Feature Channels: Winter Holidays

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Released: 17-Dec-2012 12:25 PM EST
For New Year's Resolutions to Stick, Plan Ahead
University of Washington

Dennis Donovan, director of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute at the University of Washington, gives advice on how to keep New Year's resolutions. He has spent decades helping people, usually those in recovery for alcohol and substance use problems, stick to their resolutions.

Released: 17-Dec-2012 10:00 AM EST
Nine Tips for Holiday Hotel Savings
Dick Jones Communications

Save money on hotel fees during holiday travel with this advice.

Released: 17-Dec-2012 8:00 AM EST
In-laws, Grandparents, Stepfamilies and More: Communicating Well to Avoid Family Stress During the Holidays
National Communication Association

Members of The National Communication Association who study various forms of family communication can provide insight into the following: what are some helpful tips for effective communication with in-laws; stepfamilies and what can be done to help alleviate those challenges; and how can grandparents and grandchildren bridge the generation gap to communicate effectively?

Released: 17-Dec-2012 3:00 AM EST
Ophthalmologists Warn: Flying Champagne Corks Cause Serious, Blinding Eye Injuries Each Year
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)

Warm bottles of champagne and improper cork-removal techniques cause serious, potentially blinding eye injuries each year, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Champagne bottles contain pressure as high as 90 pounds per square inch – more than the pressure found inside a typical car tire. This pressure can launch a champagne cork at 50 miles per hour as it leaves the bottle, which is fast enough to shatter glass. Unfortunately, this is also fast enough to permanently damage vision.

Released: 14-Dec-2012 3:50 PM EST
Holiday Cocktails That May Land You In The ED
Loyola Medicine

A Loyola Level 1 Trauma Chief at Loyola University Health System identifies combinations that can go wrong at the holidays.

Released: 14-Dec-2012 2:45 PM EST
Handling Grief During The Holidays
Baylor University

Grief experts say it is easy to lose awareness that people all around us have experienced some sort of loss – the death of a loved one, divorce, deployment or even job loss – that will greatly impact holidays and other special occasions. So how does a family get through the holidays, while working through the grieving process?

Released: 14-Dec-2012 9:00 AM EST
Top Seven Energy-Saving Tips for the Holidays
Toronto Metropolitan University

It may be the season of giving, but you’re allowed to be a Scrooge when it comes to using energy. Take these top seven energy-saving tips from the Centre for Urban Energy so your money can be spent on your loved ones and not on that utility bill.

Released: 13-Dec-2012 11:40 AM EST
Leave the Bowl Full of Jelly to Santa This Holiday Season
Loyola Medicine

Just because Santa’s belly shakes like a bowl full of jelly doesn’t mean yours has to do the same this holiday season. Staying on track with your fitness program, even while traveling, will give you extra energy and start you out right for a healthful new year.

Released: 12-Dec-2012 1:00 PM EST
Ho! Ho! Diabetes: Holidays Could Pose Problem for Those Unaware of Type 2 Diabetes
Houston Methodist

People unaware that they have type 2 diabetes could put themselves at risk by eating high fat and other types of bad-for-you foods over the holidays.

Released: 12-Dec-2012 12:50 PM EST
Holiday Networking
Wake Forest University

Using your gifts of persuasion, you can turn your holiday parties into a powerful network, with advice from Wake Forest University's Evelyn Williams.

Released: 12-Dec-2012 12:40 PM EST
12 Days Of Trauma May Break The Bank For Most, Says Loyola Expert
Loyola Medicine

Financial cost attached to the top 12 trauma injuries at the holiday time will amaze many, says Thomas Esposito, MD, chief, trauma center, Loyola University Health System.

Released: 12-Dec-2012 9:55 AM EST
Top 10 Holiday Apps and Websites
Toronto Metropolitan University

Stop worrying about all the planning you have to do to prepare for the holidays – the Ryerson University Digital Media Zone (DMZ) has got your back! Brennan McEachran, a digital technology expert and founder of DMZ-supported company HitSend, has found the best apps and websites that will keep you on track and stress-free this holiday season.

Released: 11-Dec-2012 11:50 PM EST
Humble vs. Humbug: Baylor Psychologists’ Studies Gives Insight into Classic Christmas Tales
Baylor University

Self-important Scrooge and self-effacing George Bailey of “It’s a Wonderful Life” might well have served as case studies for Baylor University psychologists who probed the question of how arrogance and humility influence helpfulness.

Released: 11-Dec-2012 4:30 PM EST
Tablets and Touchscreens and Things Parents Should Consider According to Expert
Montefiore Health System

Child psychologist provides helpful tips to ensure safe use of electronic devices.

Released: 11-Dec-2012 10:20 AM EST
Family Expert Says Parents Should Let Kids' Beliefs About Santa Develop Naturally
Kansas State University

When it comes to Santa Claus, a Kansas State University expert says let children believe in the jolly old elf as long as they want.

Released: 11-Dec-2012 10:10 AM EST
Turning New Year's Resolutions Into Reality
Wake Forest University

Go ahead and make New Year's resolutions. E.J. Masicampo, a professor of psychology who studies goal setting and will power, offers six tips for turning resolutions into reality.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 1:00 PM EST
Boston University Child Psychologist Offers Holiday Tips for Handling Unruly Kids
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

The holiday season can be particularly over-stimulating for young children. Boston University child psychologist Dr. Jonathan Comer offers parents these helpful tips on handling those unwanted tantrums and meltdowns.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 12:40 PM EST
Tipsy? UW Expert's Tips for Reining in Holiday Drinking
University of Washington

Dennis Donovan, director of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute at the University of Washington, says that alcohol is a major issue around the holidays for both social drinkers and those recovering from alcoholism. He has advice for how to drink moderately, and treatment approaches he's used with people recovering from alcohol problems.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 12:20 PM EST
Sleigh Bells Ring, and We’re Listening: Holiday Songs Draw Us Closer Together
 Johns Hopkins University

There’s a reason why Christmas carols start filling the air before we have polished off the last pieces of our Halloween candy. Craving a sense of community and drawn to ritual, we welcome the return of seasonal music, even if the calendar says we have several weeks to go before Dec. 25, according to Jeffrey Sharkey, director of the Peabody Institute at The Johns Hopkins University.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 11:50 AM EST
How to Avoid Being a Holiday Perfectionist: Ryerson Expert
Toronto Metropolitan University

Holidays are a time for family and friends to gather together to have a wonderful meal and catch up after a busy year. However, some may be tempted to spend weeks, or even a month, in advance planning the perfect holiday gathering.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 11:20 AM EST
Combating Dry Skin? SLU Dermatologist Offers Basic Tips for Hydration
Saint Louis University Medical Center

SLU dermatologist suggests easy ways to hydrate your skin and prevent it from getting dry during winter.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 9:30 AM EST
Earphones, Music Players on Kids’ Holiday Gift Lists? Add a Hearing Screening
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Parents are loud and clear: they overwhelmingly support required hearing screenings for kids all the way to age 17, according to a new poll from the University of Michigan.

Released: 7-Dec-2012 4:00 PM EST
Psychology Professor Offers a Procrastinator’s Guide on New Year’s Resolutions
DePaul University

Joseph Ferrari, author of “Still Procrastinating?: The No Regrets Guide to Getting it Done,” says now is the time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions, especially if you’re a procrastinator.

Released: 7-Dec-2012 9:45 AM EST
Getting Rid of Those Holiday "Blues": Ryerson University Expert
Toronto Metropolitan University

The holidays are usually a time for people to celebrate with their friends and family over dinner parties and gatherings. But it’s also a time when others feel slightly overwhelmed and anxious. Dr. Colleen Carney, a sleep and depression expert and psychology professor at Ryerson University, offers this survival guide to help get people through the blues this festive season.

Released: 6-Dec-2012 1:20 PM EST
"I'll Be Home For Christmas" Benefits St. Lawrence U
St. Lawrence University

The enduring popularity of the holiday song "I'll Be Home For Christmas" is good news for St. Lawrence University. The song's composer, J. Kimball "Kim" Gannon, graduated from St. Lawrence in 1924 and left the University a portion of his royalties from all of his compositions in his will.

Released: 6-Dec-2012 12:10 PM EST
Can't Think of a Good Holiday Gift? Give a Bad One
Gettysburg College

Gettysburg College Philosophy Prof. Steve Gimbel explains why giving a bad gift is better than a gift card.

Released: 6-Dec-2012 11:00 AM EST
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Mayo Clinic Experts Offer Advice to Avoid Winter Blues
Mayo Clinic

As winter begins, temperatures drop and hours of daylight fade, it’s not uncommon for people to begin feeling sluggish, moody or stuck in a funk. Those symptoms are typical of someone experiencing seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, a type of depression that typically occurs during the winter. As many as 1 in 5 Americans have SAD, and 75 percent are women, according to the American Psychiatric Association.

Released: 6-Dec-2012 10:00 AM EST
Good Deal vs. Good Cause: Meaningful Holiday Shopping
Saint Joseph's University

Many consumers sacrificed their Thanksgiving dinners this year to grab that ultimate pre-Black Friday deal that they can spend the rest of the season bragging about. But according to Saint Joseph’s University sociologist Keith Brown, Ph.D., more and more shoppers are seeking something greater than saving a buck.

Released: 5-Dec-2012 2:20 PM EST
They’re Ba-aack! Coping When College Kids Come Home for the Holidays
Saint Joseph's University

When he left, he was your child whose meals you prepared and whose laundry you dutifully did. Now he’s home from college for an extended winter break – possibly bringing with him more laundry for you to do. For parents readjusting to life with their college students at home for a few weeks, it can be…an adjustment, according to a psychologist at Saint Joseph's University.

Released: 5-Dec-2012 11:55 AM EST
McMaster Expert Available to Discuss Modern Families and the Holidays
McMaster University

Norman Rockwell defined the winter holidays for an entire generation with his depictions of rosy-cheeked children and their doting parents set against a heartfelt winter wonderland. But much has changed since the Post War heyday of Rockwell, says Melanie Heath, assistant professor in McMaster’s Department of Sociology. The family unit has become a lot harder to define, and many holiday traditions are simply changing with the times.

Released: 4-Dec-2012 4:00 PM EST
Is Your House a Winter Wonderland or Nightmare Before Christmas?
Loyola Medicine

Loyola University Health System child safety expert gives Christmas safety tips.

Released: 4-Dec-2012 11:00 AM EST
Santa Claus - The Image of a Tradition
Canisius University

Santa Expert, Professor Emeritus of English at Canisius College Dr. Frank Riga, shares the wonderful story of the origins of Santa.

Released: 4-Dec-2012 3:05 AM EST
Ophthalmologists Caution Parents: Hazardous Toys Are Responsible for Thousands of Eye Injuries Each Year
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)

With the holiday season upon us, children are busy making their wish lists and checking them twice. But, parents may need to check them yet again to ensure toy safety. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 250,000 toy-related injuries are treated in emergency rooms each year. Most of these injuries affect children under age 15, and almost half affect the head or face. In light of these dangers, the American Academy of Ophthalmology encourages parents to be EyeSmart about toys this holiday season.

Released: 4-Dec-2012 12:00 AM EST
Let It Glow, Let It Glow, Let It Glow: Unbreakable Bulbs Guide Santa Home
Wake Forest University

Decking your home with holiday lights soon won’t include the hassle of burnt-out bulbs or broken strands. Scientists at Wake Forest University have made a new kind of light which can glow in any color, won’t shatter, and won’t leave you with the problem of searching for the one bad bulb on a strand of dozens.

Released: 3-Dec-2012 11:00 AM EST
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt Urges Caution During Holiday Decorating
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Holiday lights and decorations bring an increased potential for injury, especially to young children. Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt is offering a host of tips to keep homes safe and prevent holiday-related injuries. Holiday home safety mishaps account for more than 12,000 emergency room visits each year in the United States during November and December, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

Released: 3-Dec-2012 10:00 AM EST
Surviving Holiday Parties: Ryerson University Expert
Toronto Metropolitan University

Does the thought of making polite conversation with relatives you only see once a year or with your co-workers at the annual holiday office party leave you tongue tied? Many of us have experienced social anxiety, or at least felt a little uneasy when faced with a room full of people we don’t know well. Naomi Koerner, a Ryerson University psychology professor and expert on worry and anxiety, can help put those fears to rest with helpful tips to bring out that social butterfly in all of us.

Released: 30-Nov-2012 12:30 PM EST
Winter Is Popular Time of Year for Cosmetic Procedures
Loyola Medicine

Women looking for that elusive fountain of youth may want to consider a facial rejuvenation procedure this winter. Dermatologists from Loyola University Health System (LUHS) report that cold weather months are a popular time of year for anti-aging treatments.

Released: 30-Nov-2012 12:00 PM EST
Expert Offers Ways to Practice "Safe Stress" During the Holidays
Canisius University

While many associate the holidays with Charles Dickens' “A Christmas Carol” and its theme of gaining and sharing the holiday spirit, E. Christine Moll, PhD, says the opening lines from “A Tale of Two Cities” may have even more relevance: It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. It was the season of light; it was the season of darkness... Moll offers ways to practice "Safe Stress" during the holiday season.

Released: 30-Nov-2012 10:45 AM EST
Top Holiday Tech Buys for Your Gadget Geek
Toronto Metropolitan University

Stuck on what to get for the gadget lover in your life this holiday season? Adrian Bulzacki, CEO of ARB Labs, an interactive digital video tech team at Ryerson University's Digital Media Zone, gives you the scoop on the hottest gadgets this year.

Released: 30-Nov-2012 9:00 AM EST
Could Mistletoe Give the Kiss of Death to Cancer?
University of Adelaide

Mistletoe has become an important symbol of Christmas but it also has the potential to play a vital role as an alternative therapy for sufferers of colon cancer.

Released: 30-Nov-2012 8:00 AM EST
Give the Gift of Life and Donate Blood This Holiday Season
Rutgers Cancer Institute

Every two seconds, someone in the United States is in need of blood. With just one donation of a pint of blood, up to three lives can be saved. Donating blood throughout the year is extremely important. But remembering to give really matters during the holiday season when donor turnout usually takes a plunge because of inclement weather, busy shopping schedules, and the arrival of flu season. The Cancer Institute of New Jersey is making experts available to comment on the importance and uses of blood donations.

Released: 29-Nov-2012 5:00 PM EST
BEST Gifts for Children Don’t Require Dazzling Technology
Baldwin Wallace University

Advice for holiday shopping the BEST way: Build skills, Entertain, Stimulate imagination and Teach teamwork.

Released: 29-Nov-2012 2:00 PM EST
Cold Temps, Holiday Stress Set Stage for Heart Attacks
Harris Health System

Amid the frenzy of decorating, planning and shopping for the holidays, health may take a backseat. However, the stress brought on by these activities plus cold temperatures could lead to heart attacks or heart-related complications if left unchecked.

Released: 29-Nov-2012 9:30 AM EST
10 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain During Holidays
Houston Methodist

The holiday season is officially in full gear and with it comes the tempting Thanksgiving-to-New-Year’s food fest. While research shows that the average person really only gains about a pound over the course of the holidays, it can still have a big cumulative effect on waistlines. That’s because the extra weight usually doesn’t come off the following year.

Released: 28-Nov-2012 2:45 PM EST
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance’s Specialty Store “Shine” Urges Shopping for a Cause this Holiday Season
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

“Shine,” a cancer specialty store and neighborhood mercantile encourages people to “Shop for a Cause” this holiday season. Owned and operated by Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA), the 2,000-square-foot store includes cancer specialty items as well as kitchenware, jewelry, games and novelties for all ages.
