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Friday, August 17, 2012

Reporter Feedback: Please Include Links to Journal Articles

Do you ever post a news release about research being published in an academic journal?

If so, Newswise subscriber Sharon Begley of the Thomson Reuters news agency has a special request for you. 

“You know what would be really helpful to reporters?” She writes, “If posting institutions would include a link to any paper they mention.” 

Like most reporters working on tight deadlines, Sharon is interested in expediency. 

“A single clickable hotlink would be a great time saver for those of us who don’t write off the press release but always read the published paper.”

And she suggests an alternative for institutions with embargoed research that hasn’t yet been published; “If it hasn’t been published yet, a pdf? Just a thought . . .”

Newswise definitely recommends including links to available resources for published research, and this reporter feedback is a good example of our journalist subscribers’ needs.  If you would like a brief tutorial on creating links in your news release, read our editorial tip for creating links here.

Thanks for your feedback, Sharon, and Newswise members, thanks for providing the links to your research!

Posted by Thom Canalichio on 08/17/12 at 03:33 PM


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