Feature Channels: Cognition and Learning

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Released: 29-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
مايو كلينك سؤال وجواب: أطعمة تُساعد على تحسين ذاكرتك
Mayo Clinic

السادة مايو كلينك: أنا أحبّ الطهي، ولكني أفضّل استخدام المكونات الطازجة للغاية. وأنا أزرع فاكهتي وخضرواتي في حديقة صغيرة وأشتري الخضار والثمار الطازجة الأخرى من سوق مزارعين محلّيين. وقد قرأتُ أن هناك أطعمة معيّنة تُساعد على تحسين وظيفة الذاكرة. فهل هناك أطعمة بإمكاني أن أتناولها لتُساعد على تحفيز صحة مهاراتي المعرفية؟

Newswise: Where are all the male teachers?
Released: 28-Jan-2024 9:05 PM EST
Where are all the male teachers?
University of South Australia

Education experts at the University of South Australia are calling for a national childhood workforce strategy to encourage more men into early learning and childcare professions.

Newswise: Writing by hand may increase brain connectivity more than typing on a keyboard
Released: 26-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
Writing by hand may increase brain connectivity more than typing on a keyboard

As digital devices progressively replace pen and paper, taking notes by hand is becoming increasingly uncommon in schools and universities. Using a keyboard is recommended because it’s often faster than writing by hand. However, the latter has been found to improve spelling accuracy and memory recall.

16-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
Third Major Study Finds Evidence that Daily Multivitamin Supplements Improve Memory and Slow Cognitive Aging in Older Adults
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

In a meta-analysis of 5,000 participants, including more than 500 who underwent in-person assessments over two years, multivitamins showed benefits for memory and global cognition.

Released: 15-Jan-2024 5:05 AM EST
‘’Feel good’’ hormone could explain why exercise helps boost your brain
University of Portsmouth

A study exploring the mechanisms behind why cognitive performance improves in response to exercise, has found that dopamine plays a key role.

Newswise: Fitness with no age limit
Released: 4-Jan-2024 5:05 AM EST
Fitness with no age limit
University of Missouri, Columbia

For nearly 20 years, Stephen Ball has been a man on a mission: helping older Missourians stay healthy and get stronger through physical activity.

Newswise: Researchers identify path to prevent cognitive decline after radiation
Released: 3-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
Researchers identify path to prevent cognitive decline after radiation
University of Rochester Medical Center

Researchers at the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience at the University of Rochester find that microglia—the brain’s immune cells—can trigger cognitive deficits after radiation exposure and may be a key target for preventing these symptoms.

Newswise: Plastic fantastic or nature-based playgrounds:
Which is best for children’s development?
Released: 30-Dec-2023 7:05 PM EST
Plastic fantastic or nature-based playgrounds: Which is best for children’s development?
University of South Australia

Researchers at the University of South Australia have been exploring whether nature play or traditional playgrounds are better for children’s development, finding that children spent most of their time (59%) in natural play zones and 41% in manufactured play areas.

Released: 19-Dec-2023 11:05 PM EST
Pushing compressed sensing to real-time edge applications
Peking University

Recently, a research team led by Prof. Sun Zhong at Peking University reported an analog hardware solution for real-time compressed sensing recovery, which has been published as an article titled "In-memory analog solution of compressed sensing recovery in one step" in Science Advances.

Newswise: Caring for loved ones with dementia, Alzheimer's disease during the holidays
Released: 19-Dec-2023 7:05 PM EST
Caring for loved ones with dementia, Alzheimer's disease during the holidays
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

UCLA Health dementia care specialists say caregiving and holiday festivities do not have to be mutually exclusive, but do require some adaptations to make the season enjoyable for all.

Released: 19-Dec-2023 11:05 AM EST
Lexical simplification via single-word generation
Higher Education Press

Lexical simplification (LS) aims to simplify a sentence by replacing complex words with simpler words without changing the meaning of the sentence,which can facilitate comprehension of the text for people with non-native speakers and children.

Released: 18-Dec-2023 8:05 PM EST
Trust or distrust? Neither! The right mindset for confronting disinformation
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The review, entitled "Trust or Distrust? Neither! The Right Mindset for Confronting Disinformation," offers a nuanced exploration of how mindsets impact our beliefs and responses to information.

Newswise: Einstein Receives $10.9 Million Grant to Validate Remote Cognitive Testing for Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias
Released: 18-Dec-2023 9:30 AM EST
Einstein Receives $10.9 Million Grant to Validate Remote Cognitive Testing for Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Neurologists often diagnose Alzheimer’s disease after evaluating patients during lengthy, in-person office visits.

Newswise: Large sequence models for sequential decision-making
Released: 15-Dec-2023 2:05 PM EST
Large sequence models for sequential decision-making
Higher Education Press

Transformer architectures have facilitated the development of large-scale and general-purpose sequence models for prediction tasks in natural language processing and computer vision, e.g., GPT-3 and Swin Transformer.

11-Dec-2023 6:05 PM EST
Automated Insomnia Intervention Found to Improve Both Sleep and Hazardous Alcohol Use
Research Society on Alcoholism

An online treatment for insomnia may improve both sleep and problem drinking patterns in people who drink heavily, according to a study in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research.

Released: 14-Dec-2023 7:05 AM EST
Deep neural networks show promise as models of human hearing
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Computational models that mimic the structure and function of the human auditory system could help researchers design better hearing aids, cochlear implants, and brain-machine interfaces.

Released: 14-Dec-2023 7:05 AM EST
Breastfeeding alters infant gut in ways that boost brain development, may improve test scores
University of Colorado Boulder

Breastfeeding, even partially alongside formula feeding, changes the chemical makeup—or metabolome—of an infant’s gut in ways that positively influence brain development and may boost test scores years later, suggests new CU Boulder research.

Released: 13-Dec-2023 4:05 PM EST
Can telehealth assessments identify infants more likely to be on the autism spectrum?
UC Davis MIND Institute

UC Davis researchers are recruiting infants ages 6-12 months for a new national telehealth study aimed at understanding which developmental delays could indicate autism or other conditions.
