Feature Channels: Supercomputing

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Released: 18-Oct-2018 3:00 PM EDT
Caliburn, New Jersey’s Supercomputer, Catalyzes Cutting-Edge Research
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Caliburn, a supercomputer with the computational power of more than 10,000 standard desktop computers, is catalyzing diverse, innovative research at Rutgers University and across New Jersey, according to the Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute.

Released: 17-Oct-2018 6:05 AM EDT
Scientists uncover secret structure to safer explosives
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have shown that the structure of microscopic pores in high explosive materials can significantly impact performance and safety. These findings open the door to the possibility of tuning high explosives by engineering their microstructure.

Released: 16-Oct-2018 8:05 AM EDT
Reusable Software for High Performance Computing
University of Delaware

As supercomputers become faster and faster, we need powerful software to keep up with the hardware. That's where parallel programming comes in.

Released: 5-Oct-2018 5:05 PM EDT
Berkeley Lab, Oak Ridge, NVIDIA Team Breaks Exaop Barrier With Deep Learning Application
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A team of computational scientists from Berkeley Lab and Oak Ridge National Laboratory and engineers from NVIDIA has demonstrated an exascale-class deep learning application that exceeded the exaop barrier, using a climate dataset from Berkeley Lab on ORNL's Summit supercomputer.

Released: 26-Sep-2018 3:05 PM EDT
San Diego Supercomputer Center Opens New BlockLAB Research Laboratory
University of California San Diego

The Center for Large Scale Data Systems (CLDS) at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego, formally opened a new blockchain research laboratory to exploring technologies and business use cases in distributed ledgers, digital transactions, and smart contracts.

Released: 7-Sep-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Synthesis Studies Transform Waste Sugar for Sustainable Energy Storage Applications
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Using synthesis techniques, an ORNL team transformed waste sugar from biorefineries into spherical carbon materials that could be used to form improved supercapacitors, which are energy storage devices that help power technologies including smartphones, hybrid vehicles, and security alarm systems.

Released: 29-Aug-2018 2:05 PM EDT
SDSC Awarded a Three-Year NSF Grant for Data Reproducibility Research
University of California San Diego

Researchers at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), an Organized Research Unit of UC San Diego, have been awarded a three-year National Science Foundation (NSF) grant worth more than $818,000 to design and develop cyberinfrastructure that allows researchers to efficiently share information about their scientific data and securely verify its authenticity while preserving provenance and lineage information.

Released: 10-Aug-2018 2:05 PM EDT
Teaching the Programmers of Tomorrow
Argonne National Laboratory

The CodeGirls @ Argonne camp is designed to immerse young girls in computer science before they enter high school and introduce them to potential career paths in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Researchers from across the laboratory help the camp bring computer science to a population that’s often underrepresented in the field.

Released: 31-Jul-2018 3:00 PM EDT
SDSC’s ‘Comet’ Supercomputer Extended into 2021
University of California San Diego

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UC San Diego a supplemental grant valued at almost $2.4 million to extend operations of its Comet supercomputer by an additional year, through March 2021. The extension brings the value of the total Comet program to more than $27 million.

Released: 30-Jul-2018 3:00 PM EDT
DOE Model Leverages Supercomputer Capabilities at National Laboratories
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The U.S. Department of Energy announced $10 million in funding for 13 projects that will enhance sophisticated computer models for understanding weather and climate patterns.

Released: 19-Jul-2018 7:05 PM EDT
World-First Program to Stop Hacking by Supercomputers
Monash University

IT experts at Monash University have devised the world’s leading post-quantum secure privacy-preserving algorithm – so powerful it can thwart attacks from supercomputers of the future.

Released: 12-Jul-2018 4:05 PM EDT
How to Fit a Planet Inside a Computer: Developing the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The Department of Energy has developed a new computer simulation capability: the Energy Exascale Earth System Model. Scientists designed the model to focus on areas most relevant to energy production as well as take full advantage of DOE’s supercomputing systems.

Released: 12-Jul-2018 3:05 PM EDT
NSF's IceCube Observatory Finds First Evidence of Cosmic Neutrino Source
University of California San Diego

An international team of scientists has found the first evidence of a source of high-energy cosmic neutrinos, subatomic particles that can emerge from their sources and, like cosmological ghosts, pass through the universe unscathed, traveling for billions of light years from the most extreme environments in the universe to Earth.

Released: 3-Jul-2018 6:05 AM EDT
LLNL Applies High-Performance Computing to Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Through a new multi-year project involving the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Lawrence Livermore (LLNL), Lawrence Berkeley (LBNL) and Argonne (ANL) national laboratories, in collaboration with the Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) consortium led by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), scientists and engineers plan to simultaneously challenge DOE’s supercomputing resources, advance artificial intelligence capabilities and enable a precision medicine approach for traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Released: 28-Jun-2018 5:05 PM EDT
Supercomputers Help Design Mutant Enzyme that Eats Plastic Bottles
University of California San Diego

PET plastic, short for polyethylene terephthalate, is the fourth most-produced plastic, used to make things such as beverage bottles and carpets, most of which are not being recycled. Some scientists are hoping to change that, using supercomputers to engineer an enzyme that breaks down PET. They say it's a step on a long road toward recycling PET and other plastics into commercially valuable materials at industrial scale.

Released: 28-Jun-2018 10:00 AM EDT
New Simulations Break Down Potential Impact of a Major Quake by Building Location and Size
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, both U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national labs, is leveraging powerful supercomputers to portray the impact of high-frequency ground motion on thousands of representative different-sized buildings spread out across the California region.

Released: 26-Jun-2018 4:40 PM EDT
Revealing the Details of Subatomic Particle Interactions
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Supercomputers have the power to unlock the secrets of subatomic particles that are hidden deep inside everyday matter. But they can’t do it on their own: They require experts to use their knowledge of the theory subatomic to set up the problems to be calculated and provide insight into the results. Raul Briceño has been awarded a DOE Early Career Award to do just that, as he develops and implements a first-of-its-kind universal framework for these studies.

Released: 26-Jun-2018 4:40 PM EDT
Gaining New Insights Into Proton Structure
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

The recent completion of the 12 GeV Upgrade of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility has opened up a new realm for exploration of the particles and forces that give rise to our universe. Making the most of this opportunity takes collaborations of the best and brightest minds in nuclear physics applying a bit of intellectual elbow grease.

Released: 25-Jun-2018 2:05 PM EDT
Predicting Magnetic Explosions: From Plasma Current Sheet Disruption to Fast Magnetic Reconnection
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Supercomputer simulations and theoretical analysis shed new light on when and how fast reconnection occurs.
