Feature Channels: Birds

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Newswise: Previously Overlooked Algae Toxin Widespread in Southern Indian River Lagoon
Released: 15-Jun-2023 8:30 AM EDT
Previously Overlooked Algae Toxin Widespread in Southern Indian River Lagoon
Florida Atlantic University

Pseudo-nitzschia spp., an algae that produces the neurotoxin domoic acid, can bioaccumulate within food webs causing harm to humans and animals. A molecular study of Florida’s Indian River Lagoon shows this algae was present in 87 percent of the water samples collected. All isolates showed toxicity, and domoic acid was found in 47 percent of surface water samples. As a nursery for many organisms that supports a high amount of biodiversity, the presence of domoic acid could negatively impact the lagoon system.

Released: 14-Jun-2023 1:15 PM EDT
The heat is on! Don't panic. Get the latest news on heat waves and the dangers of heat in the Extreme Heat channel

As we enter the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere and the possibility of extreme heat becomes more common, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the science of heat waves and take measures to protect ourselves from this growing public health threat.

Newswise: The first prehistoric wind instruments discovered in the Levant
Released: 9-Jun-2023 6:05 PM EDT
The first prehistoric wind instruments discovered in the Levant
CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique / National Center of Scientific Research)

Although the prehistoric site of Eynan-Mallaha in northern Israel has been thoroughly examined since 1955, it still holds some surprises for scientists. Seven prehistoric wind instruments known as flutes, recently identified by a Franco-Israeli team.

Newswise: When pigeons dream
Released: 6-Jun-2023 5:55 PM EDT
When pigeons dream
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Dreams have been considered a hallmark of human sleep for a long time. Latest findings, however, suggest that when pigeons sleep, they might experience visions of flight. Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, and at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence studied brain activation patterns in sleeping pigeons, using functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Newswise: Unraveling brood parasitism in predatory mites
Released: 6-Jun-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Unraveling brood parasitism in predatory mites
Chiba University

Several animal species display brood care, a phenomenon where ‘caring’ parents provide their offspring with food and protection against predators.

Newswise: Genetic change increased bird flu severity during U.S. spread
Released: 30-May-2023 1:15 PM EDT
Genetic change increased bird flu severity during U.S. spread
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital have discovered H5N1 avian influenza viruses gained the ability to cause severe disease and target the brain in mammals as they spread across North America.

Released: 15-May-2023 7:15 PM EDT
'Love hormone' guides young songbirds in choice of 'voice coach'
Emory University

Oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone,” plays a key role in the process of how a young zebra finch learns to sing by imitating its elders, suggests a new study by neuroscientists at Emory University. Scientific Reports published the findings, which add to the understanding of the neurochemistry of social learning.

Released: 12-May-2023 2:35 PM EDT
MSU, Audubon fight to conserve a disappearing bird species
Michigan State University

Current conservation practices likely won’t do enough to save the black tern, a migratory bird species that nests in the northern U.S. and southern Canada, from disappearing. That’s according to new research from Michigan State University and the National Audubon Society published in the journal Biological Conservation. But the team’s report also reveals new opportunities to enhance the outlook for these birds by strategically expanding conservation and land management practices. Furthermore, the team’s approach can help inform conservation practices for other species.

Released: 9-May-2023 3:05 PM EDT
Smallest shifting fastest: Bird species body size predicts rate of change in a warming world
University of Michigan

Birds across the Americas are getting smaller and longer-winged as the world warms, and the smallest-bodied species are changing the fastest.

Newswise: Study Shows Oil and Gas Infrastructure Hurting Nesting Birds In Globally Important Breeding Area in Arctic Alaska
Released: 2-May-2023 12:35 PM EDT
Study Shows Oil and Gas Infrastructure Hurting Nesting Birds In Globally Important Breeding Area in Arctic Alaska
Wildlife Conservation Society

A new WCS-led study that analyzed 17 years of migratory bird-nesting data in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, revealed that nest survival decreased significantly near high-use oil and gas infrastructure and its related noise, dust, traffic, air pollution, and other disturbances.

Newswise: Study: Mountain Quail May Benefit From Severe Wildfires
Released: 24-Apr-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Study: Mountain Quail May Benefit From Severe Wildfires
Cornell University

Researchers conducted the first ever systematic and comprehensive study of Mountain Quail habitat associations and fire ecology in the Sierra Nevada.

Newswise:Video Embedded live-event-for-april-21-sleeping-pill-reduces-levels-of-alzheimer-s-proteins
Released: 21-Apr-2023 3:10 PM EDT
TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO AVAILABLE Live Event for April 21: Sleeping pill reduces levels of Alzheimer’s proteins

Researcher will discuss the study which involved a sleeping aid known as suvorexant that is already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for insomnia, hints at the potential of sleep medications to slow or stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Released: 20-Apr-2023 1:00 PM EDT
New neural network uses common sense to make fake bird images from text
Intelligent Computing

In an effort to generate high-quality images based on text descriptions, a group of researchers in China built a generative adversarial network that incorporates data representing common-sense knowledge. Their method uses common sense to clarify the starting point for image generation and also uses common sense to enhance different specific features of the generated image at three different levels of resolution.

Released: 18-Apr-2023 5:10 PM EDT
WCS Media Briefing: Is Avian Influenza the Next “Big One?”
Wildlife Conservation Society

A panel of experts will hold a WCS media briefing on High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) that is currently wreaking havoc around the world and is the largest known outbreak since scientists have begun tracking the disease.

Released: 12-Apr-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Scientists uncover the amazing way sandgrouse hold water in their feathers
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Many birds’ feathers are remarkably efficient at shedding water — so much so that “like water off a duck’s back” is a common expression.

Newswise: Most plastic eaten by city vultures comes straight from food outlets
Released: 12-Apr-2023 1:15 PM EDT
Most plastic eaten by city vultures comes straight from food outlets

Since the 1950s, humanity has produced an estimated 8.3bn tons of plastic, adding a further 380m tons to this amount each year. Only 9% of this gets recycled.

Newswise: Migratory Birds Can Partially Offset Climate Change
10-Apr-2023 10:00 AM EDT
Migratory Birds Can Partially Offset Climate Change
Cornell University

A new study demonstrates that birds can partially compensate for these changes by delaying the start of spring migration and completing the journey faster. But the strategy comes with a cost—a decline in overall survival.

Newswise: Researchers release first comprehensive map of migratory bird patterns in Eastern U.S.
Released: 28-Mar-2023 2:35 PM EDT
Researchers release first comprehensive map of migratory bird patterns in Eastern U.S.
University of Delaware

Avian research often focuses on forests as breeding habitats, but scientists are now working to understand the vital role that small forest patches play in migration. For the first time, a team of researchers from Princeton University and the University of Delaware has created a comprehensive map of migratory pathways and stopover locations in the Eastern United States.
