Feature Channels: Travel and Transportation

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Released: 23-Oct-2024 8:10 AM EDT
Is Your Car Seat a Counterfeit? Here’s How to Know
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Car seats sold by online retailers may not have passed U.S. safety standards. Signs of a fake include no labels or manuals, and three contact points instead of five. Families can check the reliability of their car seat at CHLA’s car seat inspections.You never forget your first experience with a counterfeit car seat, Helen Arbogast, PhD, MPH, can attest.

Newswise: Breaking Through City Walls: Advanced Navigation System for Urban Vehicles Unveiled
Released: 22-Oct-2024 9:50 AM EDT
Breaking Through City Walls: Advanced Navigation System for Urban Vehicles Unveiled
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In a significant leap forward for vehicle navigation, researchers have developed an advanced system that integrates Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Inertial Measurement Units (IMU), and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Odometry (LO).

15-Oct-2024 1:50 PM EDT
Black, Asian, Hispanic Trauma Patients Less Likely to Get Lifesaving Helicopter Transport, Finds First-of-Its-Kind Study
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

Severely injured Black, Asian and Hispanic children and adults are less likely than white patients to receive critical helicopter ambulance services, which can make the difference between life and death, according to a study presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2024 annual meeting.

Released: 17-Oct-2024 9:30 AM EDT
New Tool Helps Analyze Pilot Performance and Mental Workload in Augmented Reality
NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Researchers at NYU Tandon School of Engineering have developed HuBar, a visual analytics tool that summarizes and compares task performance sessions in augmented reality (AR) by analyzing performer behavior and cognitive workload.

Newswise: Running Hot, Flying Light
Released: 16-Oct-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Running Hot, Flying Light
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the National Energy Technology Laboratory have developed and 3D printed the lightest crack-free alloy capable of operating without melting at temperatures above 2400 degrees Fahrenheit. This milestone could enable additively manufactured turbine blades to better handle extreme temperatures, reducing the carbon footprint of gas turbine engines such as those used in airplanes.

Newswise: Airworthiness Engineering and Practices of COMAC C919 Airplane
Released: 16-Oct-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Airworthiness Engineering and Practices of COMAC C919 Airplane
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Until 2024, China's three major airline, China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines and Air China have adopted the C919 aircraft, making the commercial operation of the country's first domestically developed large passenger aircraft from Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC).

Newswise: Silicon Carbide Innovation Alliance to Drive Industrial-Scale Semiconductor Work
Released: 15-Oct-2024 5:10 PM EDT
Silicon Carbide Innovation Alliance to Drive Industrial-Scale Semiconductor Work
Penn State Materials Research Institute

Known for its ability to withstand extreme environments and high voltages, silicon carbide (SiC) is a semiconducting material made up of silicon and carbon atoms arranged into crystals that is increasingly becoming essential to modern technologies like electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, telecommunications infrastructure and microelectronics.

Newswise: Grant to Help Penn State Build Semiconductor Workforce in Pennsylvania
Released: 15-Oct-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Grant to Help Penn State Build Semiconductor Workforce in Pennsylvania
Penn State Materials Research Institute

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) has awarded $600,000 to Penn State’s Silicon Carbide Innovation Alliance (SCIA) to develop a series of educational courses, workshops, and paid academic and industrial internships focused on workforce development in Pennsylvania for the growing semiconductor industry.

Newswise: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Collaborates with Matson Navigation Company to Increase Protections for Marine Mammals
Released: 15-Oct-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Collaborates with Matson Navigation Company to Increase Protections for Marine Mammals
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Ship-mounted camera systems provide real-time detection and increased response time, can reduce the number of whales killed by vessel strikes

Newswise: Development of Key Material Technology to Recycle Waste Heat!
Released: 14-Oct-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Development of Key Material Technology to Recycle Waste Heat!
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Dr. Kyung Tae Kim from the Nano Materials Research Division at KIMS, has developed a bismuth telluride (Bi-Te) based thermoelectric material with artificially formed atomic-scale defects and proposed a solution to improve its properties in order to harness wasted thermal energy.

Newswise: Impact of 2020 Labor Day Wildfires on Highway Infrastructure: A Historical Perspective on Megafires and Roadway Damage in Washington, Oregon, and California
Released: 13-Oct-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Impact of 2020 Labor Day Wildfires on Highway Infrastructure: A Historical Perspective on Megafires and Roadway Damage in Washington, Oregon, and California
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team examines the extent of damage and associated costs on the 2020 Labor Day wildfires in Washington, Oregon, and California, comparing with the historical impact of megafires in these states.

Newswise: Exploring Vehicle Allocation Strategies for Restoring Balance of Dockless Bike-Sharing Systems at Night
Released: 11-Oct-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Exploring Vehicle Allocation Strategies for Restoring Balance of Dockless Bike-Sharing Systems at Night
Chinese Academy of Sciences

For the first time, researchers have applied the three-way decisions method and behavioral decision-making theory to solve the problem of rebalancing the bike-sharing system. This method can effectively improve the authenticity and reliability of decision-making results and reduce the risk of decision-making mistakes.

Released: 9-Oct-2024 12:05 PM EDT
NYU Tandon School of Engineering Study Maps Pedestrian Crosswalks Across Entire Cities, Helping Improve Road Safety and Increase Walkability
NYU Tandon School of Engineering

As pedestrian fatalities in the United States reach a 40-year high, a novel approach to measuring crosswalk lengths across entire cities could provide urban planners with crucial data to improve safety interventions. NYU Tandon School of Engineering researchers Marcel Moran and Debra F. Laefer published the first comprehensive, city-wide analysis of crosswalk distances.

Newswise:Video Embedded multi-sector-partnership-leads-to-first-practical-pilot-of-vehicle-to-grid-power
Released: 5-Oct-2024 7:05 PM EDT
Multi-Sector Partnership Leads to First Practical Pilot of Vehicle-to-Grid Power
University of Delaware

The University of Delaware is part of a joint effort involving energy and automotive partners that has launched the first practical pilot of “vehicle-to-grid” power (V2G) set up so that industrial participants can scale it at low cost. V2G technology was invented at UD.

Newswise: 60% Lighter Automotive Air Duct Developed, Set for Commercialization: Reduces Noise, Enhances Safety
Released: 2-Oct-2024 9:00 AM EDT
60% Lighter Automotive Air Duct Developed, Set for Commercialization: Reduces Noise, Enhances Safety
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The Korea joint research team has achieved a groundbreaking advancement in the manufacturing technology of air ducts for automotive cockpit modules.

Newswise: Extreme Heat Impacts Daily Routines and Travel Patterns
Released: 2-Oct-2024 7:00 AM EDT
Extreme Heat Impacts Daily Routines and Travel Patterns
Arizona State University (ASU)

Research shows a clear shift in transportation choices under extreme heat conditions. Car use increases, while trips made by walking, biking and public transit drop significantly. On average, public transit trips fall by nearly 50% on extreme heat days as individuals seek relief in air-conditioned private vehicles.

Newswise: Optical Fibre based Artificial Compound Eyes for Ultrafast Static and Dynamic Perception
Released: 30-Sep-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Optical Fibre based Artificial Compound Eyes for Ultrafast Static and Dynamic Perception
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Natural selection has driven arthropods to evolve compound eyes to achieve static and dynamic perceptions in complex environments. This inspired scientists from HK to develop a biomimetic artificial compound eye (ACE), which integrates 271 lensed polymer optical fibres into a dome-like structure, achieving real-time 180o panoramic imaging, depth estimation, and high-speed motion capture. These characteristics make this ACE suitable for applications to capture high-speed objects, such as surveillance, unmanned aerial/ground vehicles, and virtual reality.

Newswise: New Battery Cathode Material Could Revolutionize EV Market and Energy Storage
Released: 23-Sep-2024 7:05 PM EDT
New Battery Cathode Material Could Revolutionize EV Market and Energy Storage
Georgia Institute of Technology

A research team led by Georgia Tech’s Hailong Chen has developed a low-cost iron chloride cathode for all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries, which could significantly reduce costs and improve performance for electric vehicles and large-scale energy storage systems.

Newswise: Wang, Cook and Uddin Elevated to IEEE Senior Members
Released: 17-Sep-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Wang, Cook and Uddin Elevated to IEEE Senior Members
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Three transportation researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been elevated to senior member grade of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE. Group leader Ross Wang and R&D staff member Adian Cook, both in Applied Research for Mobility Systems, received the honor along with Majbah Uddin, R&D staff member in Transportation Analytics and Decision Sciences.
