Breaking News: Earthquakes

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Released: 22-Feb-2021 4:55 PM EST
Built To Survive
California State University (CSU) Chancellor's Office

When the earth shakes, there’s a chance the walls will come tumbling down. CSU engineering faculty are working to make sure California's structures can withstand the quaking.

Released: 16-Feb-2021 3:20 PM EST
Slow motion precursors give earthquakes the fast slip
Cornell University

At a glacier near the South Pole, earth scientists have found evidence of a quiet, slow-motion fault slip that triggers strong, fast-slip earthquakes many miles away, according to Cornell University research published in Science Advances.

Released: 13-Jan-2021 11:40 AM EST
The Faults in Our Earth
California State University (CSU) Chancellor's Office

CSU geology experts study the active land California inhabits to better understand earthquakes and predict the location and intensity of future temblors.

Released: 9-Dec-2020 7:30 PM EST
AI reveals first direct observation of rupture propagation during slow quakes
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Using a trained neural network and data from the North Anatolian Fault in Turkey, a research team led by Los Alamos National Laboratory revealed the first direct observation of rupture propagation during a slow earthquake.

Released: 23-Oct-2020 12:15 PM EDT
AI detects hidden earthquakes
Stanford University

In a recent paper published in Nature Communications, Mousavi and co-authors describe a new method for using artificial intelligence to bring into focus millions of these subtle shifts of the Earth. "By improving our ability to detect and locate these very small earthquakes, we can get a clearer view of how earthquakes interact or spread out along the fault, how they get started, even how they stop," said Stanford geophysicist Gregory Beroza, one of the paper's authors.

Released: 28-Sep-2020 5:30 PM EDT
Earthquake lightning: Mysterious luminescence phenomena
Shinshu University

Were you aware that earthquakes are sometimes associated with luminescence, called earthquake lightning? This phenomenon had been documented throughout history, such as between 1965 and 1967, the Matsushiro earthquake swarm caused the surrounding mountain to flicker with light multiple times.

Released: 16-Sep-2020 5:20 PM EDT
Most landslides in western Oregon triggered by heavy rainfall, not big earthquakes
University of Washington

Deep-seated landslides in the central Oregon Coast Range are triggered mostly by rainfall, not by large offshore earthquakes.

Released: 11-Sep-2020 3:05 PM EDT
Ancient Earthquake May Have Caused Destruction of Canaanite Palace at Tel Kabri
George Washington University

A team of Israeli and American researchers has uncovered new evidence that an earthquake may have caused the destruction and abandonment of a flourishing Canaanite palatial site about 3,700 years ago.

Released: 24-Aug-2020 2:20 PM EDT
OpenTopography Collaboration Awarded New Four-Year Grant
University of California San Diego

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has renewed funding for OpenTopography, a science gateway that provides online access to Earth science oriented high-resolution topography data and processing tools to a broad user community advancing research and education in areas ranging from earthquake geology to ecology and hydrology.

Released: 18-Aug-2020 12:35 PM EDT
Machine learning unearths signature of slow-slip quake origins in seismic data
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Combing through historical seismic data, researchers using a machine learning model have unearthed distinct statistical features marking the formative stage of slow-slip ruptures in the earth’s crust months before tremor or GPS data detected a slip in the tectonic plates. Given the similarity between slow-slip events and classic earthquakes, these distinct signatures may help geophysicists understand the timing of the devastating faster quakes as well.

Released: 11-Aug-2020 6:50 AM EDT
Highest ever resolution earthquake simulations on Sierra supercomputer
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) team has published new supercomputer simulations of a magnitude 7.0 earthquake on the Hayward Fault. This work represents the highest ever resolution ground motion simulations from such an event on this scale.

6-Aug-2020 2:00 PM EDT
New paper addresses mix of contaminants in Fukushima wastewater, highlights risks of dumping in ocean
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Ten years after the Tohoku-oki earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan’s Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, radiation levels have fallen in all but the waters closest to the plant. But a new hazard exists and is growing every day in the number of storage tanks on land surrounding the power plant that hold contaminated wastewater.

Released: 20-Jul-2020 7:25 PM EDT
A new idea on how Earth's outer shell first broke into tectonic plates
University of Hong Kong

The activity of the solid Earth - for example, volcanoes in Java, earthquakes in Japan, etc - is well understood within the context of the ~50-year-old theory of plate tectonics.

Released: 10-Jul-2020 12:25 PM EDT
New evidence of long-term volcanic, seismic risks in northern Europe
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

An ancient European volcanic region may pose both a greater long-term volcanic risk and seismic risk to northwestern Europe than scientists had realized, geophysicists report in a study in the Geophysical Journal International.

Released: 7-Jul-2020 9:40 AM EDT
Bristol engineers pioneer project to protect Nepal’s future generations from earthquakes
University of Bristol

In 2015, a devastating earthquake in Nepal resulted in the loss of 9,000 lives, 3.5 million people left homeless and entire neighbourhoods flattened. To prevent destruction on the same scale again, the multidisciplinary team behind The SAFER Nepal Project has been working with local partners to improve the seismic safety and resilience of school and community buildings in Nepal.

Released: 29-Jun-2020 3:15 PM EDT
Researchers catch a wave to determine how forces control granular material properties
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Stress wave propagation through granular material is important for detecting the magnitude of earthquakes, locating oil and gas reservoirs, designing acoustic insulation and designing materials for compacting powders. A team of researchers including Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) physicist Eric Herbold used X-ray measurements and analyses to show that velocity scaling and dispersion in wave transmission is based on grainy particle arrangements and chains of force between them, while reduction of wave intensity is caused mainly from grainy particle arrangements alone.

23-Jun-2020 1:15 PM EDT
New research reveals how water in the deep Earth triggers earthquakes and tsunamis
University of Bristol

In a new study, published in the journal Nature, an international team of scientists provide the first conclusive evidence directly linking deep Earth’s water cycle and its expressions with magmatic productivity and earthquake activity.

Released: 4-Jun-2020 11:30 AM EDT
Australia's ancient geology controls the pathways of modern earthquakes
University of Melbourne

Seismological and geological studies led by University of Melbourne researchers show the 2016 magnitude 6.0 Petermann earthquake produced a landscape-shifting 21 km surface rupture.

Released: 2-Jun-2020 5:05 PM EDT
New discovery could highlight areas where earthquakes are less likely to occur
Cardiff University

Scientists from Cardiff University have discovered specific conditions that occur along the ocean floor where two tectonic plates are more likely to slowly creep past one another as opposed to drastically slipping and creating catastrophic earthquakes.
