Feature Channels: Supercomputing

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Newswise: Chinese scientists develop Earth system models with clouds and ocean submesoscale eddies
Released: 26-Apr-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Chinese scientists develop Earth system models with clouds and ocean submesoscale eddies
Science China Press

It has been a dream for Earth scientists to have a numerical model that can better represent compound multiple-scale processes in the real-world Earth system.

Newswise: Argonne’s new Sunspot testbed provides on-ramp for Aurora exascale supercomputer
Released: 26-Apr-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Argonne’s new Sunspot testbed provides on-ramp for Aurora exascale supercomputer
Argonne National Laboratory

The test and development system for the Aurora exascale computer is up and running, allowing researchers to prepare their code while the supercomputer is still being built.

Released: 26-Apr-2023 1:10 AM EDT
Scientists develop pioneering artificial intelligence method to fight urban air pollution
Barcelona Supercomputing Center

99% of the world's population breathes air that exceeds the limits recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). This scenario is exacerbated in urban areas where more than 50% of the world's population is concentrated.

Newswise:Video Embedded live-event-for-april-21-sleeping-pill-reduces-levels-of-alzheimer-s-proteins
Released: 21-Apr-2023 3:10 PM EDT
TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO AVAILABLE Live Event for April 21: Sleeping pill reduces levels of Alzheimer’s proteins

Researcher will discuss the study which involved a sleeping aid known as suvorexant that is already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for insomnia, hints at the potential of sleep medications to slow or stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Newswise: Two qudits fully entangled
Released: 20-Apr-2023 3:40 PM EDT
Two qudits fully entangled
University of Innsbruck

The quantum computers of today grew out of this binary paradigm, but in fact the physical systems that encode their quantum bits (qubit) often have the potential to also encode quantum digits (qudits), as recently demonstrated by a team led by Martin Ringbauer at the Department of Experimental Physics at the University of Innsbruck.

Newswise: Oldest US agricultural plots go digital: 130+ years of data now online
Released: 20-Apr-2023 3:20 PM EDT
Oldest US agricultural plots go digital: 130+ years of data now online
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

In 1876, when University of Illinois professor Manly Miles established the Morrow Plots, he couldn’t have imagined the plots would become the oldest continuous agricultural experiment in the Western Hemisphere. Nor could he imagine, more than a century before the dawn of the internet, that the plots’ data would be digitized and made available online to scientists, students, and educators around the world.

Released: 20-Apr-2023 1:00 PM EDT
New neural network uses common sense to make fake bird images from text
Intelligent Computing

In an effort to generate high-quality images based on text descriptions, a group of researchers in China built a generative adversarial network that incorporates data representing common-sense knowledge. Their method uses common sense to clarify the starting point for image generation and also uses common sense to enhance different specific features of the generated image at three different levels of resolution.

Released: 19-Apr-2023 1:30 PM EDT
Quantum education emerges with unlimited potential at MTSU
Middle Tennessee State University

The new field of quantum information science has been growing across the U.S. and around the globe, and now it has been developed for students and scholars to study at Middle Tennessee State University.

Newswise: Study seeks to define quantum compression
Released: 19-Apr-2023 12:15 PM EDT
Study seeks to define quantum compression
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

A study led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers identifies a new potential application in quantum computing that could be part of the next computational revolution.

Released: 14-Apr-2023 3:05 PM EDT
How drugs get into the blood
ETH Zürich

There is a need for new drugs. For example, many of the antibiotics that we have been using for a long time are becoming less effective. Chemists and pharmaceutical scientists are frantically searching for new active substances, especially those that can penetrate cell membranes, as these are the only ones that patients can take orally in the form of a tablet or syrup.

Released: 14-Apr-2023 2:30 PM EDT
Data can now be processed at the speed of light!
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)

How can Marvel movie character Ant-Man produce such strong energy out of his small body? The secret lies in the “transistors” on his suit that amplify weak signals for processing. Transistors that amplify electrical signals in the conventional way lose heat energy and limit the speed of signal transfer, which degrades performance.

Newswise: Bright lights, big data: how Argonne is bringing supercomputing and X-rays together for scientific breakthroughs
Released: 13-Apr-2023 12:15 PM EDT
Bright lights, big data: how Argonne is bringing supercomputing and X-rays together for scientific breakthroughs
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne’s newest supercomputer, Polaris, is up and running, and scientists using the Advanced Photon Source are already seeing faster data analysis. While the combination is paying dividends now, it points toward an upgraded APS and an even better supercomputer called Aurora.

Newswise: FSU announces bold investments in quantum science and engineering
Released: 12-Apr-2023 5:35 PM EDT
FSU announces bold investments in quantum science and engineering
Florida State University

Florida State University will dedicate more than $20 million to quantum science and engineering over the next three years, funding that will support hiring at least eight new faculty members, equipment and dedicated space in the university’s Interdisciplinary Research and Commercialization Building, and seed money for a new program focused on this emerging field. FSU President Richard McCullough announced the investments at the first day of the university’s Quantum Science and Engineering Symposium last week.

Newswise: Innovating Quantum Computers with Fluxonium Processors
Released: 11-Apr-2023 4:15 PM EDT
Innovating Quantum Computers with Fluxonium Processors
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A team at the Advanced Quantum Testbed at Berkeley Lab (in collaboration with UC Berkeley and Yale) developed an architectural blueprint for a novel quantum processor based on fluxonium qubits, which outperform the most widely used superconducting qubits. Furthermore, they simulated two types of logic gates to validate the performance of the proposed fluxonium blueprint.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-argonne-is-pushing-the-boundaries-of-quantum-technology-research
Released: 10-Apr-2023 11:40 PM EDT
How Argonne is pushing the boundaries of quantum technology research
Argonne National Laboratory

With its Department of Energy National Quantum Information Science Research Center (Q-NEXT) and its quantum research team, Argonne is a hub for research that could change the way we process and transmit information.

Newswise: Five Ways QSA is Advancing Quantum Computing
Released: 10-Apr-2023 11:15 AM EDT
Five Ways QSA is Advancing Quantum Computing
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Quantum Systems Accelerator has issued an impact report that details progress made since the center launched in 2020. Highlights include a record-setting quantum sensor that could be used to hunt dark matter, a machine learning algorithm to correct qubit errors in real time, and the first observation of several exotic states of matter using a 256-atom quantum device.

Released: 7-Apr-2023 4:50 PM EDT
How to make electronic noses smell better
Intelligent Computing

Imagine if you could ask a machine to “smell” something for you with just a click of a button. That’s what electronic noses, or e-noses, are for. They are systems that combine chemical gas sensors, signal processing and machine learning algorithms to mimic the sense of smell.

Released: 7-Apr-2023 1:25 PM EDT
A new quantum approach to solve electronic structures of complex materials
Argonne National Laboratory

Researchers at Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago explore the possibility of solving the electronic structures of complex molecules using a quantum computer.

Newswise: Sandia cloud-resolving climate model meets world’s fastest supercomputer
Released: 7-Apr-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Sandia cloud-resolving climate model meets world’s fastest supercomputer
Sandia National Laboratories

Focused on the accuracy of climate predictions, a computational team led by Sandia National Laboratories recently achieved a major milestone with a cloud-resolving model they ran on Frontier, the world’s first exascale supercomputer.

Newswise:Video Embedded light-bending-gravity-reveals-one-of-the-biggest-black-holes-ever-found
Released: 29-Mar-2023 6:35 PM EDT
Light-bending gravity reveals one of the biggest black holes ever found
Durham University

A team of astronomers has discovered one of the biggest black holes ever found, taking advantage of a phenomenon called gravitational lensing.
