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Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
"Suicide Survivors" Cope with Grief, Trauma of Their Loss
University of Illinois Chicago

A family member's suicide affects "survivors" in ways that go beyond grief over the death of a loved one, causing emotional reactions that resemble post-traumatic stress disorder and should be treated as such, says an expert at the University of Illinois at Chicago who works with suicide survivors and researches ways to help them best cope with their emotions and loss.

Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
UIC Poll Ranks Best, Worst U.S. Big-City Mayors Since 1960
University of Illinois Chicago

Chicago's Richard J. Daley was the best American big-city mayor since 1960, and Philadelphia's Frank Rizzo was the worst, according to a nationwide poll of 69 urban historians and political scientists conducted by a history professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
New Civil Rights Class Examines Struggle First-Hand
Saint Joseph's University

As part of a new sociology class on civil rights, a group of students from St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia is preparing to make a pilgrimage to the deep South to study the legacy of Martin Luther King and other civil rights leaders. The new course, "The Civil Rights Movement: The Dream Will Never Die," marks the 30th anniversary of the April 4, 1968 assassination of King, as well as his January 15 birthday.

Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Moscow Transplant Leads College Student Republicans
Ripon College

A student born and raised in the former Soviet Union may not be the most likely choice to hold a leadership position in a pro-Republican organization at a small, private liberal arts college in Wisconsin in the birthplace of the Grand Old Party. Yet that's exactly where Ripon College's Dmitri Smirenski, a 19-year-old transplant from Moscow, finds himself.

Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
'Real Relationships' Between Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence
University of Illinois Chicago

An expert at the University of Illinois at Chicago studies what he calls the "real relationships" between domestic violence and substance abuse.

Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
December 97 Tipsheet from ATS
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The following are articles appearing in the December issue of the "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine," published by the American Thoracic Society: 1- Fall Weather Brings Increased Hospitalization For Asthmatics; 2- Dust Mites Appear To Be A Dominant Risk Factor For Asthma; 3- Hospitalization for COPD and Asthma Dramatically Increases With Age; 4- Delirium, Acute Confusion and Malnutrition See As Indicators Of Pneumonia In The Elderly

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Historian Traces Plight of the 'Radium Girls'
Central Michigan University

The federal government's recent attempts to settle claims relating to human radiation experiments during the Cold War doesn't address the problems of radium poisoning that occurred during the years before World War II. The plight of a group of women known as the "radium girls," who from 1910 to 1935 found themselves among the first victims of radium poisoning, is the subject of a new book by a Central Michigan University history professor.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Environmental Chemistry Tip Sheet - January 1998
American Chemical Society (ACS)

ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY TIP SHEET - January 1998 1. Pure as the Driven Snow? Tracking Pollutants on Snowflakes 2. Getting the Lead out May Mean Cleaning up the Outdoors 3. What Is the Source of Atmospheric Mercury Contamination in Remote Areas?

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
UW Virologists Track New Influenza Threat
University of Wisconsin–Madison

University of Wisconsin-Madison influenza experts will conduct a detailed surveillance next month of the dangerous strain of influenza that has infected eight people and killed three in Hong Kong.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
A New Source of Medicines--Animal Urine
NYU Langone Health

New York, NY -December 22, 1997-Scientists at NYU School of Medicine and the United States Department of Agriculture have, for the first time, coaxed animals to produce a human protein in their urine, a discovery that could lead to a new and vastly less expensive method to obtain rare therapeutic proteins for a range of human diseases.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Emancipating Leisure: True Leisure Is the Basis of Democracy
Washington State University

While a frantic pace has become an accepted way of American life,John Hemingway says it is also a threat to democracy.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Colon Cancer Linked To Genes, Not Lifestyle
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Colon cancer and many other geriatric diseases in primates appear to be natural outcomes of aging, rather than being caused by outside factors, a scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has found.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Lab works to make nuclear 'gunk' environmentally safe
Mississippi State University

A "drum-thunker" and a high-temperature electric torch are helping a Mississippi State University lab develop ways to reduce and safely store nuclear wastes.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Rural residents pay a social cost
Mississippi State University

Persons choosing to live outside of urban centers can expect to pay a social cost, primarily in their adult income levels.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Farmers benefit from satellite technology research
Mississippi State University

Research based on space technology is helping improve crop management decisions for rural farmers.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Scientific Research in Russia Struggles to Survive
American Chemical Society (ACS)

WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 -- An estimated 70,000 to 90,000 scientists emigrate from Russia every year, according to an article published in the Dec. 22 issue of Chemical & Engineering News, the weekly news magazine of the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society. Because they are in the 30- to 45-year-old range, almost an entire generation of scientists has been lost to one of the world's largest countries.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
CRN Responds to News Stories about Creatine
Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN)

There is no evidence whatsoever to link the creatine supplement or any other supplement to the recent deaths of college wrestlers, and the media implications of a link are irresponsible and not supported by evidence.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Drug Slows Progression of Lou Gehrig's Disease
Porter Novelli, New York

Myotrophin, an experimental drug for Lou Gehrig's disease, appears to slow the disease's symptom progression. Results of a nine-month study involving 266 patients at eight North American medical centers were reported in the December issue of the journal Neurology.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Millions With Mental Illnesses Benefit From New Federal Rules
Mental Health America

Millions of Americans will be protected by new rules the Clinton administration released today telling employers how they must comply with the 1996 Mental Health Parity Act. The administration said all group health plans and all employers with 50 or more workers -- including state governments and churches -- must equalize the annual and lifetime limits imposed on mental and physical health care.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
UIC Researchers Find Molecular Clue to Genetic Diseases
University of Illinois Chicago

Scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago have found an important molecular clue to genetic diseases caused by expansions of repeated DNA segments. The lengths of the segments and the status of protein synthesis in a cell affect their replication.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Decempber Tip Sheets
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Four Tips from Los Alamos * Record-setting atomic trapping * Wee little boreholes for oil reservoir searches * Lasers and powderscombine under computer control for product making * Chemical reaction for removing actinides from the environment

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Pfizer Receives Clearance to Market New Broad-Spectrum Antibiotic Trovan
Pfizer, NY

Pfizer Inc announced on Dec. 19 that its broad-spectrum antibiotic Trovan (trovafloxacin) had gained marketing clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Discovered and developed by Pfizer, Trovan was cleared for the treatment of 14 bacterial infections, which is the largest number of indications ever included at an intial drug approval in the U.S. More than 13,000 patients participated in 87 studies involving Trovan and 30 comparatoe drug regimens, representing the largest clinical trial program in Pfizer history.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Lakes and Bogs Reveal Historical Mercury Trends in Maine
University of Maine

Rates of atmospheric mercury deposition in Maine appear to have reached a peak in the early to mid-1970s and to have declined significantly by 1982, according to a report by University of Maine geologists published in the December issue of the journal Water, Air and Soil Pollution (v. 100: 271-186, 1997). Stephen A. Norton, Gordon C. Evans and Steve Kahl of the UMaine Department of Geological Sciences used archived cores from Sargent Mountain Pond and Big Heath in Acadia National Park on Mt. Desert Island to determine historical trends in mercury deposition from the atmosphere to the Maine landscape. The cores were collected in 1982 and 1983.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Central Michigan University

Young deer hunters who bring home a trophy buck during firearm season also may be returning with an unwanted acquisition: permanent hearing loss. The results of a new survey by a Central Michigan University audiologist show that most young recreational firearm shooters between the ages of 18 and 30 are in danger of permanently damaging their hearing.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
January Online Tipsheet from APA
American Psychiatric Association (APA)

January Online Tipsheet: 1- ECT: Safe, Effective, Affordable -- Why Aren?t We Using It? 2- High Rate of Homelessness Among Newly Diagnosed Patients with Schizophrenia; 3- Confidentiality of Patients Records Threatened; 4- Psychiatrist, Heal Them Quick; 5- What Happens to the Children When Mental Illness Strikes?

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Northeast Endures 15th Coolest Autumn on Record
Cornell University

November capped a cool autumn in the Northeast, making it the fifth month in a row of average temperatures below the 30-year normal, according to Keith Eggleston, a senior climatologist at the Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell University. The region's area-weighted monthly average temperature was 2.9 degrees cooler than normal, making it the 21st coolest November in the last 103 years.

Released: 22-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Estrogen May Offer Protection Against Memory Loss
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Women may be able to reduce memory loss and boost thinking power with estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), according to a study published in the December issue of Neurology, the American Academy of Neurology's scientific journal. Embargoed for Release until Monday, December 22, 1997.

Released: 22-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
New Migraine Treatment Promises Longer Relief, Fewer Side Effects
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A new, longer-acting treatment for migraine, naratriptan, quickly relieves pain and disability associated with migraine and greatly reduces headache recurrence, according to a study published in the December issue of Neurology, the American Academy of Neurology's scientific journal. Embargoed for Release until Monday, December 22, 1997.

Released: 22-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Pitt Researchers Construct Novel Delivery System for Gene Therapy of Liver Disorders
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)

University of Pittsburgh researchers have constructed the first prototype of a delivery system for genes called a reconstituted chylomicron remnant (RCR) that has resulted in the extended production of therapeutic proteins in an animal model, according to a report published in the Dec. 23 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Released: 20-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Johns Hopkins Business of Medicine Tips and Briefs
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins Business of Medicine Tips and Briefs-- Listed are story ideas from the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.

Released: 20-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Taxol May Help in Fight Against Alzheimer's
University of Kansas

Two University of Kansas researchers have shown that Taxol, already proven effective in fighting ovarian and breast cancer, may someday also help in the battle against Alzheimer's disease. In laboratory studies, the two KU scientists have used taxol to slow the damage done to brain cells by the poisonous protein fibers that cause Alzheimer's.

Released: 20-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Policy Decisions Overtake EIA Projections for Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Energy Institute

Nuclear Industry comment on DOE Energy Information Administration report, " Annual Energy Outlook 1998."

Released: 20-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
U of Minnesota Researchers Sniff Out New Autoimmune Disease Therapy
University of Minnesota

A new treatment for the muscle-weakening disease myasthenia gravis has been devised by University of Minnesota researchers. The new treatment "tricks" the immune system into halting its attack and tolerating the muscle parts it had previously targeted. A pilot clinical trial may begin soon for the nasally administered therapy, which prevented the disease in mice.

Released: 20-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Peptic Ulcer Treatment Improves Health, Saves Money
University of Michigan

Millions of people with a history of peptic ulcer disease may be receiving unnecessary treatment according to a new study. Researchers report that prompt diagnosis and treatment for infection of H. pylori bacteria --- instead of acid-blocking medication --- improved many patients health and saved money.

Released: 20-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Drug Regimen Reduces Atrial Fibrillation After Heart Surgery
University of Michigan

Study shows drug treatment administered before open heart surgery reduces atrial fibrillation---a rapid, irregular beat in the upper chambers of the heart---in the days after the operation. Researchers found significant decreased risk of stroke after the operation as well as reductions in patient discomfort, cost and hospitalization time.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
UI pediatric dentist links clinic misbehavior with parenting styles
University of Iowa

The unruly child in the dentist's chair may resist treatment not because of fear but rather out of trouble responding to requests from adults. A University of Iowa College of Dentistry professor suggests that parenting styles affect preschool children's willingness to comply with dental care.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
UI researchers study link between steroids, aggressive driving
University of Iowa

Though anabolic steroids are known to produce aggressive behavior, a University of Iowa study shows that the drugs do not necessarily cause automobile drivers to take extra risks behind the wheel.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Reviving the Hamlets of Madison County
Colgate University

A grass-roots movement to revivie businesses in the depressed regions of Madison County, NY, is enjoying great success and serves as an example of what can be done in other depressed rural areas of the country to revive industries.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Human Breast Milk Contains Obesity Hormone
Purdue University

Leptin, a hormone that appears to play an important role in body metabolism and obesity, has been found for the first time in human breast milk.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Standard Measures of Mututal Fund Performance are Inaccurate
University of Rochester Simon Business School

Standard, widely-used measures of mutual fund performance are inaccurate and unreliable, and can lead to faulty conclusions by investors, a new study shows. The study--conducted by Professors S. P. Kothari and Jerold B. Warner of the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration and funded by the Association for Investment Management and Research--has important implications not only for fund managers who claim they can outperform the market, but also for ratings services such as Morningstar that track mutual fund performance.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
F&M Leaders Write Guide to Help Parents Cope With the Costs of a College Education
Franklin & Marshall College

In their respective positions as president and vice president of Franklin & Marshall College, Richard Kneedler and Alice Drum have spent years talking to parents about the value of a liberal arts education. Sooner or later, almost every conversation comes around to cost.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
This Year I Resolve...Franklin & Marshall Professor Finds Message of Hope in New Year's Resolutions
Franklin & Marshall College

What is it about the New Year that compels people to make resolutions? Michael Penn, assistant professor of psychology at Franklin & Marshall College believes it's the tone time of year when people drop their typically cynical views of human nature and hope for a positive change.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Make Short-Term Capital Flows More Costly
Washington University in St. Louis

World-wide financial crises--like the ongoing one Asia--will recur until the G-7 nations throw "sand in the gears" of globalized financial markets. So says Dr. David Felix, an economist at Washington University, in two papers he wrote well before the latest crisis.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Ruining Your Holiday....Why the FBI Thought "It's a Wonderful Life" was a Subversive Film
Franklin & Marshall College

"It's a Wonderful Life" is one of the most popular and heartwarming films ever made. Long regarded as the definitive Christmas movie, "It's A Wonderful Life" tells the tale of a man's life that is recognized as wonderful and truly rich after he suffers through many hardships and trials. Yet in 1947, the FBI had some very different ideas about this holiday classic. In fact, the FBI branded "It's a Wonderful Life" and seven other films, including "The Best Years of Our Lives" as subversive.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
The Textbook of the Future...Now Introductory Chemistry Course Utilizes CD-ROM Textbook at Franklin & Marshall
Franklin & Marshall College

Imagine if your old chemistry textbook could suddenly come to life. You could see chemical reactions or an interactive representation of the periodic table.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Weapons Metallurgists Find Niche in Art World
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos metallurgists adapting technology for spraying molten metal to national security applications have also found a use for the technology as a new tool for sculptors.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Resolve to Plan Now, Save Later
Purdue University

Jan. 1 is the perfect time to begin to plan for next year's taxes, says a Purdue University accounting professor. "It's too late to do anything about the 1997 return, so you might as well start planning ahead." says John "Jack" Hatcher, assistant professor of management in the Krannert Graduate School of Management. Hatcher teaches tax courses in the accounting program at Krannert and offers the following tax tips for early bird planners:

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Images of asteroid 253 Mathilde published
Cornell University

Cornell University astronomer Joseph Veverka and a team of scientists are releasing humanity's first close-up images of a little-known c-class asteroid 253 Mathilde to be published exclusively in the journal Science on Friday, Dec. 19. Scientists didn't expect to find the minor planet so densely pocked with craters and so porous. It is made mostly of carbonaceous chondrite.

Released: 18-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Fear of Friday the 13th
Mansfield University in Pennsylvania

If you have a phobia about "Friday the 13th" then 1998 isn't going to be a good year for you. There are three "Friday the 13ths" in the upcoming year: February 13, March 13 and November 13. Thomas Fernsler can discuss triskaidekaphobia--fear of the number 13.

Released: 18-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Testing Shows Titanic Steel Was Brittle
Missouri University of Science and Technology

Rolla, Mo. -- Recent tests of steel from the Titanic reveal that the metal was much more brittle than modern steel but the best available at the time, a metallurgical engineering professor at the University of Missouri-Rolla says in a paper to be published in the January 1998 issue of Journal of Metals.
