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Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Sea Grant News Story Tip Sheet 3/26/98
National Sea Grant College Program

Sea Grant News & Notes Story Ideas: 1) Survey: Delmarva Residents Committed to Keeping Bays Clean 2) Students to Conduct Water Research Without Getting Wet 3) Treating Sewage Naturally: Constructed Wetlands Help Clean Up Texas Coast

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Stone 'jigsaw' puzzles yield clues about mysterious Saharan nomads
University of Washington

A faint image of mysterious ancient Egyptian nomads living in the Sahara Desert has emerged from thousands of stone artifacts painstakingly collected and reassembled by a University of Washington archaeologist. The stone tools and fragments offer clues to a people who lived 5,500 to 8,000 years ago and harvested wild grass seed.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Tip Sheet from New Scientist for 3-25-98
New Scientist

Tip Sheet from New Scientist for 3-25-98

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Virginia Tech Engineers Receive $9.6 Million Contract To Conduct MicroElectronic Research
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech's Fiber and Electro-Optics Research Center (FEORC) has received a $9.6 million grant from the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) for an Optical Sciences Research program. The five-year research project will focus on optical fiber materials, optoelectronics and fundamental optical materials science related in part to microelectronics, including optical microchips.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Prozac might not cheer up the clams or mussels, but it did jump-start their reproductive behavior
Gettysburg College

Peter Fong prescribes Prozac to fingernail clams and zebra mussels. The popular antidepressant might not cheer up the clams or mussels, but it did jump-start their reproductive behavior, prompting the fingernail clams to spawn in synchrony.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Malthus + 200: Disastrous 'correction' looms
Cornell University

Two hundred years after the essay by T.R. Malthus that put "Malthusian" in the lexicon, the consequences of overpopulation are more dire than ever, says anthropologist David Price, a research associate in Cornell University's Population and Development Program. A disastrous Malthusian correction looms ahead, Price warns.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Nuclear Energy Institute Criticizes Administration's Lack Of Energy Policy
Nuclear Energy Institute

Nuclear Energy Institute Criticizes Administration For Absence of Effective Domestic Energy Policy

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Walking, Climbing Wheelchair
Whitaker Foundation

By studying how goats and spiders get around, a biomedical engineer at the University of Pennsylvania has designed and patented an all-terrain wheelchair that can climb up to 12-inch steps and amble over obstacles.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
UC Science Experts Directory Launched
University of California San Diego

If you're in the media, you know how important it is to find the precise science expert for a deadline story or feature. That effort has been made a lot easier with the creation of the University of California Science Experts directory, now available on the World Wide Web.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Jane Goodall, PBS' NOVA Program, To Receive Public Service Award
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Citing the "inspirational and dignified" primate studies of Jane Goodall and the "renowned and standard-setting" Public Broadcasting Service's NOVA television series, the National Science Board (NSB) today announced the winners of its first annual Public Service Award for contributions to public understanding of science and engineering.

Released: 25-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Knoxville company looking to grow with ORNL technology
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Sarcon Microsystems sees a bright future in infrared imaging, a technology developed in part at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory that could ultimately save lives on roads, in buildings and in the sky.

Released: 24-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
NC State Web Site Rated Among the Best for Food Safety News
North Carolina State University

Worried about food safety? A new Web site launched at North Carolina State University makes it easy for you to quickly get answers to your questions, in language you can understand. The site is located at

Released: 21-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Rotating a single oxygen molecule
Cornell University

Cornell University researchers have isolated a single oxygen molecule adsobed on a platinum and caused it to rotate on command by applying pulses of current from a scanning tunneling microscope. The principle could some day be applied for data storage in ultra-small devices.

Released: 21-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Smell of amniotic fluid can comfort newborn infants, Vanderbilt researcher finds
Vanderbilt University

When newborns are exposed to the odor of their own amniotic fluid during the separation period following birth, infant distress can be lessened, according to Vanderbilt University researcher Richard Porter, whose previous studies found that babies locate their mother's nipple by its scent.

Released: 21-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Statement by Dr. Richard Zare On Proposed National Institute for the Environment
National Science Foundation (NSF)

The national and global environmental challenges we face are acute. Federal support for environmental research is a critical investment in this country's future and in the health of our children.

21-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Pharmaceutical Drugs in European Drinking Water
Science News Magazine

New studies on water supplies in Europe are finding evidence of cholesterol-lowering drugs, antibiotics, analgesics, antiseptics, beta-blocker heart drugs, and other pharmaceuticals in drinking water, lakes, rivers, and streams, according to an article published in today's issue of Science News.The European scientists have ascertained that the drugs are coming from human wastes.

Released: 20-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Scientist Press Release
New Scientist

Tip Sheet from New Scientist for 3-18-98

Released: 20-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Early oceans touch civilization today
Louisiana State University

Events begun 150 million years ago -- resulting in the formation of the Diamond Crystal salt dome under Lake Peigneur, Louisiana-- still affect us today. When an oil drill punctured the dome in 1980, it ruptured, flooding the mining tunnels, dissolving the salt and forcing a hasty evacuation of the miners working there. Within seven hours the entire lake was empty. The dome has been partially opened again, but not for the mining of salt--it is now used to store 60-million-year-old oil.

Released: 20-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
NSF Tipsheet for March 19, 1998
National Science Foundation (NSF)

National Science Foundation Tips: 1) Study of Microbes May Hone Predictions of Mining Impacts, 2) Studies Find Successful Nsf Engineering Programs, 3) Lichen Growth Reveals Unknown Earthquakes

Released: 20-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Hi-Tech Manure Spreader Latest Precision Farming Development
Purdue University

A liquid-manure applicator under development at Purdue University can be incorporated into a precision farming setup that uses computer-directed equipment and satellite-oriented GPS (geopositioning) technology. The hi-tech manure applicator is the first of its kind in the nation. This isn't a load of you-know-what.

20-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
UD geology news: Non-invasive radar reveals "ancient harvests," dotting Delaware's shoreline
University of Delaware

Dotting the shoreline near Delaware's Cape Henlopen, seashells evoke Native Americans boiling oysters, clams and conchs 1,000 years ago, says a University of Delaware geologist whose work should help archaeologists "see through" salt marshes--without digging them up.

20-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Sickle-Clawed Fossil From Madagascar Links Birds and Dinosaurs
National Science Foundation (NSF)

A new raven-sized fossil bird, showing clear evidence of the close relationship between theropod dinosaurs and birds, has been discovered on the island of Madagascar by scientists working under a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant. This discovery was announced by a team of researchers -- led by paleontologist/anatomist Catherine Forster of the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook -- in this week's issue of the journal Science.

Released: 19-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Los Alamos Gets Closer to Quamtum Computing
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Scientists have demonstrated another essential step toward building a computer based on the quantum mechanical behavior of elementary particles and say they may be able to perform simple calculations in a couple of years.

Released: 19-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Warmest NE winter in 103 years
Cornell University

The Northeast enjoyed its third warmest winter (December through February) and its third warmest February since official record-keeping began in 1895, according to Keith Eggleston, a climatologist with the Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell University.

Released: 19-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Pact Protects Radio Astronomy Frequency From Interference
National Science Foundation (NSF)

A new agreement extends some protection to astronomers who use the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico and have been concerned about potential interference from the commercial satellite system IRIDIUM. The memorandum of understanding signed between the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, which operates Arecibo, and Motorola, Inc., which operates IRIDIUM, guarantees eight hours of observing time each day "unpolluted" by interference.

Released: 19-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Significant Dinosaur Tracksite Discovered in Wyoming
University of Wyoming

New insights into ancient North America will result from the discovery of 165 million year-old dinosaur footprints near Shell, Wyo., according to a University of Wyoming researcher.

Released: 18-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Guidelines to Improve Public Understanding
International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation

Feeling more confused than enlightened after reading or hearing about the latest dietary study du jour? Newly-released guidelines, based on an advisory group convened by the Harvard School of Public Health and the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation, aim to help the public have a better understanding of emerging nutrition, food safety and health science.

Released: 18-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Aerospace engineer seeks the perfect dimple
Mississippi State University

Dimples and bluff bodies may sound like they belong in the world of high fashion models, but they are actually part of the world of Bob Thurman, an aerospace engineer whose designs would not be at home on the fashion runway or airport runway.

Released: 18-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Fungi as Biological Control of Lyme Disease Ticks
New York Botanical Garden

A researcher at The New York Botanical Garden is investigating the potential use of a commonly found species of microscopic fungus as a biological control of the northeastern tick Ixodes scapularis, the key to the spread of both Lyme disease and Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (HGE).

Released: 18-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Handbook on Technical Writing Announced
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

Creating Effective Technical Documents, a comprehensive guide to technical writing covering every aspect from research to distribution, is available from ASME International (American Society of Mechanical Engineers).

Released: 18-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
1998 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code to be Issued
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

The revised ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code will be issued on July 1. ASME International (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) updates the code every three years to reflect advancements in boiler and pressure vessel design, materials and applications.

Released: 18-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Waste Management Conference Announced
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

The first Asian-North American Solid Waste Management Conference, ANACON 98, will be held Dec. 6-9, at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott Hotel in Los Angeles, Calif. ANACON is presented by the Solid Waste Processing Division of ASME International (American Society of Mechanical Engineers).

Released: 18-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
ASME Publishes Standard to be Used by Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

ASME International (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) recently published a standard to be used in the biopharmaceutical industry.

Released: 18-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Cornell food scientists uncork wine aroma
Cornell University

Scientists at Cornell University are starting to unravel the chemical mysteries that produce the curious aroma found in fermented beverages like wine and beer.

18-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Neutron Scattering Plus Magnet for Material Studies
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Scientists have linked a powerful magnet to the neutron scattering facility at Los Alamos for a new tool for investigating material properties.

18-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Mirror surfaces with nary an atom exposed
Cornell University

Cornell chemist Melissa Hines is seeking to make a mirror surface on which not even a single atom is protruding above the surface. Within the next five years she expects researchers to be able to produce silicon surfaces that "are essentially totally flat."

Released: 17-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Umass Wins Grant to Create Software That Eases Math Anxiety
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Amherst, Mass. -- Two University of Massachusetts researchers have received a grant from the National Science Foundation to create a software program aimed at easing math anxiety in girls.

Released: 17-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Symposium on Vascular Plants Celebrates Publication of Illustrated Companion Book to Classic Manual
New York Botanical Garden

On Saturday, April 18, 1998, The New York Botanical Garden will hold a symposium on the Vascular Plants of the Northeastern United States to celebrate the February 1998 publication of the long-awaited Illustrated Companion to Gleason & Cronquist's Manual: Illustrations of the Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada.

Released: 17-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Publication of the Illustrated Companion to Gleason & Cronquist's Manual
New York Botanical Garden

The New York Botanical Garden is celebrating the publication of the Illustrated Companion to Gleason & Cronquist's Manual: Illustrations of the Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, a collection of 827 meticulously-rendered botanical illustrations designed as a cross-reference to the non-illustrated Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, Second Edition, by Henry A. Gleason and Arthur Cronquist, published in 1991.

Released: 17-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
The Kyoto Protocol: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Depend on Future of China
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

China's future energy import needs will dramatically affect the global environment and energy security, says Jon Erickson, assistant professor of economics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Released: 17-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Ancient Grain Helps Produce Modern, Healthy Eggs
University of Arizona

Love eggs, but your doc says cut down on cholesterol? A new egg might be what you're looking for.

Released: 17-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
NSF and NSI End Internet Intellectual Infrastructure Fund Portion of Domain Name Registration Fees
National Science Foundation (NSF)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Network Solutions, Inc. (NSI) today announced the end of the Internet Intellectual Infrastructure Fund portion of domain name registration charges. As a result, the annual fee for domain name registration, which has been $50 since fees were imposed in 1995, will decline to $35, reducing the cost of domain name registration by 30 percent. The change will be effective April 1, 1998.

Released: 14-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Scientist Tip Sheet for 3-11-98
New Scientist

New Scientist Tip Sheet for 3-11-98

Released: 14-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Discovery pushes back boundaries of known universe
 Johns Hopkins University

Astronomers have set a new record for most distant observed object in the universe, finding a galaxy nearly 90 million light years farther from Earth than any previously discovered.

Released: 14-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
March 12, 1998 -- Tip Sheet
National Science Foundation (NSF)

1)Steady Growth Continues in Academic R&D 2)Early Returns in from Ice Station Sheba 3)Helping Kids become Young Scientists

Released: 14-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
The Bugs Stop Here: When the CDC Can't Identify a Microbe, It Calls On Harvard Sleuths
Harvard Medical School

Researchers at Forsyth Dental Center and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine are tracing the identity of unknown and emerging microbes, some of which have foiled the efforts of investigators around the country. Using the newest molecular methods, they are identifying mysterious bacterial species that may be the cause of dental caries and periodontitis. But the search is not limited to the oral cavity.

Released: 13-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Materials Show Promise for Coatings, Membranes, Drug Delivery
Purdue University

Purdue University researchers have developed a new class of materials that has a wide variety of potential applications, from a coating to repel liquids to a membrane that could be used in wastewater treatment and drug delivery.

Released: 13-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
El Nino may weaken some spring tornadoes
Mississippi State University

El Nino, the weather pheonomenon blamed for killer tornadoes in Florida, may actually benefit the Lower Plains and the Midsouth during the coming spring tornado season.

Released: 12-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Studying Earthquakes by Satellite
Northwestern University

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is allowing geologists to measure the positions of markers thousands of miles apart to a precision of less than an inch and has suddenly become a powerful tool for earthquake studies around the world.

Released: 12-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Biologist Composes the Music of Proteins
Texas Wesleyan University

Understanding proteins is essential to understanding cellular biology, but difficult. Scientists often turn to analogy, and talk of the "building blocks" or the "alphabet of life," but biologist Mary Anne Clark at Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth says she hears the proteins singing.
