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Released: 16-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Evolution Seems to Have Speed Limits
Michigan State University

Some of the world's most notorious disease-causing organisms are ones that evolve quickly. MSU scientists have learned about what controls the speed of evolutionary adaptation. The answers, reported in the Jan. 15 edition of Science, may provide clues to controlling fast mutating organisms such as E. coli and HIV.

Released: 30-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Termite Tummies Reveal Nutritional Powerhouses
Michigan State University

Secrets of energy conversion - and maybe the ways to make cows produce less gas and more milk - might lie in the belly of a termite, a Michigan State University microbiologist reports.

Released: 30-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Tart Cherries May Be Natural Pain Reliever
Michigan State University

Popping tart cherries instead of a pill may be an option for those suffering from inflammatory pain, according to Michigan State University researchers. MSU research finds that the same chemicals that give tart cherries their color may relieve pain better than aspirin and ibuprofen.

Released: 13-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Food Safety Tips
Michigan State University

As the nation struggles with its current crises in food safety and consumer confidence, MSU experts are ready to discuss safety across the food chain - from farm to family.

Released: 23-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Pesticide Alarm Needs Closer Look
Michigan State University

Parents agonizing over serving fresh apples and grapes to their children in the wake of Consumer Reports' latest analysis of pesticides in produce should keep one word in mind: Theoretical.

Released: 3-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
Gulf War Syndrome Real; Could Have Many Causes
Michigan State University

Gulf War syndrome is not just something in the heads of the soldiers who fought in the 1991 Middle East war, but is a real illness that requires treatment, says a Michigan State University epidemiologist.

Released: 11-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
MSU Research Extinguishes Movie Myths of Flames in Space
Michigan State University

Dazzled by sparks flying in space during "Star Wars: Episode One - The Phantom Menace''? Don't buy it. In space, no one can see you burn. At least, not traditionally burn - flames spiking, sparks flaring -- says Indrek Wichman. The Michigan State University mechanical engineering professor is working with a NASA grant to understand how flames behave in zero gravity.

Released: 11-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
TV Rating System Inaccurate Half the Time
Michigan State University

Parents who rely on TV show ratings are out of luck half the time, according to a study released by Michigan State University. Fifty percent of the age and content ratings that appear on air are different than what is published in TV Guide.

Released: 17-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Better Bee Family Reunions Through Brain Chemistry
Michigan State University

Honeybees are pretty tight with their families, but how can they tell who's kin? Research published in Nature identifies a chemical that increases a bee's ability to identify nestmates. It also makes bees more aggressive to bees they aren't related to.

Released: 18-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Gene that Creates Plant Cell Walls Cloned
Michigan State University

Researchers at Michigan State University announce in the June 18 edition of Science that they have cloned one of the genes that creates a plant's cell wall.
