Feature Channels: Crime and Forensic Science

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Released: 12-Feb-2024 10:05 PM EST
Groundbreaking study on decomposing microbes could help transform forensic science
Colorado State University

For the first time, researchers have identified what appears to be a network of approximately 20 microbes that universally drive the decomposition of animal flesh.

Released: 11-Feb-2024 9:05 PM EST
Black women in the US murdered six times more often than White women over last 20 years
Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health

Black women in the U.S were, on average, six times more likely to be murdered than their white peers for the years 1999 through 2020, according to an analysis of racial disparities in U.S. homicide rates released by Columbia University Irving Medical Center and Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health.

Released: 8-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
Lifting of federal funding ban tied to increase in gun violence research
Yale University

The lifting of a two-decade drought in federal funding for firearm injury prevention research was strongly associated with an increase in both clinical trials and publications on gun violence, according to a new report published in JAMA Surgery.

Released: 8-Feb-2024 9:30 AM EST
High-profile incidents of police brutality sway public opinion more than performance of people’s local law enforcement, new study from NYU Tandon reveals
NYU Tandon School of Engineering

In a study published in Communications Psychology, a NYU Tandon research team tracked media coverage of police brutality in 18 metropolitan areas in the United States – along with coverage of local crimes – and analyzed tweets from those cities to tease out positive attitudes from negative ones towards the police.

Newswise: image.jpeg
Released: 7-Feb-2024 10:05 AM EST
Forensic science combats wildlife trafficking
Virginia Tech

For pangolins in Africa, a pattern of overlapping scales is a vital armor against predatory lions, hyenas, snakes, and wild dogs. The scales – composed of the same keratin that makes up our fingernails – allow the threatened mammals to curl up into a ball, protecting their vulnerable underside.

Released: 6-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
New Report Shares First-Hand Experiences of Young Americans’ Relationship with Guns
American University

New Report Shares First-Hand Experiences of Young Americans’ Relationship with Guns

Newswise: Center for Advanced Research in Forensic Science enters Phase II
Released: 22-Jan-2024 8:05 AM EST
Center for Advanced Research in Forensic Science enters Phase II
Texas A&M AgriLife

Texas A&M is collaborating with center-lead Florida International University and Sam Houston State University within the nation’s only forensic science Industry-University Cooperative Research Center.

Released: 18-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
New research sheds light on incel community’s connection to mass violence
University of Rhode Island

Though much has been written in the past decade about “involuntary celibates,” the rise of violent extremism, and their connection to mass violence, empirical research on this community is surprisingly scarce. A new examination authored by URI Professor Miriam Lindner aims to fill this gap.

Newswise: Reimagining rehabilitation: Iceland’s open prisons offer a blueprint for UK’s foreign national prisoners
Released: 15-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
Reimagining rehabilitation: Iceland’s open prisons offer a blueprint for UK’s foreign national prisoners
University of Portsmouth

A new study suggests the UK prison system should learn lessons from Icelandic prisons to transform the lives of foreign national prisoners.

Newswise: AI Discovers That Not Every Fingerprint Is Unique
Released: 10-Jan-2024 3:05 PM EST
AI Discovers That Not Every Fingerprint Is Unique
Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science

Columbia engineers have built a new AI that shatters a long-held belief in forensics–that fingerprints from different fingers of the same person are unique. It turns out they are similar, only we’ve been comparing fingerprints the wrong way!

Released: 29-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
Workplace culture is very different these days. Find out how different by exploring the "In the Workplace" channel

The latest articles on occupational medicine, workplace culture, and the labor market are in the "In the Workplace" channel on Newswise.

Newswise: Written in Blood
16-Nov-2023 10:05 AM EST
Written in Blood
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

In Physics of Fluids, scientists demonstrate how bloodstains can yield valuable details by examining the protrusions that deviate from the boundaries of otherwise elliptical bloodstains. The researchers studied how these “tails” are formed using a series of high-speed experiments with human blood droplets less than a millimeter wide impacting horizontal surfaces at various angles. They found that the tail length can reflect information about the size, impact speed, and impact angle of the blood drop that formed the stain.

Released: 25-Oct-2023 2:05 PM EDT
MSU expert: Tips to protect your security and data when shopping online
Michigan State University

Thomas Holt is a professor and the director of on-campus master’s programs for the School of Criminal Justice in Michigan State University’s College of Social Science. Holt shares tips to help you reduce the risk of identity theft or scams as you begin holiday shopping.

Newswise: Michigan Ross Professor Challenges White-Collar Crime Enforcement
Released: 23-Oct-2023 1:05 PM EDT
Michigan Ross Professor Challenges White-Collar Crime Enforcement
University of Michigan Ross School of Business

In a recent MSNBC News op-ed, Will Thomas, assistant professor of business law at the Ross School of Business, explores the flaws in white-collar crime enforcement. Thomas challenges the representation of white-collar crime through the lens of former President Donald Trump’s recent civil fraud case, particularly the perception that business misconduct crimes such as bribery, money laundering, insider trading, tax fraud, etc., are less harmful or victimless.

Released: 18-Oct-2023 1:05 PM EDT
New method may accurately identify body fluids at crime scenes

Identifying different types of body fluids can help forensic experts reconstruct a crime scene, but it’s difficult to do so

Released: 6-Oct-2023 1:05 PM EDT
Sam Bankman-Fried trial shines light on the rise and fall of cryptocurrency and concerns about its use in white-collar crime
Virginia Tech

The trial of Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, is underway in New York. Some are calling his crimes one of the biggest financial frauds in decades. The 31-year-old former crypto mogul is charged with orchestrating a conspiracy to use $10 billion that FTX’s customers had entrusted to him for venture capital investments, political donations and luxury real estate purchases.

Newswise: Researchers blow whistle on forensic science method
Released: 2-Oct-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Researchers blow whistle on forensic science method
Iowa State University

If forensic experts have access to a suspect’s gun, they can compare the microscopic markings from discarded shell casings with those found at a crime scene. Finding and reporting a mismatch can help free the innocent, just as a match can incriminate the guilty. But new research reveals mismatches are more likely than matches to be reported as “inconclusive” in cartridge-case comparisons.

Newswise: Crime pushes entrepreneurs to fly under the radar, relocate or shutter
Released: 12-Sep-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Crime pushes entrepreneurs to fly under the radar, relocate or shutter
Iowa State University

New research shows entrepreneurs in Mexico become a greater target of crime as their businesses grow and become more profitable. The study also found entrepreneurs typically respond to crime in one of three ways: Truncating business growth, relocating or shutting down their operation.
