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    Newswise: Advancing Synthetic Ephedra-Type Alkaloids With a Two-Step Enzymatic Approach
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
    Advancing Synthetic Ephedra-Type Alkaloids With a Two-Step Enzymatic Approach
    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    The development of versatile and efficient biocatalysts for the synthesis of α-hydroxyketones and Ephedra-type alkaloids represents a significant advancement in synthetic biology and medicinal chemistry. In this study, researchers explore the potential of acetolactate synthase (AlsS) from Bacillus subtilis (BsAlsS) for the production of phenylacetylcarbinol (PAC) and its derivatives. Additionally, the study investigates the use of intermediate reductive amination enzymes (introduction of amine group using enzymes) for functionalizing α-hydroxyketones to generate synthetic Ephedra-type alkaloids.

    Newswise: The Medical Minute: Return to Play After Injury -- What Athletes and Families Should Know
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
    The Medical Minute: Return to Play After Injury -- What Athletes and Families Should Know
    Penn State Health

    They aren’t pros ― yet. But they’re even more vulnerable to injury. Four Penn State Health experts discuss common sports injuries among child athletes and what you can do to prevent them.

    Newswise: Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization for Hardware-Aware Neural Network Pruning
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
    Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization for Hardware-Aware Neural Network Pruning
    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    This paper frames hardware-aware neural network pruning as a multi-objective optimization problem and introduces HAMP, a memetic Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) that optimizes both accuracy and hardware efficiency through portfolio-based selection and surrogate-assisted local search.

    Newswise: U.S. Department of Defense Awards Pitt $100M to Continue Transformative Trauma Trials
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
    U.S. Department of Defense Awards Pitt $100M to Continue Transformative Trauma Trials
    University of Pittsburgh

    The University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences has been awarded approximately $100 million from the U.S. Department of Defense to continue a clinical research program that is advancing trauma care.

    Newswise: Breakthrough in Biofuel Production: Rhodococcus Strain N1-S Transforms Succinic Acid Production
    Release date: 25-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
    Breakthrough in Biofuel Production: Rhodococcus Strain N1-S Transforms Succinic Acid Production
    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Researchers from China have achieved a breakthrough in biofuel production with the development of Rhodococcus aetherivorans strain N1, a new species, and its enhanced variant, N1-S. The study highlights how N1-S excels at detoxifying toxic byproducts from lignocellulosic biomass, resulting in a remarkable 6.5-fold increase in succinic acid yields compared to traditional methods. This advancement offers a more efficient and scalable approach to sustainable biofuel production, paving the way for enhanced renewable energy solutions.


    Released: 25-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
    Regener-Eyes® Unveils New Preservative-Free Multi-Dose Bottle

    Regener-Eyes®, a leader in ophthalmic solutions, is proud to announce the launch of our new multi-dose bottle, designed specifically for use with our preservative-free eye drops. This innovative packaging marks a major milestone in continuing to provide safe, sterile, and user-friendly eye care solutions.

    Newswise: American Thoracic Society (ATS) Physicians Holding Up the World
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
    American Thoracic Society (ATS) Physicians Holding Up the World
    American Thoracic Society (ATS)

    Over 90 percent of people around the world are exposed to unhealthy air, according to the World Health Organization. In 2019, ambient air pollution was responsible for 4.2 million premature deaths. That’s roughly the number of people who visit Manhattan on a typical weekday.

    Newswise: Beyond the Stigma: Strategies for Maximizing Recombinant Protein Production in Tobacco Plants
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
    Beyond the Stigma: Strategies for Maximizing Recombinant Protein Production in Tobacco Plants
    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Plant molecular farming (PMF) is an efficient strategy for producing recombinant protein. Tobacco plants, known for their short life cycle and large biomass production capacity, are excellent choices for PMF. In this review, researchers from institutes across China and Korea reviewed strategies for guiding recombinant proteins into different subcellular compartments of the cell. Findings reported in this review are extremely significant as optimized localization of recombinant proteins is crucial for pharmacological industries.

    Released: 25-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
    Feeding Coral Reefs Can Aid Their Recovery From Bleaching Events
    Ohio State University

    Coral reefs will continue to experience severe heat stress as rising temperatures cause the oceans to become unbearably hot – but a new study shows that altering their feeding habits could allow local populations to avoid total extinction.

    Newswise: Mount Sinai Health System and Noom Partner to Help Patients Achieve Healthy Weight Loss Outcomes With an On-Demand Digital Health Platform
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 8:00 AM EDT
    Mount Sinai Health System and Noom Partner to Help Patients Achieve Healthy Weight Loss Outcomes With an On-Demand Digital Health Platform
    Mount Sinai Health System

    Mount Sinai Health System, a leading health system in the United States and one of the largest in the New York City area, and Noom, the leading digital health care company committed to chronic disease prevention and empowering people to live better and healthier lives, have partnered to provide patients with a whole-person approach to healthy, long-lasting weight loss.

    Newswise: CRISPR-Cas13: A New Frontier in RNA-Editing with Revolutionary Therapeutic Potential
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 7:05 AM EDT
    CRISPR-Cas13: A New Frontier in RNA-Editing with Revolutionary Therapeutic Potential
    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    A new review highlights the potential of CRISPR–Cas13 for RNA-editing therapies. Discussing the advantages of the effector protein Cas13 over Cas9, they report that CRISPR–Cas13 facilitates RNA knockdown, RNA silencing, RNA splicing, RNA-base editing, and translation regulation. CRISPR–Cas13 has diverse applications like virus detection, antivirus vaccines, and personalized therapies. Additionally, they also discuss the role of AI in enabling the realization of the full potential of RNA-editing technologies.

    Released: 25-Sep-2024 7:05 AM EDT
    How Common Is Pacemaker Use After Heart Valve Surgery?
    Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

    People having surgery on mitral and tricuspid heart valves may receive a pacemaker more often than necessary — leading to a greater risk for life-threatening complications, studies show. Researchers say high volume hospitals with experienced surgeons may be able to achieve similar outcomes without needing to implant the device.

    Released: 25-Sep-2024 7:05 AM EDT
    Managing Stress Could Be the Key to Helping Highly Impulsive People Act Rashly When Bored
    University of Portsmouth

    Sometimes we all just need to mentally switch off and do nothing, but some people find the experience more stressful than relaxing according to new research from the University of Portsmouth in England.

    Released: 25-Sep-2024 6:00 AM EDT
    Doença Arterial PeriféRica: Dor E CãIbras Nas Pernas E Feridas Persistentes Nos PéS EstãO Entre Os Sintomas
    Mayo Clinic

    Dor e cãibras nas pernas nem sempre são um problema ortopédico: Ambas podem ser sinais da doença arterial periférica, ou DAP, um grave problema de fluxo sanguíneo com implicações para o coração. Neste alerta do especialista, a Dra. Young Erben, cirurgiã vascular da Mayo Clinic em Jacksonville, Flórida, explica como a forma mais comum da DAP, que afeta as pernas e os pés, é tratada. As opções incluem uma técnica cirúrgica do passado que os cirurgiões da Mayo estão ressuscitando e aperfeiçoando para oferecer uma nova esperança aos pacientes com DAP avançada.

    Released: 25-Sep-2024 6:00 AM EDT
    Enfermedad Arterial PeriféRica: Dolor Y Calambres en Las Piernas Y Heridas Persistentes en Los Pies Se Encuentran Entre Los SíNtomas
    Mayo Clinic

    Dolor y calambres en las piernas no siempre son un problema ortopédico: Ambos pueden ser signos de la enfermedad arterial periférica, o EAP, un problema grave del flujo sanguíneo con implicaciones para el corazón. En este alerta del experto, la Dra. Young Erben, cirujana vascular en Mayo Clinic en Jacksonville, Florida, explica cómo se trata la forma más común de EAP, EAP que afecta las piernas y los pies. Las opciones incluyen una técnica quirúrgica del pasado que los cirujanos de Mayo están resucitando y refinando para ofrecer nuevas esperanzas a los pacientes con EAP avanzada.

    Newswise: Revolutionizing Industrial Scale Lactoferrin Production with Synthetic Biological Systems
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 5:05 AM EDT
    Revolutionizing Industrial Scale Lactoferrin Production with Synthetic Biological Systems
    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein and is involved in important physiological processes. It is derived from milk and mucosal secretions. However, the separation and purification of a large amount of biologically active LF is very difficult. Therefore, technologies for synthetically manufacturing LF are urgently needed. In this review, researchers summarized the design and construction of high-expression LF synthetic biological systems. These systems are efficient and can maximize the LF production at large-scale industrial levels.

    Newswise: Researchers Harness AI to Repurpose Existing Drugs for Treatment of Rare Diseases
    24-Sep-2024 9:45 AM EDT
    Researchers Harness AI to Repurpose Existing Drugs for Treatment of Rare Diseases
    Harvard Medical School

    New AI model identifies possible therapies from existing medicines for thousands of diseases, including rare ones with no current treatments. The AI tool generates new insights on its own, applies them to conditions it was not trained for, and offers explanations for its predictions.

    Newswise: Replacing Hype About Artificial Intelligence with Accurate Measurements of Success
    23-Sep-2024 8:00 AM EDT
    Replacing Hype About Artificial Intelligence with Accurate Measurements of Success
    Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

    A new paper in Nature Machine Intelligence notes that journal articles reporting how well machine learning models solve certain kinds of equations are often overly optimistic. The researchers suggest two rules for reporting results and systemic changes to encourage clarity and accuracy in reporting.

    Newswise: Inexpensive Drug Can Prevent Cerebral Palsy in Premature Babies
    Released: 25-Sep-2024 4:05 AM EDT
    Inexpensive Drug Can Prevent Cerebral Palsy in Premature Babies
    University of Bristol

    Giving women at risk of premature birth a simple magnesium sulphate infusion (or ‘drip’) can prevent their babies from developing cerebral palsy, a recent Cochrane review has confirmed. The drug itself costs approximately £5 (~$6.50) per dose in England, and requires hospital admission with experienced staff to administer the drug safely to the mother.

    Released: 25-Sep-2024 2:00 AM EDT
    تشمل أعراض مرض الشرايين المحيطية ما يلي: ألم الساق، وتشنجات الساق، وجروح مستمرة بالقدم
    Mayo Clinic

    جاكسونفيل، فلوريدا - لا تمثل آلام وتشنجات الساق مشكلات عظمية دائمًا، فربما تكون علامات لمرض الشرايين المحيطية أو (مرض الشرايين الطرفية) وهو مشكلة خطيرة في تدفق الدم ذات تبِعات متعلقة بالقلب. وعبر هذا البيان شرحت الطبيبة يونج إربن،أحد جراحي الأوعية الدموية في مايو كلينيك في جاكسونفيل، بولاية فلوريدا كيفية علاج النوع الأكثر انتشارًا ألا وهو مرض الشرايين المحيطية الذي يؤثر في الساقين والقدمين. وتتضمن الخيارات تقنية جراحية قديمة يجري تطويرها وتحسينها من قِبَل جراحي مايو كلينيك وذلك من أجل إعطاء أمل للمرضى في المرحلة المتقدمة من مرض الشرايين المحيطية.
