Feature Channels: Environmental Science

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Released: 20-Feb-2009 5:00 PM EST
How Green Is My Plug-In?
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

An electric car (or plug-in hybrid in electric mode) creates carbon-dioxide emissions, too; how much depends on the grid used to recharge it.

Released: 20-Feb-2009 1:35 PM EST
Washington University in St. Louis Ends Sales of Bottled Water on Campus
Washington University in St. Louis

Faculty, students and staff on Washington University in St. Louis' Danforth, North and West campuses no longer can find bottled water in vending machines or at most campus eateries. Because of concerns about the environmental impact of bottled water, WUSTL ended sales of the product in January, and administrative offices no longer offer bottled water at events and meetings.

Released: 20-Feb-2009 1:00 PM EST
Architecture Effort Promotes Sustainable Design Through Green Building Components
University of Houston

Research and development. Industry partnerships. Recycled shipping containers. The University of Houston Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture is primed to sharpen and green the cutting edge of design and architecture with the new UH Green Building Components (GBC), the college's research initiative to design, develop and implement sustainable, renewable building components for the architecture, engineering and construction industries.

Released: 20-Feb-2009 1:00 PM EST
Jump-Start The Stimulus: Build A Better Battery
Integral Technologies Inc.

Expert available to discuss the future of advanced battery tech as it relates to energy efficiency and the economic recovery program.

Released: 20-Feb-2009 1:00 PM EST
First Sustainable Products Store in the University of North Carolina System Opens at UNC Wilmington
University of North Carolina Wilmington

The University of North Carolina Wilmington opened ECOteal last fall. It is the first store in the 16 campus UNC system dedicated to selling environmentally friendly products.

Released: 20-Feb-2009 1:00 PM EST
Abandon Hope: Live Sustainably Because It's the Right Thing to Do
Michigan Technological University

Do you "hope" that everyone will see the light and start living more sustainably to save the environment? if so, you may be doing more harm than good.

Released: 20-Feb-2009 1:00 PM EST
UH Participating in National RecycleMania Event
University of Houston

Recycling happens every day at the University of Houston, but for 10 weeks, the campus community will step up its efforts to reduce campus waste. UH is among the universities competing in the national RecycleMania competition, which not only encourages recycling but also emphasizes the benefits of going green every day.

Released: 20-Feb-2009 1:00 PM EST
Coyote on the Move Makes Tracks -- in Great Detail
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

A GPS collar gives researchers an unusually specific record of the coyote's interstate wandering.

Released: 18-Feb-2009 4:30 PM EST
Engineering Students Build and Design a Fuel-Stingy Vehicle
Dalhousie University

A group of Dalhousie University mechanical engineering students have built the ultimate fuel-efficient car.

Released: 18-Feb-2009 9:00 AM EST
Easter Island's Controversial Collapse: More to the Story than Deforestation?
Earthwatch Institute

Earthwatch and Archaeological Institute of America to Host Public Lecture in Boston on Feb. 23rd where Dr. Chris Stevenson will debunk popularly held thoughts about Easter Island, and share this punch-line: yes, the ancient Rapanui people did abuse their environment, but they were also developing sustainable practices"”innovating, experimenting, trying to adapt to a risky environment"”and they would still be here today if it weren't for the diseases introduced by European settlers.

Released: 17-Feb-2009 12:45 PM EST
What If Oregonians Decline to Address Climate Change?
University of Oregon

If nothing is done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Oregon will face some $3.3 billion in annual costs, which translates to about 4 percent of annual household income by 2020, according to a report produced for the University of Oregon's Climate Leadership Initiative's Program on Climate Economics by ECONorthwest.

Released: 17-Feb-2009 12:20 PM EST
What If Washingtonians Don't Address Climate Change?
University of Oregon

If nothing is done to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Washington is likely to experience some $3.8 billion in associated annual costs -- including $1.3 billion in health related costs alone, according to a report produced for the University of Oregon's Climate Leadership Initiative's Program on Climate Economics by ECONorthwest.

Released: 17-Feb-2009 11:50 AM EST
What If New Mexico Doesn't Address Climate Change?
University of Oregon

If nothing is done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, New Mexico could experience some $3.2 billion in associated costs -- led by wildfires and health-care. This could translate to a tab of 8 percent of annual household income by 2020, according to a report produced for the University of Oregon's Climate Leadership Initiative's Program on Climate Economics by ECONorthwest.

Released: 17-Feb-2009 8:00 AM EST
Accounting Study Reveals Firms' Failure to Disclose Environmental Sanctions
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

A University of Arkansas accounting researcher studied corporations with large environmental sanctions over a 10-year period and found that 72 percent of the companies failed to disclose that information to the Securities and Exchange Commission as required by law. SEC regulations require corporations to disclose environmental sanctions of $100,000 or more, regardless of the regulating entity.

11-Feb-2009 2:45 PM EST
Greener Pesticides, Better Farming Practices Help Reduce U.S. Pesticide Use
American Chemical Society (ACS)

The American Chemical Society Office of Public Affairs Weekly Press Package with reports from 34 major peer-reviewed journals on chemistry, health, medicine, energy, environment, food, nanotechnology and other hot topics.

Released: 13-Feb-2009 4:40 PM EST
Air Pollution Too High Near Some US Schools
University of Maryland, College Park

Air pollution is dangerously high around schools near some U.S. industrial plants, according to a recent study involving researchers from the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University.

Released: 11-Feb-2009 10:00 AM EST
Reducing CO2 Emissions Through Technology and Smart Growth
Georgia Institute of Technology

A Georgia Tech City and Regional Planning study on climate change, published February 10, 2009 online by Environmental Science and Technology, shows that "smart growth" combined with the use of hybrid vehicle technology could reduce cities' carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions "“ the principal driver of global warming "“ significantly by 2050.

Released: 10-Feb-2009 3:00 PM EST
NWF: Keep Strong Green Investments in Stimulus
National Wildlife Federation (NWF)

"As the two versions of the bill move to conference committee, we hope Congressional negotiators maintain the House bill's strong investments in education, clean energy and America's natural resources - all proven ways to stimulate shovel-ready projects and rapidly create jobs," said NWF's Adam Kolton.

Released: 9-Feb-2009 2:30 PM EST
New Tool Gets Handle on Cropland CO2 Emissions
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

For the first time, farmers have data that tracks at the county level on-site and off-site energy use and carbon dioxide emissions associated with growing crops in the United States.

Released: 9-Feb-2009 9:00 AM EST
Particulate Matter from California Wildfires Is More Toxic than in Ambient Air
Environmental Health Perspectives (NIEHS)

A study of coarse and fine particulate matter (PM) generated by the California wildfires of 2008 suggests a toxicity level greater than that of an equivalent dose of PM in ambient air, as reported in the January 2009 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives. The study adds to growing literature supporting source and component specific differences in toxicity of pollutant particles of a given size, and challenges regulators to consider toxicity as well as mass or size when regulating particle pollution.
