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Newswise:Video Embedded wits-flower-hall-listed-as-world-s-best-innovative-building-up-for-award-in-2024
Released: 27-Aug-2024 6:05 AM EDT
Wits Flower Hall listed as World's best innovative building, up for award in 2024
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

In a significant move towards sustainability, the Flower Hall introduced new services designed to support energy-efficient use of the facility.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-regulation-can-increase-productivity-and-social-welfare
Released: 26-Aug-2024 8:30 AM EDT
How Regulation Can Increase Productivity and Social Welfare
University of Michigan Ross School of Business

Jagadeesh Sivadasan, Buzz and Judy Newton professor of business administration, shares his research on how more liberal regulations can foster productivity growth and how human capital drives firm productivity.

Newswise:Video Embedded strategic-decision-making-the-role-of-individuals-groups-and-ai
Released: 23-Aug-2024 8:30 AM EDT
Strategic Decision-Making: The role of individuals, groups, and AI
University of Michigan Ross School of Business

Felipe Csaszar, professor of strategy, shares his research on decision making structures and how students’ decision making changed after taking a strategy course.

Newswise:Video Embedded fun-meets-fitness-cedars-sinai-debuts-bingocize
Released: 22-Aug-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Fun Meets Fitness: Cedars-Sinai Debuts Bingocize

In the heart of Los Angeles’ Koreatown, a familiar game is taking on a whole new twist at Steel Plaza Senior Housing, where Cedars-Sinai's Forever Fit program has introduced a health initiative called Bingocize.

Newswise:Video Embedded la-diversi-n-se-une-con-fitness-cedars-sinai-estrena-bingocize
Released: 22-Aug-2024 3:05 PM EDT
La Diversión se Une con Fitness: Cedars-Sinai Estrena Bingocize

En el corazón del barrio coreano de Los Ángeles, un juego familiar está tomando un nuevo giro en Steel Plaza Senior Housing, donde el programa Forever Fit de Cedars-Sinai ha introducido una iniciativa de salud llamada Bingocize.

Newswise:Video Embedded data-privacy-in-a-world-of-cyber-threats
Released: 21-Aug-2024 8:45 AM EDT
Data Privacy in a World of Cyber Threats
University of Michigan Ross School of Business

Digital privacy is often framed as an issue for consumers, but Ross School of Business Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Ruslan Momot argues that companies need to consider the concept as a key element of their business.

Newswise:Video Embedded beetle-that-pushes-dung-with-the-help-of-100-billion-stars-unlocks-the-key-to-better-navigation-systems-in-drones-and-satellites
Released: 21-Aug-2024 7:05 AM EDT
Beetle that pushes dung with the help of 100 billion stars unlocks the key to better navigation systems in drones and satellites
University of South Australia

An insect species that evolved 130 million years ago is the inspiration for a new research study to improve navigation systems in drones, robots, and orbiting satellites.

Newswise:Video Embedded estudio-piloto-utiliza-vidrio-reciclado-para-cultivar-los-ingredientes-para-preparar-salsa
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Estudio piloto utiliza vidrio reciclado para cultivar los ingredientes para preparar salsa
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Los ingredientes de la salsa, como el cilantro y el jalapeño, se pueden cultivar en vidrio reciclado. Un estudio piloto reveló que la sustitución parcial de la tierra con fragmentos de vidrio puede acelerar el desarrollo de la planta y reducir el crecimiento de hongos no deseado. Los investigadores presentarán sus resultados en la ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise:Video Embedded el-revestimiento-a-base-de-tiza-crea-un-tejido-refrigerante
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
El revestimiento a base de tiza crea un tejido refrigerante
American Chemical Society (ACS)

En el calor abrasador del verano, cualquier persona que pase tiempo afuera podría beneficiarse de un tejido refrigerante. Pero ahora, los investigadores han innovado con un revestimiento de microescala a base de tiza que enfría el aire debajo del tejido tratado hasta 13 grados Celsius. Presentarán sus resultados en la ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise:Video Embedded pilot-study-uses-recycled-glass-to-grow-plants-for-salsa-ingredients
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Pilot study uses recycled glass to grow plants for salsa ingredients
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Salsa ingredients, such as cilantro and jalapeño, can be cultivated on recycled glass. A pilot study found that partially replacing potting soil with glass fragments can speed up plant development and reduce unwanted fungal growth. The researchers will present their results at ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise:Video Embedded chalk-based-coating-creates-a-cooling-fabric
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Chalk-based coating creates a cooling fabric
American Chemical Society (ACS)

In the scorching heat of summer, anyone who spends time outside could benefit from a cooling fabric. Now, researchers have innovated a durable chalk-based microscale coating that cools the air underneath treated fabric by up to 8 degrees Fahrenheit. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise:Video Embedded curious-by-nature-how-addictive-are-companies-making-video-games-with-dr-puneet-manchanda2
Released: 20-Aug-2024 3:20 PM EDT
Curious by Nature: How Addictive Are Companies Making Video Games with Dr. Puneet Manchanda
University of Michigan Ross School of Business

For many years, addiction research has focused on chemical dependencies like drugs and alcohol. However, new phenomena such as video game and social media addictions are not as extensively studied.

Newswise:Video Embedded fossil-hotspots-in-africa-obscure-a-more-complete-picture-of-human-evolution2
Released: 20-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Fossil hotspots in Africa obscure a more complete picture of human evolution
George Washington University

New study shows how the mismatch between where fossils are preserved and where humans likely lived may influence our understanding of early human evolution.

Newswise:Video Embedded deadly-sea-snail-toxin-could-be-key-to-making-better-medicines
15-Aug-2024 5:00 AM EDT
Deadly Sea Snail Toxin Could be Key to Making Better Medicines
University of Utah Health

Scientists are finding clues for how to treat diabetes and hormone disorders in an unexpected place: a toxin from one of the most venomous animals on the planet.

Newswise:Video Embedded qu-mica-extraterrestre-con-posibilidades-de-aplicaci-n-en-la-tierra
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Química extraterrestre con posibilidades de aplicación en la tierra
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Para entender mejor las moléculas prebióticas, las semillas de la vida en la Tierra y posiblemente en otros lugares, los investigadores investigaron el papel de los electrones de baja energía creados en partículas de hielo en el vacío. Presentarán sus resultados que podrían servir de base para nuevas aplicaciones en nuestro planeta hogar en la ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise:Video Embedded extraterrestrial-chemistry-with-earthbound-possibilities
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Extraterrestrial chemistry with earthbound possibilities
American Chemical Society (ACS)

To better understand prebiotic molecules — the seeds of life on Earth and possibly elsewhere — researchers investigated the role of low-energy electrons on ice particles in a vacuum. They will present their results that could inform new applications on our home planet at ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise:Video Embedded four-years-after-birth-toddler-finally-breathing-easy
Released: 19-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Four Years After Birth, Toddler Finally Breathing Easy

March 2020 was a scary time for Adam Cardello and Zohra Ahmadi Cardello. It was the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and their first child, Safaa Cardello, had just been born more than three months prematurely.

Newswise:Video Embedded mejora-del-acceso-a-la-detecci-n-de-la-insuficiencia-card-aca-con-saliva
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Mejora del acceso a la detección de la insuficiencia cardíaca con saliva
American Chemical Society (ACS)

En el calor abrasador del verano, cualquier persona que pase tiempo afuera podría beneficiarse de un tejido refrigerante. Pero ahora, los investigadores han innovado con un revestimiento de microescala a base de tiza que enfría el aire debajo del tejido tratado hasta 13 grados Celsius. Presentarán sus resultados en la ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise:Video Embedded expansi-n-con-luz-del-implante-card-aco-de-un-ni-o
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Expansión con luz del implante cardíaco de un niño
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Los niños que nacen con ciertos defectos cardíacos se someten a un implante de shunt para mejorar el flujo sanguíneo. El shunt debe cambiarse a medida que el cuerpo crece. Los investigadores informan que un nuevo shunt expandible que reacciona a la luz podría reducir el número de cirugías a las que se someten estos niños. Presentarán sus resultados en la ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise:Video Embedded improving-access-to-heart-failure-screening-with-saliva
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Improving access to heart-failure screening with saliva
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Heart failure is especially fatal for people without access to medical facilities. A research team aims to bring heart failure screening from the lab to the home with a biosensor that uses a drop of saliva to screen for biomarkers of the disease. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2024.

