Breaking News: Tornadoes

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Released: 6-Jun-2013 10:50 AM EDT
Saving Lives by Communicating Effectively:Emergency Messages During Stormy Weather
National Communication Association

Members of the National Communication Association who are experts in crisis communication and emergency preparedness messaging are available to provide insight on what communication strategies are most effective, the role of new media in disaster preparation, and the best way to communicate support after a storm.

Released: 30-May-2013 1:25 PM EDT
Storm-Preparation Expert Tailors Planning Guide for Floridians
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

Storm-preparation expert says it's time for people to get prepared for a summer's worth of storms; promotes new planning handbook

Released: 30-May-2013 12:20 PM EDT
Severe Weather and Complacency Don’t Mix; Be Prepared
University of Alabama at Birmingham

There’s been a string of large, deadly tornadoes impacting the United States in recent years, and UAB researchers say benefits of preparation trump previous false alarms.

Released: 28-May-2013 9:35 AM EDT
Veterinarian Has Tips on How to Ease a Pet's Stress Following a Disaster
Kansas State University

Animals experience stress during traumatic events. Clinical associate professor from Kansas State University's Veterinary Health Center explains how to ease that stress.

Released: 10-May-2013 5:00 PM EDT
Texas Tech University Leads the Nation in Wind Research
Texas Tech University

Department was born 43 years ago after F5 tornado hit Lubbock on May 11, 1970. The devastation also brought forth the nation’s leading facility for wind research at Texas Tech University.

Released: 10-Apr-2013 9:40 AM EDT
Vanderbilt Experts Offer Tips for Minimizing Storm Stress
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Spring storm season is approaching. Each year, the season brings fear and anxiety to many residents of the Southeast, including Middle Tennessee. Last year, 37 tornadoes ripped through the state of Tennessee, 258 storms produced damaging hail, and 565 thunderstorms left significant wind damage in their wake, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Vanderbilt University Medical Center experts are offering tips about both how to minimize storm stress, and how to be prepared in case a storm takes you out of your home.

Released: 13-Mar-2013 9:40 AM EDT
VIDEO: Tornado Tips for Farmers
University of Kentucky

Farmers face unique challenges when severe weather strikes. That is why a University of Kentucky professor wants to get the word out about what they, and everyone living in rural areas can do ahead of time to protect themselves from severe storms.

Released: 28-Feb-2013 5:45 PM EST
Study Surveys Impact of Leap Day Harrisburg Tornado
Western Illinois University

On Leap Day last year, the largest natural disaster in Illinois in 2012 devastated a small town in Southern Illinois. Since the Feb. 29 EF-4 level tornado that tore through Harrisburg one year ago—hitting the ground with a force of 175-180 miles per hour and leaving eight people dead, injuring many others and destroying more than 250 homes—Western Illinois University Department of Health Sciences Emergency Management Assistant Professor Jack Rozdilsky has been on site close to 10 times to study the response and recovery efforts of the small town's stretched emergency management resources. His visits and data gathering have culminated in the qualitative study, "Disaster Management with Limited Local Resources: The 2012 Illinois Leap Day EF-4 Tornado." The research was funded by a grant from the University of Colorado Natural Hazards Center through its Quick Response Grant Program, which is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Released: 27-Aug-2012 12:35 PM EDT
UAB Researchers Successfully Test Advanced Tornado/Hurricane Shelter Panels
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Recycled materials may become armor against flying debris: Panels for a new high-tech shelter created at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have passed the National Storm Shelter Association’s tornado threat test.

Released: 7-Aug-2012 11:00 AM EDT
'Kansas -- in the Heart of Tornado Alley'
Wichita State University

In 1915, Snowden D. Flora of the U.S. Weather Bureau wrote, "Kansas has been so commonly considered the tornado state of the country that the term 'Kansas cyclone' has almost become a part of the English language."

Released: 30-May-2012 4:45 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Expert Offers Tips on Severe Weather Prep for People with Disabilities
Mayo Clinic

With severe weather season now in full swing, people with disabilities must ensure they can quickly escape their homes in an emergency.

Released: 18-Apr-2012 3:00 PM EDT
Tornado Research Symposium Set for Anniversary of April 27 Storms
University of Alabama

Scientific researchers and other professionals will participate in an April 27 symposium commemorating the one-year anniversary of the tornado outbreak that struck Tuscaloosa, Ala. and the region.

Released: 9-Apr-2012 4:15 PM EDT
Test Winds Extending Far Away From Alabama Tornado’s Path
Iowa State University

Christopher Karstens, an Iowa State doctoral student, noticed storm damage far from the path a tornado took through hilly Alabama terrain. He's using Iowa State's tornado simulator to confirm rough terrain can channel a tornado's damaging winds.

Released: 29-Mar-2012 11:50 AM EDT
Experts Say Heed Severe Weather Predictions and Plan Now
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The recent record number of tornado-related fatalities underscores the need for safety plans.

Released: 8-Mar-2012 10:35 AM EST
Saving Lives by Communicating Effectively:Emergency Messages During Stormy Weather
National Communication Association

Members of the National Communication Association who are experts in crisis communication and emergency preparedness messaging are available to provide insight into disaster messages.
