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Released: 10-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EST
Urgent Need for Increased Global Access to Effective Prevention and Treatment of Pneumonia
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

On World Pneumonia Day, Nov. 12, the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS), of which the American Thoracic Society is a founding member, is highlighting the urgent challenges in pneumonia prevention and treatment globally.

Released: 3-Nov-2023 5:00 PM EDT
AANA and APNA Issue Joint Statement on Ketamine Infusion Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders
American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology

The American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) and the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) support a patient-centered, interdisciplinary approach to providing care and treatment to persons with psychiatric disorders who may benefit from ketamine infusion therapy.

Released: 2-Nov-2023 6:55 PM EDT
Congress must act to protect patients’ health care access
American Academy of Dermatology

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized cuts to the physician fee schedule for 2024, which will impact the ability of medical practices to cover expenses like equipment, rent, and nursing and office staff salaries.

Released: 2-Nov-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Final 2024 Medicare Physician Payment Rule Negatively Impacts Anesthesia Groups, Harms Patient Access to Surgical Care
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) calls on Congress to block a 3.27% Medicare payment cut to anesthesiologists and other physicians included in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) final rule released today.

Released: 2-Nov-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Medicare physician payment final rule cements more cuts to radiation oncology, underscores need for legislative fix
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)

The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) issued the following statement in response to the final 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) released today: “ASTRO is deeply disappointed that CMS finalized an additional 2% cut to reimbursement for radiation therapy in today’s MPFS final rule.

Newswise: American Cancer Society Updates Lung Cancer Screening Guideline: Nearly Five Million U.S. Adults who Smoke and Formerly Smoked Now Recommended for Testing
30-Oct-2023 12:05 PM EDT
American Cancer Society Updates Lung Cancer Screening Guideline: Nearly Five Million U.S. Adults who Smoke and Formerly Smoked Now Recommended for Testing
American Cancer Society (ACS)

The American Cancer Society releasesan update of its lung cancer screening guideline to help reduce the number of people dying from the disease due to smoking history.

Not for public release

This news release is embargoed until 30-Oct-2023 5:00 PM EDT Released to reporters: 24-Oct-2023 2:00 PM EDT

A reporter's PressPass is required to access this story until the embargo expires on 30-Oct-2023 5:00 PM EDT The Newswise PressPass gives verified journalists access to embargoed stories. Please log in to complete a presspass application. If you have not yet registered, please Register. When you fill out the registration form, please identify yourself as a reporter in order to advance to the presspass application form.

Released: 30-Oct-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Institute for International Crop Improvement: Early Promise, Long Journey Ahead
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

The challenges facing global food security and the livelihoods of smallholder farmers over the last year may at first appear insurmountable, yet IICI’s vital work continues to advance impactful agricultural innovations where they are needed most.

Released: 26-Oct-2023 8:05 AM EDT
American Society of Nephrology (ASN)

The American Society of Nephrology, representing 21,000 nephrologists, scientists and other kidney care professionals, today voiced its support for the Honor Our Living Donors (HOLD) Act (H.R. 6020), new legislation introduced by U.S. Representatives Jay Obernolte (R-CA-23) and Suzanne DelBene (D-WA-1) to qualify federal support for living organ donors based on donor income as opposed to current requirements that base support on the organ recipient’s income.

Released: 25-Oct-2023 5:00 PM EDT
AANA Updates, Publishes Analgesia and Anesthesia Practice Considerations for The Substance Use Disorder Patient
American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology

To help ensure that patients with active substance use disorder, on medication-assisted treatment, or in abstinent recovery continue to receive high-quality, safe pain management and anesthesia care, the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) has published its updated analgesia and anesthesia practice considerations.

Not for public release

This news release is embargoed until 23-Oct-2023 5:00 PM EDT Released to reporters: 17-Oct-2023 2:00 PM EDT

A reporter's PressPass is required to access this story until the embargo expires on 23-Oct-2023 5:00 PM EDT The Newswise PressPass gives verified journalists access to embargoed stories. Please log in to complete a presspass application. If you have not yet registered, please Register. When you fill out the registration form, please identify yourself as a reporter in order to advance to the presspass application form.

Newswise:Video Embedded prescription-drug-costs-too-high-changing-your-health-plan-could-save-money
Released: 16-Oct-2023 1:05 PM EDT
Prescription drug costs too high? Changing your health plan could save money
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

For people with expensive prescription drugs, switching plans could save them thousands of dollars in copays. And a simple tool can help people easily compare out-of-pockets expenses for anyone with a Medicare Part D prescription plan.

Released: 11-Oct-2023 7:05 AM EDT
Bristol unites international gambling harms experts and people suffering from gambling addiction to highlight urgent need for reform
University of Bristol

With the explosion of online platforms and advertising, the scourge of gambling is a growing problem affecting people of all ages.

Released: 10-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Statement on New Federal Guidance on the No Surprises Act from the American College of Emergency Physicians, American College of Radiology, American Society of Anesthesiologists, Emergency Department Practice Management Association
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

On Friday October 6th, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced new guidance in response to the August ruling in Texas Medical Association v. United States Department of Health and Human Services (“TMA III”) that vacated several provisions of the existing No Surprises Act (NSA) regulations.

Released: 5-Oct-2023 4:00 PM EDT
American College of Surgeons Endorses Find It Early Act
American College of Surgeons (ACS)

The American College of Surgeons (ACS) strongly supports the Find it Early Act (H.R. 3086).

Released: 5-Oct-2023 2:20 PM EDT
MEDIA ADVISORY - Briefing: Improving Children’s Health—The Need for Better Pediatric Laboratory Testing
Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM)

Join the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) and leading experts in laboratory medicine and pediatric health for a discussion about what needs to be done to improve pediatric reference intervals and why this is critical to ensuring that children get effective care.

Released: 30-Sep-2023 1:30 PM EDT
Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) Statement on Proposed FDA Rule on Laboratory Developed Tests
Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM)

We at the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine were disappointed to see the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) attempt to circumvent Congress with its new proposed rule to duplicate the regulation of laboratory developed tests by placing these tests under FDA authority, in addition to their current regulation under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Newswise: Cleaning Product Ingredient Transparency Gets a Hearing on Capitol Hill
Released: 27-Sep-2023 3:05 PM EDT
Cleaning Product Ingredient Transparency Gets a Hearing on Capitol Hill
American Cleaning Institute

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce is discussing a legislative proposal that would establish – for the first time – a federal standard for ingredient communication in cleaning products.

Released: 26-Sep-2023 12:00 PM EDT
American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology Urges VA to Issue Evidence-Based National Practice Standards
American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology

Dru Riddle, PhD, DNP, CRNA, FAAN, president of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) urged the Veterans Health Administration (VA) to develop National Standards of Practice for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) that are grounded in evidence-based education and training standards, not politics, during a listening session on September 21.

Released: 26-Sep-2023 10:25 AM EDT
Association for Psychological Science (APS) Statement on Looming U.S. Government Shutdown
Association for Psychological Science

The Association for Psychological Science calls on Congress to promptly fund the US government for the coming fiscal year to sustain important scientific programs and initiatives.

