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Released: 9-Mar-2012 9:00 AM EST
Scientists Claim Brain Memory Code Cracked
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

Despite a century of research, memory encoding in the brain has remained mysterious. Neuronal synaptic connection strengths are involved, but synaptic components are short-lived while memories last lifetimes. This suggests synaptic information is encoded and hard-wired at a deeper, finer-grained molecular scale.

Released: 26-Mar-2012 8:30 AM EDT
Zinc Imbalance in Brains of Alzheimer’s Patients Points to New Therapies
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) steals memory and ruins lives. Despite near-daily reports of promising new therapies, AD remains unchecked. Now a new study reveals the mechanism by which AD may cause memory loss, suggesting new therapies.

Released: 26-Jun-2012 2:00 PM EDT
Post-Anesthesia Dementia, Like Alzheimer's, Looks Micro-'Tubular'
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

Modern anesthesia is extremely safe. But as risks to heart, lungs and other organs have waned, another problem has emerged in the elderly: post-operative cognitive dysfunction. Mentally, some patients “just aren’t the same” for months or longer after surgery. Other factors play a role, but a small number of patients deteriorate mentally due to anesthesia per se. Those with Alzheimer’s disease suffer exacerbations, and those without the diagnosis may have it unmasked by anesthesia, suggesting some relationship.

Released: 14-May-2013 3:20 PM EDT
‘Good Vibrations’! Brain Ultrasound Improves Mood
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques aimed at mental and neurological conditions include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for depression, and transcranial direct current (electrical) stimulation (tDCS), shown to improve memory. Transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) has also shown promise.

Released: 18-Sep-2014 3:00 PM EDT
New Study Favors Quantum Mind
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

Microtubule properties consistent with quantum theory of consciousness.

Released: 23-Mar-2015 2:00 PM EDT
Anesthesia Points to Deeper Level ‘Quantum Channels’ as Origins of Consciousness
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

Anesthetics act inside neurons in microtubule pi electron resonance clouds, similar to those mediating quantum coherence in photosynthesis proteins. Here the authors show anesthetics dampen pi cloud terahertz oscillations, proposed as the microtubule-based origin of consciousness.

Released: 5-Sep-2017 1:30 PM EDT
Consciousness Depends on Tubulin Vibrations Inside Neurons, Anesthesia Study Suggests
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

Anesthetic gases selectively block consciousness, sparing non-conscious brain activities. Thus the specific mechanism of anesthetic action could reveal how the brain produces consciousness.

Released: 2-Mar-2020 7:45 AM EST
‘Brain Surfing’: Ultrasound waves focused on prefrontal cortex elevate mood and change brain connectivity in human volunteers
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

A team of researchers at the University of Arizona has found that low-intensity ultrasound waves directed at a particular region of the brain’s prefrontal cortex in healthy subjects can elevate mood, and decrease connectivity in a brain network that has been shown to be hyperactive in psychiatric disorders. The method uses transcranial focused ultrasound (‘tFUS’), a painless, non-invasive technique to modulate brain function comparable to transcranial magnetic stimulation (‘TMS’), and transcranial direct current stimulation (‘tDCS’). This study shows, for the first time, a correlation between tFUS-induced mood enhancement, and reorganization of brain circuits.

Released: 4-Oct-2022 2:10 PM EDT
Think tank ‘smears’ Orch OR quantum theory of consciousness
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

The ‘think tank’ ‘Fundamental Questions Institute’ (‘FQXI’) has sponsored coordinated research, articles and a press release comparing two theoretical versions of ‘objective reduction’ (‘OR’), proposals for gravity-related collapse of the quantum wavefunction.(1-3) They also wrongly insinuate that the ‘Orch OR’ theory of consciousness I put forth with Sir Roger Penrose in the mid 1990s (4,5) has been refuted.

Release date: 29-Sep-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Think tank ‘smears’ Orch OR quantum theory of consciousness
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

The ‘think tank’ ‘Fundamental Questions Institute’ (‘FQXI’) has sponsored coordinated research, articles and a press release comparing two theoretical versions of ‘objective reduction’ (‘OR’), proposals for gravity-related collapse of the quantum wavefunction.(1-3) They also wrongly insinuate that the ‘Orch OR’ theory of consciousness I put forth with Sir Roger Penrose in the mid 1990s (4,5) has been refuted.

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