Feature Channels: Psychology and Psychiatry

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Released: 27-Apr-2022 1:05 PM EDT
FSU College of Medicine studying effects of isolation, partner separation
Florida State University

Florida State University College of Medicine Professor Mohamed Kabbaj has been awarded a $3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the effects of acute social isolation and partner separation.

Released: 27-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Young Mothers with Children by Multiple Partners More Likely to Experience Abuse, Rutgers Study Finds
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Younger mothers with children by multiple fathers are more likely to experience psychological or physical harassment, economic abuse and sexual violence than younger mothers who have children with only one partner, a new Rutgers study finds.

Newswise: Seventh Season of Healthy Minds with Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein Launches Nationally in May – Mental Health Month - Featuring Candid Conversations and Latest Info on Mental Health
Released: 27-Apr-2022 10:15 AM EDT
Seventh Season of Healthy Minds with Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein Launches Nationally in May – Mental Health Month - Featuring Candid Conversations and Latest Info on Mental Health
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation

Season 7 of the public television series Healthy Minds with Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein, launching nationally on PBS in May during Mental Health Awareness month, features inspiring personal stories from people who have experienced mental health issues, as well as the latest information from experts on new approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness.

Newswise:Video Embedded on-our-sleeves-survey-reveals-many-parents-need-support-in-starting-mental-health-conversations-with-children
Released: 27-Apr-2022 8:55 AM EDT
On Our Sleeves® Survey Reveals Many Parents Need Support in Starting Mental Health Conversations with Children
Nationwide Children's Hospital

Between the challenges of everyday life and more than two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, kids face more pressure and distraction than ever before, a combination of factors that has led to a mental health crisis among children in the United States. That crisis means that, more than ever, caregivers need to be equipped to talk daily to their children about thoughts, feelings and emotions, which in turn can help caregivers better support children if they have a mental health concern.

Newswise: NIH awards Joseph Mikels $2.6 million to research motivation and health
Released: 26-Apr-2022 2:55 PM EDT
NIH awards Joseph Mikels $2.6 million to research motivation and health
DePaul University

Tapping into positive emotions and social connections may be key to motivating older adults to exercise. DePaul University psychology professor Joseph Mikels has been awarded a $2.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to continue his work on emotion, aging and decision-making throughout the life span.

Released: 26-Apr-2022 2:30 PM EDT
Six in ten people with COVID-19 still have a least one symptom a year later, long Covid study reveals
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Six in ten people with COVID-19 still have at least one symptom a year later, a new study being presented at this year’s European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) in Lisbon, Portugal (23-26 April) has found.

Released: 26-Apr-2022 1:55 PM EDT
Talk therapy may alleviate depression and improve quality of life for people with dementia
University College London

Feelings of anxiety and depression are common in people living with dementia and mild cognitive impairment, but the best way to treat these symptoms is currently unknown, as medicines often used to treat these symptoms may not be effective for people with dementia and may cause side effects.

Newswise: 2 Out of 3 Women with Depression or Anxiety Say They’Ve Reached Their “Breaking Point,” Yet More Than Half Wait a Year Before Seeking Treatment
Released: 26-Apr-2022 1:45 PM EDT
2 Out of 3 Women with Depression or Anxiety Say They’Ve Reached Their “Breaking Point,” Yet More Than Half Wait a Year Before Seeking Treatment
GeneSight Mental Health Monitor

Two out of three women diagnosed with depression or anxiety say they have reached or are approaching their breaking point regarding their mental health, according to the GeneSight® Mental Health Monitor, a new nationwide survey from Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN).

Released: 26-Apr-2022 1:35 PM EDT
Rates of handgun carriage rise among US adolescents, particularly White, rural, and higher income teens, new study finds
Boston College

Handgun carrying increased significantly among rural, White and higher-income adolescents from 2002 to 2019, ominously escalating the risk of firearm-related death or injury for both these youths and others in their social sphere, researchers from Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and Human Development report in the latest edition of the journal Pediatrics.

Released: 26-Apr-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Study suggests early self-awareness of autism leads to better quality of life
University of Portsmouth

People who learn they are autistic when they are younger may have a heightened quality of life and sense of well-being in adulthood.

Released: 26-Apr-2022 5:35 AM EDT
Where the mind is without fear: Scientists discover mechanism behind the chemically induced suppression of fearful memories
Tokyo University of Science

Tragic events like wars, famines, earthquakes, and accidents create fearful memories in our brain. These memories continue to haunt us even after the actual event has passed.

Newswise: Infants preferentially perceive faces in the upper visual field
Released: 25-Apr-2022 12:55 PM EDT
Infants preferentially perceive faces in the upper visual field
Chuo University

It has previously been reported that the human visual system has an asymmetry in the visual field.

Released: 25-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Why Employees Quit and Start Their Own Business
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

SMLR’s Scott Seibert, Jie (Jasmine) Feng, and Maria Kraimer studied why some workers choose to become their own boss

Newswise: First-of-its-kind study compares domestic violence programs, finds promising results
Released: 25-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
First-of-its-kind study compares domestic violence programs, finds promising results
Iowa State University

Men convicted of domestic violence were charged with significantly fewer violent and nonviolent charges one year after completing an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) based program used by the Iowa Department of Corrections compared to the Duluth Model. The study comparing the two interventions also found evidence that physical aggression, controlling behaviors and stalking behaviors decreased from the men who were in the ACT-based program.

Released: 25-Apr-2022 9:00 AM EDT
Anyone can be a cyberbully, not just people who are unhinged
University of Michigan

People who have high premeditated or impulsive aggressive tendencies online are likely to cyberbully others, according to a new University of Michigan study.

22-Apr-2022 5:05 AM EDT
New research shows humans possess surprising nutritional intelligence
University of Bristol

Pioneering research has shed new light on what drives people’s basic food preferences, indicating our choices may be smarter than previously thought and influenced by the specific nutrients, as opposed to just calories, we need.

Released: 22-Apr-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Firearms kill more children than car crashes, new report finds
Medical University of South Carolina

Gun violence in the United States has increased to the point that it now kills more children than any other cause, including car accidents, and pediatricians may not be entirely prepared.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-can-we-reduce-the-firearm-death-toll-in-older-adults
Released: 22-Apr-2022 9:35 AM EDT
How can we reduce the firearm death toll in older adults?
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A firearm injury researcher and emergency physician provides information on firearm injuries, deaths, risk factors and attitudes among adults over 50, and gives tips for individuals and families to reduce risk of suicide and other firearm-related harm.

18-Apr-2022 12:45 PM EDT
For Cooperative Teams, Modesty Leaves the Best Impression
American Psychological Association (APA)

People may forgo displaying luxury brands and other signals of status when they want to convince others that they will collaborate well with a team, as people who signal their wealth and social status could be perceived as uncooperative, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Newswise: The Medical Minute: A guide through standardized tests for you and your child
Released: 21-Apr-2022 7:05 AM EDT
The Medical Minute: A guide through standardized tests for you and your child
Penn State Health

In May, students across the state will take their mandated Pennsylvania System of School Assessment exams, and for many the ritual tests more than their academic knowledge. How you can help your child cope with stress in this week’s Medical Minute.

Released: 20-Apr-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Endocrine Society Opposes Florida Department of Health Policy on Gender Dysphoria Treatment for Children and Adolescents
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society objects to the Florida Department of Health’s bulletin on gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse youth. The bulletin contradicts the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ resources and the Society’s own evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline regarding gender-affirming care.

Released: 20-Apr-2022 12:30 PM EDT
Witnessing parental domestic violence in childhood linked to mental illness in adulthood
University of Toronto

A new study from the University of Toronto found that one-fifth (22.5%) of adults who were exposed to chronic parental domestic violence during childhood developed a major depressive disorder at some point in their life.

Released: 20-Apr-2022 11:50 AM EDT
PSPI Live: Test a Witness’s Memory of a Suspect Only Once
Association for Psychological Science

PSPI Live is an online symposium series that highlights papers published in the APS journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest (PSPI).

Newswise: Study: Nurses experienced ‘moral distress’ on frontlines of COVID-19 pandemic
Released: 19-Apr-2022 4:30 PM EDT
Study: Nurses experienced ‘moral distress’ on frontlines of COVID-19 pandemic
DePaul University

A new study from researchers at DePaul University’s School of Nursing documents the emotions of 100 nurses who cared for patients during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Faculty members and students interviewed a diverse group of nurses throughout the U.S. and found all experienced “moral distress” as they lacked support to provide high-quality nursing care based on their training.

Released: 19-Apr-2022 1:50 PM EDT
Praising essential workers — nurses, grocery workers, corrections officers — is not just a good thing, it’s critical to their recovery from burnout
Brigham Young University

Remember when all those Twitter and Instagram posts thanking front-line workers blew up after the COVID pandemic hit? Turns out those were a big deal to essential workers.

Released: 19-Apr-2022 7:05 AM EDT
A better way to reduce child maltreatment
Ohio State University

A first-of-its-kind national study has found that a special program adopted in many states to help some families at risk of child maltreatment has been surprisingly successful.

Released: 18-Apr-2022 3:10 PM EDT
Variable Schedules Harm Workers and Businesses
Cornell University

Variable work schedules – which employers increasingly use to maximize profits amid unpredictable market conditions – can actually undermine organizational performance, especially in crisis periods such as the pandemic, according to Cornell University research.

Released: 18-Apr-2022 12:15 PM EDT
Recreational marijuana access reduces demand for prescription drugs
Cornell University

Legalization of recreational marijuana reduces demand for costly prescription drugs through state Medicaid programs, according to an analysis by a Cornell researcher and a collaborator.

Released: 18-Apr-2022 10:05 AM EDT
When AI companions for lonely people seem a bit too human
Ohio State University

Imagine a future in which lonely people can interact with social bots, based on artificial intelligence (AI), to get the conversations and connection they crave. While it sounds intriguing, a small preliminary study suggests people may not be comfortable with AI companions are too much like real humans.

Released: 15-Apr-2022 10:15 AM EDT
Socioeconomic factors affect response to depression treatment
University of Cincinnati

Cross-college collaboration highlights importance of patients’ home environments.

11-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Lies That 'Might' Eventually Come True Seem Less Unethical
American Psychological Association (APA)

People may be willing to condone statements they know to be false and even spread misinformation on social media if they believe those statements could become true in the future, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

14-Apr-2022 12:05 AM EDT
Study uses machine-learning approach to calculate risk for veteran homelessness
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU)

In the U.S. today, there are an estimated 1.4 million homeless veterans, which makes up about eight percent of the country’s homeless population. Though it has been difficult to accurately predict homelessness before it occurs, a new collaborative study using a “personalized medicine” approach, led by the Uniformed Services University (USU), suggests self-reported lifetime depression and posttraumatic stress disorder were among the most important factors that put veterans at risk for becoming homeless.

Released: 13-Apr-2022 2:30 PM EDT
Childhood trauma key indicator of suicide ideation in college students
Trinity College Dublin

New research from the School of Psychology at Trinity College Dublin has shown that cumulative exposure to childhood trauma was a key indicator of suicide ideation among university students.

Newswise: Why we shout during Zoom calls if the image gets blurry
Released: 13-Apr-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Why we shout during Zoom calls if the image gets blurry
Radboud University Nijmegen

If you find yourself shouting and gesticulating wildly if others can’t hear you during a Zoom call, you’re not alone.

Released: 13-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Journalists Invited to Premier Global Event in Psychological Science: 2022 APS Annual Convention, Chicago, May 26-29
Association for Psychological Science

APS’s 34th annual gathering will feature leading psychological researchers presenting on virtually all aspects of human behavior, including substance abuse and addiction, sexual and emotional health, mental health and depression, COVID-related research, and the impact of misinformation and how to fight it.

13-Apr-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Structural Racism and Pandemic Stressors Associated with Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Among Black Individuals
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

The combined effects of systemic and interpersonal racism layered on top of negative experiences within the COVID-19 pandemic were associated with depression and anxiety among Black people in the postpartum period, according to a new study by researchers in The Intergenerational Exposome Program (IGNITE) of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The findings were published today in JAMA Psychiatry.

Released: 13-Apr-2022 10:45 AM EDT
Comparing Potential Moral Injury in Veterans and Health Care Workers
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

A study comparing 618 military veterans who deployed to a combat zone after Sept. 11, 2001, and 2,099 health care workers (HCWs) working during the COVID-19 pandemic found similar levels of potential moral injury (PMI), with 46.1% of veterans and 50.7% of HCWs reporting PMI.

Released: 13-Apr-2022 7:05 AM EDT
Newborns’ brains already organized into functional networks
Ohio State University

Right from birth, human brains are organized into networks that support mental functions such as vision and attention, a new study shows.

Newswise: UCI participates in landmark study that reveals clearest genetic signals yet for schizophrenia risk
Released: 12-Apr-2022 4:55 PM EDT
UCI participates in landmark study that reveals clearest genetic signals yet for schizophrenia risk
University of California, Irvine

Researchers from the University of California, Irvine, participated with the international SCHEMA (SCHizophrenia Exome Meta-Analysis) Consortium in a landmark genetic study of more than 121,000 people which has identified extremely rare protein-disrupting mutations in 10 genes that strongly increase an individual's risk of developing schizophrenia — in one instance, by more than 20-fold.

Released: 12-Apr-2022 3:20 PM EDT
Two in five adults with ADHD are in excellent mental health
University of Toronto

A new nationally representative study published online in the International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology found two in five adults (42%) with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were in excellent mental health.

Released: 12-Apr-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Grey matter volume could inform treatment decisions for developing mental health disorders
University of Birmingham

The brain structure of patients with recent onset psychosis and depression can offer important biological insights into these illnesses and how they might develop.

Released: 12-Apr-2022 10:05 AM EDT
The One Word Charities Use That Turns Off Donors
Ohio State University

People would rather spend their money on a charitable cause than simply give to it, a new study suggests. You may wonder: What’s the difference? The answer is control.

Released: 12-Apr-2022 10:05 AM EDT
What makes an a--hole an a—hole?
University of Georgia

Everybody knows at least one. That person in your life who’s irritating, exasperating and generally unpleasant to be around. In other words, a total asshole. New research from the University of Georgia suggests that the “biggest assholes” in many people’s lives are middle-aged men.

9-Apr-2022 9:05 AM EDT
How Did the Early Stages of the Pandemic Affect Alcohol Use in Different Countries?
Research Society on Alcoholism

A review of studies exploring changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed an increase in problematic alcohol use in some countries. Overall, the pandemic’s impact on drinking was mixed, and likely dependent on multiple factors including the local social distancing and alcohol-specific policies in force. Although several countries, including the US, have previously reported higher alcohol sales during the pandemic, synthesized information on the impact on alcohol consumption was lacking. Factors potentially linked to greater pandemic drinking include social isolation, anxiety and depression, blurring of work and leisure hours, loss of employment, and the shift from in-premise to home-based drinking. However, for some people, the same factors may have prompted a reduction in drinking. Alcohol-related policies, as well as lockdown restrictions, varied around the world. In certain countries, such as South Africa, alcohol sales were temporarily banned, whereas in parts

Newswise: Oregon State research helps provide scientific framework for psilocybin use in therapeutic settings
Released: 11-Apr-2022 4:25 PM EDT
Oregon State research helps provide scientific framework for psilocybin use in therapeutic settings
Oregon State University

A new paper by an Oregon State University-led research team provides a scientific framework to help shape the rollout of a program in Oregon that will legally permit the use of psilocybin for therapeutic reasons.

Released: 11-Apr-2022 4:05 PM EDT
'Threatening' faces and beefy bodies do not bias criminal suspect identification, study finds
University of Cambridge

We’re all familiar with the classic “look” of a movie bad guy: peering through narrowing eyes with a sinister sneer (like countless James Bond villains, including Christopher Walken’s memorable Max Zorin in A View to a Kill) or pumped up to cartoon-like dimensions (like the Soviet boxer Drago who growls “I must break you” to Rocky Balboa in Rocky IV).

Newswise: The Kryptonite of the “Superhero Ideal”
Released: 11-Apr-2022 4:05 PM EDT
The Kryptonite of the “Superhero Ideal”
Wellesley College

Sally A. Theran, associate professor of psychology at Wellesley College, has studied how young people can fight the depressive symptoms associated with the "superhero ideal" -- the pressure to be the best at everything they do -- by developing authentic and healthy relationships with peers, family members, and teachers.
