
University of Illinois Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago panel and concert to showcase works of Muslim-American, Jewish composers.

Released: 24-Feb-2017 6:05 PM EST
Wind Ensemble’s Fast-Paced Concert to Present World Premieres
University of Illinois Chicago

The University of Illinois at Chicago Wind Ensemble to perform.

Released: 23-Feb-2017 3:05 PM EST
New Mobile App Helps Families, Individuals Cope with Dementia
University of Illinois Chicago

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing have developed a free mobile app for individuals suffering from dementia, their families and caregivers, as a way to improve the quality-of-life, well-being and knowledge of the disease that affects nearly 48 million people worldwide.

Released: 22-Feb-2017 1:05 PM EST
Professor’s Lucky Find of 16th-Century Book Becomes UIC’s Treasure
University of Illinois Chicago

The 1568 Italian book, “Le vite de’ più eccellenti pittori, scultori, e architettori da Cimabue insino a’ tempi nostri” (“Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects from Cimabue to Our Times”) donated to UIC.

Released: 21-Feb-2017 6:05 PM EST
Study Examines the Risky Business of International Alliances and Acquisitions
University of Illinois Chicago

A new study at the University of Illinois at Chicago examines the influence “country risks” have on U.S. firms’ choices to expand abroad.

Released: 17-Feb-2017 4:05 PM EST
Discussions to Improve Knowledge of Civil Rights Issues
University of Illinois Chicago

Panels do discuss Civil Liberties on UIC campus

Released: 13-Feb-2017 12:05 PM EST
Gluten-Free Diet May Increase Risk of Arsenic, Mercury Exposure
University of Illinois Chicago

People who eat a gluten-free diet may be at risk for increased exposure to arsenic and mercury – toxic metals that can lead to cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurological effects, according to a report in the journal Epidemiology.

Released: 9-Feb-2017 12:05 PM EST
Going Bald for Cancer Research
University of Illinois Chicago

Children’s Hospital University of Illinois will host an annual head-shaving event to raise money for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. Staff, physicians and families of children with cancer volunteer each year to have their heads shaved in support childhood cancer research and fellowships.

Released: 8-Feb-2017 4:05 PM EST
Panel to Examine Media's Role in Racial, Political Discourse
University of Illinois Chicago

The University of Illinois at Chicago's African American studies department will present "The Press, Race, and Contemporary Politics," a panel discussion addressing the role of news media in debates about race and politics.

Released: 7-Feb-2017 4:05 PM EST
Teachers May Be Cause of 'Obesity Penalty' on Girls' Grades
University of Illinois Chicago

While obesity is often thought of as a health problem, a new study by a University of Illinois at Chicago sociologist suggests that discrimination by body weight may be the more important factor for obese white female students' lower success in school.

Released: 7-Feb-2017 4:05 PM EST
CSO Presentation of ‘Ivan the Terrible’ to Feature UIC Faculty
University of Illinois Chicago

Faculty from the University of Illinois at Chicago, will be performing with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in “Ivan the Terrible.”

Released: 3-Feb-2017 4:05 PM EST
Architecture Competition Aims to Revitalize South Chicago
University of Illinois Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago students are involved in a competition to come up with plans to revitalize the South Chicago neighborhood.

Released: 30-Jan-2017 11:05 AM EST
Black History Month at UIC
University of Illinois Chicago

The University of Illinois at Chicago celebrates Black History Month with kick off by Issa Rae.

Released: 25-Jan-2017 4:55 PM EST
UIC Shakes Up ‘Glengarry Glen Ross’ Play with Female Casting
University of Illinois Chicago

UIC School of Theatre presents Glengarry Glen Ross with female cast.

Released: 24-Jan-2017 1:05 PM EST
Brain Scan Before Antidepressant Therapy May Predict Response
University of Illinois Chicago

A functional MRI brain scan may help predict which patients will respond positively to antidepressant therapy, according to a new study published in the journal Brain.

Released: 24-Jan-2017 11:05 AM EST
School of Public Health Partners with Chicago Public Health Office
University of Illinois Chicago

On Jan. 25 the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and the Chicago Department of Public Health will launch a new progressive partnership aimed at improving public health in Chicago. Under a 10-year agreement, the two organizations will form the first academic health department, or AHD, in Illinois, in which decision making on many public health research, education and data-analysis projects is shared.

Released: 20-Jan-2017 3:05 PM EST
App Improves Medication Adherence for Heart Stent Patients
University of Illinois Chicago

A tablet computer application helped heart patients with drug-eluting stents take their medications correctly, a study from the University of Illinois at Chicago has found. Researchers found that patients in the intervention group had a 10 percent higher medication possession ratio than patients in the control group.
