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Released: 2-Jun-1998 12:00 AM EDT
NSB Hearing Highlights Importance of Informal Education in Improving Science Literacy
National Science Foundation (NSF)

A better connection between informal and formal education would help to prepare K-12 science and mathematics students for the 21st century, according to several participants at an unusual hearing in Los Angeles May 29.

22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Studies Find Drawing Facilitates Children's Ability to Talk About Emotional Experiences
American Psychological Association (APA)

Researchers report that when relaying an emotional experience, children who drew as they spoke reported more than twice as much information than children asked only to talk about their experiences. Furthermore, the additional information did not occur at the expense of accuracy, according to an article to be published in the June issue of the APA's Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.

22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Study Finds Dramatic Distorting Effect of Law Enforcement Feedback to Eyewitnesses in Criminal Cases
American Psychological Association (APA)

Fingerprints, DNA matches and fibers may be more reliably objective indicators that a suspect committed a crime, but, studies have found, for most jurors, nothing beats the confident testimony of an eyewitness, even when the eyewitness is completely wrong. Research has shown that incorrect eyewitness identifications account for more convictions of innocent persons than all other causes combined. Now a new study published by the American Psychological Association provides even further evidence that eyewitness testimony may not deserve the confidence that many jurors have in it.

Released: 30-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Whole school reform: public schools' last stand?
 Johns Hopkins University

The New Jersey Supreme Court has urged the state's Department of Education to adopt "Success for All," a whole school reform program developed at Johns Hopkins University, in 28 impoverished school districts.

Released: 29-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Student Looks Forward To Very Cool Research Opportunity
Purdue University

A forestry major from Purdue University will spend the first semester of his junior year on a frozen continent completely devoid of trees. The National Science Foundation and the Boy Scouts of America have chosen Benjamin Hasse of Kingsford, Mich., as their candidate to spend next fall helping Antarctic researchers.

Released: 29-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
SMU Graduate Student Lived Among Indians to Learn About Lives of Ancient Hunter-Gatherers
Southern Methodist University

The scene was a tiny village on the Venezuelan savanna where anthropologist Pei-Lin Yu of Southern Methodist University was living among the PumÈ Indians in order to study their way of life. It was the rainy season in September 1992 and thanks to a good hunting trip, everyone was dining on venison. Yuís fellow researcher tossed some leftover bones into a fire rather than brave a torrential downpour to throw them in the trash outside of camp. A PumÈ friend nicknamed P. J. entered their thatched-roof house and saw the bones mixed in with the coals.

Released: 28-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Cornell strengthens Jewish Studies program
Cornell University

In a move designed to enhance the stature of Jewish studies at Cornell, university officials have announced the creation of three new named professorships in Jewish Studies.

Released: 28-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Workshop on India-U.S. relations foreshadowed nuclear crisis
University of Georgia

Just 10 days before India conducted five underground nuclear tests, participants in an international workshop at the University of Georgia expressed dissatisfaction with the pace of change in the strategic bilateral relationship between India and the United States.

Released: 27-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Mid-Atlantic Crossroads To Be First Major National High-Speed Network
Virginia Tech

New consortium announces deployment of east coast's first connection point to multiple, major national, high-speed network initiatives.

Released: 27-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Voila! Chemistry Students at DePaul University Are Cooking Up Polymers New to Science
DePaul University

Organic Chemistry. It's a college lab course that sends shivers down the spines of even the bravest pre-med students. But at DePaul University in Chicago, it is a class students can't wait to take. That's because during spring quarter students know they get to invent their own polymer - one that may never have seen the light of a laboratory before.

27-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
In Teens, Poor Social Skills Signal Emotional and Behavioral Problems
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health have found that how well or poorly a young person interacts with family and peers, participates in school, and controls behavior can reveal the presence or absence of psychiatric disorders much earlier than can traditional indicators such as school failure and contact with police, which appear after problems have already become entrenched. Social role dysfunction can also help indicate whether a teen's psychiatric problems will be acted out as behavior problems or turned inward to cause emotional difficulties.

26-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Maintaining order is crucial in first grade
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

The overall amount of disruptive behavior in the first grade classroom can influence the course of aggressive behavior in boys through middle school, according to a study by Johns Hopkins School of Public Health researchers. The common practice of grouping many disruptive children together in one classroom may be actively steering those children toward anti-social behavior. The study was published in the Spring 1998 issue of Development and Psychopathology.

Released: 23-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Enhanced mental health care systems have not brought the expected improvements in young patients' lives, two studies show
Vanderbilt University

Investing major resources in reforming mental health systems of care for children and adolescents appears to be ill advised, according to a professor who led two recently completed mental health studies.

Released: 22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Gerontologists learning lessons of 157 lifetimes
University of Georgia

University of Georgia researchers have spent the past decade searching for the secret to living an active, meaningful life beyond the age of 100. Instead of a secret formula, they've found an equal-opportunity phenomenon.

Released: 22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
U.S. intelligence agencies are stuck on technology
University of Georgia

The CIA and its 12 companion U.S. intelligence agencies are bloated bureaucracies, overly reliant upon technology and in need of a game plan for the post-Cold War era, according to Loch Johnson, a University of Georgia Regents Professor of Political Science.

Released: 22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Indicators hide problems of poor children
Cornell University

Poor children in America face multiple stressors that threaten their biology and psychology, says James Garbarino, professor of human development at Cornell University. Yet, conventional economic barometers paint rosy economic pictures mask that the demise of children in trouble.

Released: 22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Economist Predicts Tax Hike will reduce Teen Smoking 27 Percent
University of Maryland, College Park

Senator John McCain's proposed comprehensive tobacco legislation that is expected to raise cigarette prices by $1.10 per pack will reduce teen smoking rates by 27 percent, according to a new study by the University of Maryland and the National Opinion Research Center.

Released: 22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Researcher documents psychological casualties of abuse
University of Georgia

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can also hurt you, says a University of Georgia clinical psychology professor. Bruises and broken bones are easier to see, but it doesn't mean that the injuries of psychological abuse are any less painful or long-lasting.

Released: 22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
More DUI Fatalities During Summer Holidays than Winter
Wilkes University

Beware of the upcoming summer holidays. They can be killers. "DUI fatalities during the summer holidays are far greater than the winter holidays," says Michael S. Garr of Wilkes University. He studies alcohol use and social settings, and drunken driving. When examining each day of the Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day holiday periods, Garr says the data reveal a higher incidence of alcohol-related fatalities than each day of the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's holiday periods.

Released: 22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Self-taught artist establishes national resource center
Vanderbilt University

A national resource center on self-taught art has been established at Vanderbilt University's library by a self-taught artist and collector.

Released: 22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Professor investigates cases of literary arson
University of Georgia

A child sets fire to his grandmother's apartment and the blaze ignites the African-American consciousness. The death of Betty Shabazz? Yes, but decades before, it also was the experience of author Richard Wright.

Released: 22-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
'Student Teaching' Is Not Just for College Students Anymore
Purdue University

Partnerships between universities and K-12 schools are blurring the lines between students and teachers. On the leading edge of this national trend, Purdue University has forged a relationship with a local elementary school that's making learners of everyone involved. University faculty, Purdue elementary education majors, classroom teachers and kindergarten through fifth-grade pupils are all teaching each other and learning together.

Released: 21-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Cornell acquires Maeda Japanese collection
Cornell University

Cornell University Library has acquired the Maeda Collection, the personal library of Japanese literary scholar and critic Maeda Ai.

Released: 21-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Tips from Notre Dame
University of Notre Dame

Tips from Notre Dame experts on the Microsoft case, India's nuclear tests, the Israeli position, Viagra and health care, NATO expansion, and a new book on the psychology of people who claim to have seen UFOs.

Released: 20-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Book traces history of technolgy, materials
Cornell University

A new book by Cornell professor of materials science Stephen L. Sass is a tour of the history of civilization, from the Stone Age, through the Bronze Age, into the Iron Age and thence to the Industrial Revolution and the age of technology. Included are the developments of glass and concrete, polymers, aluminum and the silicon chip.

Released: 20-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Sea Grant Summer /Memorial Day Safety Tips
National Sea Grant College Program

Sea Grant Memorial Day / Summer Safety Tip Sheet: 1)Seafood Savvy: Knowing the Risks of Catching Your Own Fish and Shellfish 2)Choosing the Right ÃŒbuddy" Crucial to Safe Scuba Diving 3)Beach Safety: Protecting Yourself from Lightning

Released: 19-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Testosterone levels rise in fans of winning teams
University of Utah

Men who watch their favorite sports team compete and win experience the same type of testosterone surges as the players.

Released: 19-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Unique Traditions Mark Mount Holyoke College's Commencement
Mount Holyoke College

Mount Holyoke College, one of the oldest lberal arts colleges for women in the United States, will again celebrate this year's commencement with a number of unique traditions--including a parade with ties to the Women's Suffrage Movement--which have been established over the College's 161 year history.

Released: 16-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
106th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association
American Psychological Association (APA)

Psychology's movement away from an exclusive focus on assessing and repairing illness and toward an emphasis on prevention will be an overarching theme of the 106th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

Released: 16-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Thomas Jefferson IV To Graduate From College of William and Mary
College of William and Mary

Thomas Jefferson IV will graduate from the College of William and Mary next week, 236 years after his famous forebear completed his studies at the nation's second oldest institution of higher learning.

Released: 16-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Bored kids? Mail-order Math Keeps Em Busy
University of Delaware

Parents nationwide can keep their 4th through 8th graders busy this summer pondering such brain teasers as how best to swamp a bedroom or split the profits from a sale of Beanie Babies--thanks to the University of Delaware's "mail-order math" program, "Solve It."

Released: 16-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Top Cornell Students Honor Their Teachers
Cornell University

Cornell will honor 35 secondary school teachers from around the world who have been chosen by Merrill Scholars, who are top students at the university. The teachers will be brought to campus and recognized for their inspirational teaching with a $4,000 scholarship in their names for future Cornell students from their schools or regions.

Released: 15-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Boomers Bypass Ho-Hum Travel and Seek Adventure
Purdue University

The most recent explosion in the travel industry may have been ignited by aging baby boomers who still want to kick up their heels. Adventure vacations for persons over 50 years old are one of the fastest-growing areas of the travel industry, according to Purdue University travel expert Alastair Morrison.

Released: 14-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
The Mother Road: What We've Missed along Interstate 80
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Steven Price has for two decades indulged a deep curiosity with the mother of all highways, Interstate 80, which girdles the continent from New York City to San Francisco. Hoping to convince us that interstates can hold the same charm of the old winding two-lanes, Price has authored an unusual travel guide that invites readers on a milepost-by-milepost look at the great highway.

Released: 14-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Panel Reports on State of U.S. Mathematics
National Science Foundation (NSF)

A panel commissioned by the National Science Foundation's Division of Mathematical Sciences reports that several adverse trends threaten to undermine the United States' dominant position in world mathematics. The panel also notes that NSF policies significantly affect the strength of U.S. mathematics and hence the health of other sciences.

Released: 14-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Volunteering Aids Retirement Well-Being
Cornell University

Volunteering boosts self-esteem and energy and gives Americans a sense of mastery over their lives, particularly in later midlife, says a new Cornell University study.

Released: 13-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
For Models and Centerfolds, Thin Is Dangerously In
St. Mary's University

High-fashion models are thin. But the first study of the majority of professional models shows a leanness that is life-threatening. These are not the handful of celebrity super models in the news, but rather the anonymous women typically seen in print and television advertising for clothing, household items, jewelry, automobiles, children's products, food and the like.

Released: 12-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Cornell Students Redesign Brooklyn Site
Cornell University

Cornell students, using a new urban planning computer software, suggest new uses for Brooklyn's Greenpoint Terminal

Released: 12-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
NASA's Daniel S. Goldin, UA Grad Greg Kinnear Speakers
University of Arizona

NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin and University of Arizona Alumnus, Greg Kinnear To Speak as the UA's Commencment Ceremonies Saturday, May 16, 1998.

Released: 9-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
May Is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
Ball State University

Experts in Ball State University's School of Physical Education are available to provide information related to National Physical Fitness and Sports Month during May.

Released: 8-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Notre Dame ReSources
University of Notre Dame

News tips for the media from Notre Dame faculty

Released: 8-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Students Invent No-Spill 'Wrapidos' for Food
Cornell University

For the fourth consecutive year, the Cornell University Food Product Development Team, made of undergraduate students and graduate, has been named as one of six finalists in the Institute of Food Technologists' (IFT) Student Association 1998 Product Development Competition, to be held in Atlanta June 20-22. This year's novel Cornell food product is called Wrapidos, and is engineered so that the food juices don't drip on your clothes.

Released: 8-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Cornell receives $2.75 million gift for Hillel
Cornell University

A Boston-area physician and his wife have contrbuted $2.75 million toward Cornell University's Hillel program.

Released: 8-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Elderly Need Better Access to Pets, Says Purdue Expert
Purdue University

Elderly people who have pets are happier and healthier, but society has erected roadblocks that often keep animals away from the elderly, a Purdue University expert says.

Released: 8-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
NSB Approves Multimillion-Dollar Awards for Atlanta and Jacksonville Public Schools
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Atlanta, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla., were named today to receive a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for system-wide reform of their K-12 mathematics, science and technology education programs.

Released: 7-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Sea Grant Tip Sheet for May 6, 1998
National Sea Grant College Program

Sea Grant Tip Sheet: 1) Study Finds Group of Marine Bacteria Dominate Waters Off Southeastern U.S. Coast, 2) Teachers to Gain Hands-On Experience at Interactive Exotic Species Day Camp, 3) Women Who Claim Title "Fisherman's Wife" Meet Stress of Fishing Marriages Better

Released: 6-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
U.S. Population Moving East, says University of Arizona Geographer
University of Arizona

"Go west, young man," New York journalist Horace Greeley told growth-happy American men (and women) in the 19th century. And for most of America's history, the country's increasingly mobile citizens pushed west, and south. Until recently, perhaps.

Released: 5-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Cornell MBA Compensation Tops $117,000
Cornell University, Johnson School

Starting salaries, signing bonuses, and other job perks have sent the total compensation package for MBA students at Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management up to $117,000. That's up 29% from last year's total of $92,000.

Released: 5-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Reading failure can be as destructive as serious disease
University of Delaware

A recently released national report equates reading failure with the same destructive outcomes of serious disease.

Released: 5-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
ILO mirror web site created at Cornell
Cornell University

Cornell University Law Library has become an official mirror site for the International Labour Organization
