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Released: 7-Mar-2017 3:50 PM EST
Sovereign Wealth Funds Invest in Politically Active U.S. Firms to Insulate Their State Sponsors
Stephen J.R. Smith School of Business, Queen's University

Some sovereign wealth funds are circumventing the federal ban on foreign political contributions by taking equity positions in U.S. firms identified as big campaign contributors, new study shows.

Released: 27-Oct-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Trying to Boost "Client Satisfaction", Auditors Unwittingly Overlook Questionable Accounting Practices
Stephen J.R. Smith School of Business, Queen's University

For any other profession, customer relationship management is a great marketing tactic. For auditors, it makes them identify too readily with a client’s overly aggressive accounting approach

Release date: 30-Oct-2017 11:05 AM EDT
research shows how to make email and other technology interruptions productive
Stephen J.R. Smith School of Business, Queen's University

There are different types of email interruptions, each one with its own trade offs. Managers and workers can use this knowledge to mitigate the negative impacts on performance and stress.

Released: 7-Nov-2017 9:05 AM EST
New Study Shows Abusive Behavior in Hospital Operating Rooms Undermines Surgical Team Performance
Stephen J.R. Smith School of Business, Queen's University

The impact of surgeons’ leadership on surgical team performance was studied, focusing on “psychological safety” and team efficacy. Abusive supervision — such as putting down someone in front of others — and highly controlling behaviour undermined surgical team results.
