Life News (Law and Public Policy)

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Released: 5-Nov-2008 5:20 PM EST
Advice to the New Administration: UM Foreign and Domestic Policy Guide
University of Maryland, College Park

Obama will confront challenges as serious as any ever faced by an American president, says the dean of the University of Maryland School of Public Policy. He asked his experts to create policy briefs for the incoming administration. They recommended a multi-agency approach to security and a diplomacy-first strategy; more aid to endangered businesses; and taking small steps toward health care reform.

Released: 5-Nov-2008 1:40 PM EST
UD Congratulates Alumnus Joe Biden
University of Delaware

The University of Delaware congratulates alumnus Joseph R. Biden Jr., vice president-elect of the United States. Archived photos of Biden, as a student and university supporter, are available on a website for use by media outlets.

Released: 4-Nov-2008 1:00 PM EST
Proposition 8: Marriage Equality in California – Sources for Follow-up Stories
Alliant International University

Experts available on the psychological effects of legal status on same-sex relationships and on the people in those relationships.

Released: 3-Nov-2008 1:30 PM EST
Election Night: USC Experts Available
University of Southern California (USC)

Experts on presidential and state politics follow in alphabetical order: scroll down for experts on the election and the economy; election night viewing at USC; and pre- and post-election forums.

Released: 3-Nov-2008 12:00 AM EST
Report: Economic Impact of Arms Race in Space – a Call for Changes in U.S. Space Policy
Secure World Foundation

A new report focuses on the economic impact of an arms race in space - calling for changes in U.S. space policy.

Released: 1-Nov-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Sabato and Friends: University of Virginia Political Experts for Election Day
University of Virginia

University of Virginia sources for presidential election coverage, including politics professors and experts in election-related fields (implicit bias, voting machines, history, etc.).

Released: 29-Oct-2008 2:00 PM EDT
Exorbitant CEO Compensation: Just Reward Or Grand Theft?
Halstead Communications

"Walking into a bank with a gun and demanding money from a teller is one way to steal money," says David O. Friedrichs, Professor and Distinguished University Fellow, Sociology/Criminal Justice, The University of Scranton. "Walking into a corporate boardroom and securing from the board's compensation committee, made up of cronies, paid consultants, and even relatives, compensation of millions "“ sometimes tens of millions or hundreds of millions "“ is another way to steal money.

Released: 29-Oct-2008 11:00 AM EDT
State Emergency Managers Underutilize Internet
University of Kansas

"Our nation's emergency managers do not fully appreciate the potential of the Internet and emerging social media," the researcher says

Released: 29-Oct-2008 9:00 AM EDT
A New Policy Prescription for Corruption-Free Voting: Require Every Eligible American to Cast a Vote
University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business

With the 2008 presidential election days away, a new study provides compelling evidence that mandatory voting may be the best way to reduce electoral corruption. The research focused on "vote buying," the act of bribing voters. According to John Morgan, professor at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, policy reforms combining the present secret ballot with the required vote of every eligible American would remove the possibility of vote buying.

Released: 28-Oct-2008 1:00 AM EDT
America's Top Trial Teams Create Legal Drama
University of Maryland, Baltimore

Dozens of the country's brightest young legal minds will converge at the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore this week to make their case for being the best trial team in the nation. It's a fun combination of the intelligence and quick thinking needed by trial attorneys combined with the pressure and competitiveness of, say, a collegiate basketball tournament.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 3:45 PM EDT
Political Experts: Race, Gender, Advertising, Policy, International Relations, Asian Politics
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Political experts at the University of North Carolina Wilmington can provide insight into the approaching historic 2008 American presidential election and international politics.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 11:50 AM EDT
Election 2008: Experts Available for Interview
University of Indianapolis

As this historic election season heads into its final week, faculty experts at the University of Indianapolis are available to discuss the political process and the top issues on voters' minds.

Released: 24-Oct-2008 4:20 PM EDT
Voter Fraud Allegations Are Bluster, Says Election Law Expert
Washington University in St. Louis

"No evidence exists of any serious threat of voter fraud, at present or in any recent election cycle," says Greg Magarian, J.D., election law expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. "Filing false registration forms does not constitute voter fraud," he says. "Voter fraud requires voting by a person who is not legally entitled to vote. That is a difficult trick to pull off, and simply turning in a registration form for 'Captain Crunch' does almost nothing to enable it."

2-Oct-2008 11:20 AM EDT
Study Shows Limits of ‘War on Terror’ to Support Government Plans
North Carolina State University

A new study from North Carolina State University shows that there are definite limits on the government's use of the "war on terror" as a tool for advancing federal land-use projects and other policies. "The government can no longer rely solely on the "˜war on terrorism' and "˜national security' as arguments," study author Dr. Kenneth S. Zagacki says.

Released: 21-Oct-2008 12:45 PM EDT
Hawkeye Poll: Younger Voters Could Swing Election but Remain Less Engaged
University of Iowa

Younger voters could secure Barack Obama's seat in the Oval Office, but a University of Iowa Hawkeye Poll released today shows they're less likely to make it to the polls and paying less attention to the election than older voters are.

Released: 20-Oct-2008 8:40 AM EDT
NAELA and AARP Host Free “Aging in America” Webcast on Oct 30
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

With Baby Boomers approaching retirement age and the current economic squeeze impacting American wallets, advanced long-term care planning is now more crucial than ever. The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) and AARP have joined forces to present a free Webcast on Oct. 30 at 1:00 pm ET entitled "Aging in America "“ How to Plan for it."

Released: 20-Oct-2008 8:30 AM EDT
United Nations Briefing: Just How Safe Is Outer Space?
Secure World Foundation

This week, a special briefing is to be held at the United Nations on space security, focused on the commercial sector, emerging space states, and civil society. To be presented are new perspectives on space security, focused on the commercial sector, emerging space states, and civil society.

Released: 17-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Rural Americans Divided on Environmental Views
University of New Hampshire

Reflecting the heterogeneous nature of rural America, rural Americans are divided "“ primarily along religious lines "“ on their perspectives of environmental conservation and climate change, a new brief from the Carsey Institute finds. This religious and environmental divide presents a challenge to political candidates.

Released: 16-Oct-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Sen. Obama Leads in Latest GW - Battleground Tracking Poll
George Washington University

In the most recent George Washington University Battleground Poll, Sen. Barack Obama leads Sen. John McCain (47%-40%). Eleven percent remain undecided. The disapproval rating for Congress is 74%. The economy is the most important issue among registered "likely" voters (41% compared to 7% for the war in Iraq).

Released: 15-Oct-2008 3:35 PM EDT
Coach Can Discuss Tactics, Importance of Final Presidential Debate
Texas Tech University

When it comes to Wednesday's final debate, McCain better bring his game.
