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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

4 Ways Blogging Can Benefit Your Business

From Butler University

“A savvy business marketing plan involving the strategic use of a blog can move your business up in search engine listings, and is an inexpensive way of extending a personal invitation to online searchers,” says Rhoda Israelov, a career mentor and executive-in-residence in Butler University’s College of Business.

As a business owner you may be wondering why you need a blog, especially if your organization already has an extensive email database of customers. Israelov offers the following reasons:

1. To reach potential customers who have never heard of you.

2. Readers may come to your blog to find something interesting, and then “click-through” to your site as a whole and learn about you and your products or services.

3. Low-cost with a potential high-return on investment in the form of SEO and site traffic.

4. Blogging is a cheap way to update your site with regular, fresh content.

Read the full article here.

Posted by Thom Canalichio on 06/15/10 at 10:57 AM


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