Feature Channels: Plants

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19-Mar-2019 8:05 AM EDT
Benson Hill Biosystems Acquires Schillinger Genetics, Expanding High Quality Soybean Options
Benson Hill

Benson Hill Biosystems, a crop improvement company unlocking the natural diversity of plants, announced today at the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit that it has acquired the assets of Schillinger Genetics, also known as eMerge Genetics, an Iowa-based company currently delivering novel high-yielding, high-protein non-GMO soybean varieties.

Released: 18-Mar-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Trembling Aspen Leaves Could Save Future Mars Rovers
University of Warwick

Researchers at the University of Warwick have been inspired by the unique movement of trembling aspen leaves, to devise an energy harvesting mechanism that could power weather sensors in hostile environments and could even be a back-up energy supply that could save and extend the life of future Mars rovers.

Released: 18-Mar-2019 6:00 AM EDT
Bright Skies for Plant-Based Jet Fuels
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

With an estimated daily fuel demand of more than 5 million barrels per day, the global aviation sector is incredibly energy-intensive and almost entirely reliant on petroleum-based fuels. However, a new analysis by scientists at Berkeley Lab shows that sustainable plant-based bio-jet fuels could provide a competitive alternative to conventional fuels if current development and scale-up initiatives continue to push ahead successfully.

Released: 15-Mar-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Sampling Guts of Live Moose to Understand How They Break Down Biomass
Department of Energy, Office of Science

First-of-a-kind study advances understanding of microbial and viral communities involved in biomass breakdown.

Released: 13-Mar-2019 12:05 PM EDT
New Scientific Study Confirms Health Concerns About Glyphosate-Based Herbicides
Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL)

The exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides has been linked to endocrine and developmental effects by a new scientific pilot study.

Released: 12-Mar-2019 2:55 PM EDT
To Grow or Not to Grow? That Is the Question for Plants
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Scientists show metabolic tradeoffs result from a specific change to the grow-defend balance.

Released: 11-Mar-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Genes that evolve from scratch expand protein diversity
University of Chicago Medical Center

A new study published in Nature Ecology and Evolution led by scientists from the University of Chicago challenges one of the classic assumptions about how new proteins evolve.

Released: 11-Mar-2019 12:05 PM EDT
UF Researchers Develop Model to Help Keep Crop Seeds Healthy
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

The research team studied seed systems in Africa. Seed systems are composed of people and businesses that make seed available, and farmers who use that seed. As a result of the research, scientists developed a model that will help them find seed-borne pathogens and provides recommendations for how to stop the pathogens from spreading.

Released: 11-Mar-2019 12:00 PM EDT
Julian Schroeder Awarded International Prize for Advances in Plant Research
University of California San Diego

UC San Diego Distinguished Professor Julian Schroeder has been awarded the Khalifa International Award for Date Palm and Agricultural Innovation.

Released: 8-Mar-2019 11:25 AM EST
'Specialized' microbes within plant species promote diversity
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

It's widely accepted within agriculture that maintaining genetic diversity is important. In areas where crop plants are more diverse, pathogens might kill some plants but are less likely to wipe out an entire crop.

Released: 6-Mar-2019 6:05 PM EST
Engineered Microbe May Be Key to Producing Plastic From Plants
University of Wisconsin–Madison

With a few genetic tweaks, a type of soil bacteria with an appetite for hydrocarbons shows promise as a biological factory for converting a renewable — but frustratingly untapped — bounty into a replacement for ubiquitous plastics.

Released: 6-Mar-2019 2:55 PM EST
A Simplified Way to Predict the Function of Microbial Communities
Department of Energy, Office of Science

A pioneering study offers an easier approach to study how microbes work and could help scientists advance models of the cycling of elements and nutrients in frequently flooded soils.

Released: 6-Mar-2019 9:00 AM EST
Impact of Urbanization on Wild Bees Underestimated
University of Michigan

Wild bees are indispensable pollinators, supporting both agricultural productivity and the diversity of flowering plants worldwide.

Released: 5-Mar-2019 3:10 PM EST
Unexpected Complexity: A 3D Look into Plant Root Relationships with Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Scientists develop a molecular map of metabolic products of bacteria in root nodules to aid sustainable agriculture.

Released: 5-Mar-2019 8:05 AM EST
UF Scientists Sequence Vanilla Genome, Could Support Domestic Industry
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

In new research published in the journal Scientific Reports, Alan Chambers and Elias Bassil led a group of researchers that established a Vanilla collection with 112 potentially unique individuals.

4-Mar-2019 10:55 AM EST
Global Analysis of Billions of Wikipedia Searches Reveals Treasure Trove of Biodiversity Secret

An international team of researchers from the University of Oxford, the University of Birmingham and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have found that the way in which people use the internet is closely tied to patterns and rhythms in the natural world.

Released: 1-Mar-2019 2:55 PM EST
Get to the Root: Tiny Poplar Roots Extract More Water than Their Larger Counterparts after Drought
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Researchers link root water uptake to root traits and assess (poor) performance of common models.

Released: 1-Mar-2019 1:20 PM EST
Scientists overcome repetitive DNA to sequence the genome of devastating soybean pest
Iowa State University

A research team managed to overcome the challenges inherent in the DNA of the soybean cyst nematode to sequence its genome. The project could lead to better management practices to combat the top pest that threatens Iowa soybeans and allows plant breeders to see both sides of the “arms race” between soybean cyst nematodes and the defense mechanisms of soybeans.
