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Released: 27-May-2009 2:35 PM EDT
Discovery Could Help Feed Millions
Northern Arizona University

When scientist Loretta Mayer set out to alleviate diseases associated with menopause, she didn't realize her work could lead to addressing world hunger and feeding hundreds of millions of people.

Released: 4-Sep-2009 2:00 PM EDT
Arctic Lakes Help Scientists Understand Climate Change
Northern Arizona University

Professor's research bolsters evidence that humans influence climate change.

Released: 2-Mar-2010 10:00 AM EST
Research Team Breaks the Ice with New Estimate of Glacier Melt
Northern Arizona University

The melting of glaciers is well documented, but when looking at the rate at which they have been retreating, a team of international researchers steps back and says not so fast.

Released: 25-Aug-2010 1:20 PM EDT
Potential Medical Treatment Surfaces in Squid Research
Northern Arizona University

The complex circulatory system of cephalopods teaches researchers how accessory hearts can remedy peripheral arterial disease in humans.

Released: 25-Aug-2010 2:15 PM EDT
Scientists Bring New Species of Turtle Out of Its Shell
Northern Arizona University

Discovery of a new species of turtle in the southeastern United States brings the number of the country's endemic species to 57, with approximately 320 species of turtle documented worldwide.

Released: 3-Sep-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Spitzer Telescope Spots Colorful Mix of Asteroids, May Aid Future Space Travel
Northern Arizona University

New research from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope is providing close-up views of near-Earth objects and aiding astronomers in determining the size, composition and origin of more than 100 known near-Earth asteroids so far. Observation of 600 additional near-Earth objects is planned over the next year.

Released: 30-Sep-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Nitrogen, Methane Dominate Icy Surface of Eris
Northern Arizona University

The new ice lab at Northern Arizona University lends greater understanding of the frozen surfaces of dwarf planets Eris and Pluto.

Released: 1-Nov-2010 2:00 PM EDT
DNA Fingerprinting Traces Global Path of Plague
Northern Arizona University

An international team of scientists have traced the plague back to its roots in China and paved the way for future bacteria research.

Released: 10-Mar-2011 2:45 PM EST
Southwestern US Headed for 'Extended Megadrought'
Northern Arizona University

Historical record in sediment deposits indicates the Southwest region should brace for an extended "megadrought" that may last hundreds to thousands of years.

Released: 8-Jun-2011 5:00 PM EDT
‘Overgrown’ Forests Fueling Catastrophic Wallow Fire, NAU Expert Says
Northern Arizona University

Forest experts have warned for years that millions of small-diameter trees are a threat to the nation’s forests, and the massive Wallow Fire in eastern Arizona is further evidence.
