Life News (Popular Culture)

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Released: 19-Jan-2001 12:00 AM EST
Reality Shows Continue Because They Are Cheap, Easy to Produce
Ball State University

Don't expect reality shows like Temptation Island and Survivor to go away any time soon, says a Ball State University telecommunications professor.

Released: 13-Jan-2001 12:00 AM EST
Trivia Reigns: 50-Hour Minutia Marathon
Lawrence University

Part "Survivor," part "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," the 36th edition of Lawrence University's 50-hour tribute to all matters obscure and insignificant will challenge the mental dexterity and physical endurance of hundreds of players game enough to try.

Released: 23-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
'Scentsable' Holiday Health Tips
Washington State University

The holidays are here so make some "scentsable" choices to help get you through happy, healthy and stress free! Science has known for some time the power of the senses, said Janis Burke, a preceptor at the Washington State University.

Released: 8-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
God in Cinema-New Book Explores the Imagery
University of Arizona

Jessica Lange as angel? Sure, but Clint Eastwood? Audrey Hepburn as God? How about locations shots of Hell in Punxsutawney, Penn.? Who says God isn't a force in the cinema?

Released: 7-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
Woody Allen's Life and Art Examined in New Book
St. Lawrence University

Filmmaker Woody Allen's often tense relationships between art and life and audience and artist are examined in a new book by St. Lawrence University Professor of English.

Released: 5-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
John Lennon Expert
Westminster College of Salt Lake City

Need a John Lennon expert for his 20-year death date anniversary?

Released: 5-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
Holiday Customs Under Attack for Centuries
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

A quick holiday quiz: Name one ancient yet abiding Christmas tradition. If you answered "attacking the institution of Christmas," you would be right.

Released: 22-Nov-2000 12:00 AM EST
Psychological Tests Becoming Standard Football Practice
Steve Infanti Communications

Psychological tests are standard for many NFL teams and are a growing trend in college as well as high school sports and corporations.

Released: 7-Nov-2000 12:00 AM EST
Edmund Fitzgerald Tragedy Inspires Theater Production
Northern Michigan University

Playwright Shelley Russell's latest effort is Holdin' Our Own: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. The play opens at Northern Michigan University Nov. 8 -- two days before the 25th anniversary of the tragedy

Released: 27-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Livelier Balls in Major League Baseball
University of Rhode Island

A team of University of Rhode Island scientists has found that the cores of Major League baseballs from 1995 and 2000 bounce higher than ones from 1960s and 1970s and that they contain materials that could make them livelier.

Released: 24-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Noted Sports Broadcaster and Author Bob Costas to Headline Baseball Conference
Smith College

"Baseball's Future: Competitive Balance and Labor Relations" will bring together eight leading figures in sports economics, journalism and management to discuss ways to restore competition and avoid labor strife in America's pastime.

Released: 21-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Halloween: Exorcise, Carve Your Turnips, Make Flubber
Hamilton College

Halloween tip sheet from Hamilton College professors: Halloween is Not Satanic; Things That Go Bump in the Night; Turnip Jack-O-Lanterns?; Exorcism and the Movies; Thrills and Chills; Hamilton Students Provide Safe Trick-or-Treating for Local Children.

Released: 6-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Nominations Sought for 2001 BERNI Awards
Phillips Communications

BERNI Marketing & Design, seeks nominations for its annual BERNI awards for best consumer product packaging introduced in 2000. This year, a branding category has been added for naming, corporate identity, and website/e-commerce.

Released: 30-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Halloween, Changing with the Times
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Contrary to what many Americans assume, Madison Avenue may not be the only force pumping up the presence and popularity of Halloween in the United States.

Released: 28-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
33 Young Women to Change Their Worlds
Mount Holyoke College

Launching October 12, an innovative program, take the lead!, will empower 33 high school students from around the country to address social issues in their own communities.

Released: 21-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Track Athletes to Compete in Para Olympics in Sydney
University of Arizona

Two world-class track athletes are heading to Sydney to represent the United States. Both are undergraduate students at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

Released: 20-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Studying the National Pastime
Saint Joseph's University

Baseball has inspired poetry and drawn rhapsodic praise from some of the country's most gifted writers, but this semester a Saint Joseph's University's business professor is taking a more hardheaded look at America's pastime.

Released: 2-Aug-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Symbolism and the Presidential Campaign
Hamilton College

Experts report on: Harpers Weekly engraver Thomas Nast who created and popularized the elephant and the donkey over 125 years ago; relations between the president and Congress being altered by technology; the dynamics of race relations in politics and history.

Released: 21-Jul-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Purdue University Travel Experts
Purdue University

Four Purdue University experts are listed who can discuss various aspects of traveling: educational travel, vacation planning, traveling with kids, traveling with pets.

Released: 24-Jun-2000 12:00 AM EDT
The Tuba's Role in Film
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Without the tuba, we wouldn't have been scared of the water in "Jaws," or have sensed the looming threat of Jabba the Hutt in "Star Wars." An Arkansas musician tracks the tuba's role in making movie magic (TUBA Journal).

Released: 23-Jun-2000 12:00 AM EDT
July 4 Declare Your Independence from Unripe Watermelon
Purdue University

Consumers can improve their odds of topping off Independence Day with the perfect, dewy-sweet watermelon treat if they examine the fruit carefully before buying, says a Purdue University expert.

Released: 20-Jun-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Award-Winning Beach Patrol Guards Galveston Vacationers
Texas A&M University

Sure, they look good in their swimwear, and they can even be seen working out if you get to Texas Gulf beaches early enough, but the Galveston Beach Patrol emphasizes preventive lifeguarding over dramatic rescues.

Released: 9-Jun-2000 12:00 AM EDT
The Soul Sister Returns
Steve Infanti Communications

Grace Halsell was a white woman working as a speechwriter for President Lyndon Johnson, when she decided to leave her White House job and darkened her skin to live in segregated Mississippi and Harlem.

Released: 16-May-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Internet Increases Value of Used and Rare Books
Ohio University

E-commerce has raised the value of and market for used and rare books; online sales have increased the number of used books sold by an average of 12.5 percent, Ohio University researchers found.

Released: 15-May-2000 12:00 AM EDT
The Media's Impact on Public Perception of Mental Illness
Mental Health America

Drug addicts, alcoholics and criminals--that is how half of the American public report seeing people with mental illness portrayed in the entertainment media, according to a new survey by the National Mental Health Association. In addition, many see people with mental illness portrayed as violent, scary, dangerous, victims of crime, or sad and lonely. The findings were released at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting.

Released: 12-May-2000 12:00 AM EDT
USA Today Sets Pace for Newspaper Industry
Central Michigan University

The online version of USA TODAY has eclipsed its newspaper rivals' Web sites in three key measures -- size of audience, time spent at the site, and profitability -- according to the author of a new book about the national newspaper.

Released: 4-May-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Memorial Service for Barry Sherman May 5 at UGA
University of Georgia

A memorial service for Peabody Awards Director Barry L. Sherman, who died suddenly in Athens May 2, has been scheduled for 3 p.m. Friday, May 5, in Hodgson Hall of the Performing Arts Center on the University of Georgia campus.

Released: 3-May-2000 12:00 AM EDT
"Multi-Media Jesus" Coming to Hollywood
Hamilton College

A Hamilton College religious studies professor studies the portrayal of Jesus in films and is calling the CBS mini-series Jesus (May 14 and 17) "the most amazing and startling selling of Jesus by Hollywood that I have seen."

Released: 22-Apr-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Temple Tipsheet: 4-21-00
Temple University

1- Sports psychologist talks about the importance of team chemistry and whether the Philadelphia Flyers want Eric Lindros and Roger Neilson to return; 2- The Vietnam War profoundly affected pop culture, especially the depiction of war in film, says film studies prof.

Released: 13-Apr-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Marshmallow Peeps Collection Is Pride of UB Librarian
University at Buffalo

Easter is a special time for Kathleen Delaney because it is reminiscent of her first introduction to marshmallow Peeps; the University at Buffalo librarian and archivist has been collecting these marshmallow Easter treats for more than 25 years.

Released: 8-Apr-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Garbo Letters Reaffirm Country's Cult of Celebrity
Swarthmore College

Mercedes de Acosta, the poet and playwright who wrote of her affair with Greta Garbo, left the letters she received from the film star to Philadelphia's Rosenbach Museum and Library; now that the ten-year waiting period is almost over, two Swarthmore College English professors are eagerly awaiting their unsealing.

Released: 1-Apr-2000 12:00 AM EST
Roger Ebert's festival to feature films he thinks deserve ësecond lookí
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Judging by last year's turnout, Roger Ebert's upcoming -- and ironically named -- "Overlooked Film Festival" promises to be anything but overlooked.

Released: 21-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Gardening Experts
Purdue University

Six Purdue University experts can discuss various aspects of gardening and landscaping.

Released: 17-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Why We Love Entertainment Award Season
Halstead Communications

Entertainment awards help us to validate our own opinions, says an Agnes Scott College professor of theater; when our favorite movies, actors or television shows receive nominations, we know that experts have considered them among the best in the field.

Released: 7-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Difficulties in Communicating with Aliens
Hamilton College

Communicating with extraterrestrials will be more difficult to resolve than has been envisioned so far, says Hamilton College professor of anthropology Douglas Raybeck at CONTACT 2000 in Santa Clara, Calif., March 3-5.

Released: 2-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Soap-Opera Scripts Given to Library
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Scripts, story lines, photographs, bios, reference works and other memorabilia that document the television series "The Young and the Restless" are on display through March 20 in the University of Illinois Rare Book and Special Collections Library.

Released: 2-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Fitness, Sports Booms: Figments of Media's Imagination
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Were Americans on a fitness craze from Jane Fonda in the mid-1980s to "Just Do It" in the '90s? a University of Illinois sociologist says it never happened.

Released: 1-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
How to Fight Fast Food? Slow Food, of Course
Swarthmore College

The very adult members of Slow Food see the pervasiveness of American fast food as the enemy, and themselves as champions of meals as communal and social gatherings.

Released: 24-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Historical Account of Gangster Films
University of Michigan

A documentary on the rise of the American gangster during the first half of the 20th century and his enduring influence on American culture through Hollywood will air on The Learning Channel.

Released: 12-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Grisham Visit Combines Baseball and Books
Baylor University

Best-selling novelist John Grisham, a devout Baptist and baseball fan, will combine those passions when he visits Baylor University on Friday, Feb. 25.

Released: 11-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
History of Lingerie, in Brief
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Just in time for Valentine's Day, an Arkansas researcher offers a no-frills look at the history of lingerie.

Released: 8-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Top Ten Ways to Love Your Pet for Valentines
Washington State University

Top 10 healthy ways to show your pets the affection they deserve this Valentine's Day and every other day are offered by a team of animal experts and alumni from Washington State University's College of Veterinary Medicine.

Released: 5-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Buzz at Film Fest Will Come from the Stars
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

"Bee" movie lovers will have a honey of a time Sat., Feb. 26, at the 17th Annual Insect Fear Film Festival at the University of Illinois, where the focus for the entomological film extravaganza will be one of nature's most helpful but frequently feared creatures -- bees.

Released: 1-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Kissing Still Popular for Valentine's Day
Texas A&M University

Valentine's Day has become the traditional day to celebrate love by exchanging gifts and kisses.

Released: 1-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Valentine's Candy Can Mean Mounds of Pounds
Texas A&M University

For romance, candy can be dandy, but if you overdo it, the effort to remove those love handles can be anything but sweet.

Released: 20-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Giving Parody Films Due Respect
Ball State University

Among film genres, parody is probably the least appreciated, but a new book by a Ball State University professor gives the genre its due.

Released: 18-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
"Hound Dog": Top 20 Rock List
Ball State University

Elvis Presley sang the most historically significant rock song during the genre's first 20 years, says a Ball State University pop culture expert.

Released: 11-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 1-7-00
Temple University

1- Psychologist worries that game shows promote idea of getting something for nothing; 2- Philadelphia mayor can help fight obesity; 3- Warm temps won't hurt your trees and shrubs, says horticulture prof.

Released: 4-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Chess Team Wins 3rd National Championship
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)

A University of Maryland chess team claimed its third national chess championship in four years by beating the University of Toronto in the 1999 Pan-American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship.

Released: 23-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
BU Professors Predict Next 1,000 Years
Boston University

From where (and why) you'll shop online to how you'll connect to your computer, Boston University professors have a range of predictions for the new millennium.
