Newswise — September 20, 2011 - Raleigh, N.C. - The Center for Innovation Management Studies (CIMS) at the NC State University Poole College of Management is featuring presentations on the theme, “Situational Awareness: Becoming a Decision-Ready Organization,” at its fall meeting, scheduled for October 25 through 27, 2011.

Included are academic and practitioner research updates in the areas of innovation management, technology commercialization, breakthrough innovation, and the role of market intelligence in supply chain management.

CIMS’s semi-annual meetings are open to members of business and industry, the academic community, and others interested in research-based knowledge and practitioner experience. There is a fee of $240 to attend all sessions, with payment options by individual sessions also available. Details regarding registration and accommodations are available at the CIMS website.

Following are the sessions scheduled for CIMS’s October meeting.

- ‘Decision-Ready Intelligence: Informed insights for Important Decisions,’ a keynote presentation by Merrill Brenner, author and a consultant with more than 20 years’ experience in business and technology intelligence, decision processes and strategic planning.

- Developing Supply Chain Capability through Market Intelligence, a presentation by Dr. Rob Handfield, Bank of American University Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management at the NC State Poole College of Management, based on his latest research on the topic.

- Paradoxes of Innovation: Enabling Agile Decision Making, by Dr. Marianne Lewis, associate dean for undergraduate programs, director of the Kolodzik Business Scholars and professor of management at the University of Cincinnati’s Linder College of Business.

- Building a Management System for Breakthrough Innovation, by Dr. Gina Colarelli O’Connor, director of the Severino Center for Technological Entrepreneurship, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutes’ Lally School of Management and Technology.

- Innovation Management Maturity Assessment – a Practitioner’s Experience, by Kenneth Perry, project director for BASF North American Coatings. He will discuss the methodology used for customizing this CIMS-developed assessment tool for his organization and plans for taking the tool deeper into the organization. More than 1,000 participants have completed the tool to date across five North American business units within BASF.

- Inventor on Fire, by Steve Todd, director of EMC’s global innovation network. He will discuss his career shift from 25 years as a serial intrapreneur to director of EMC’s global innovation network.

- TEC Renaissance - Dr. Stephen Markham and Dr. Ted Baker, both associate professors in Poole College’s Department of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MIE), will provide a status report on their three-year CIMS-sponsored research project in which they are updating the technology entrepreneurship commercialization methodology used in Poole College’s Jenkins MBA curriculum and at other academic institutions in the U.S. and globally. They are exploring the inclusion of business intelligence, sustainability management, services, global market opportunity and intrepreneurship tools and elements into the curriculum.

Also, representatives from the new NC State’s James B. Hunt, Jr. library, currently under construction on NC State's Centennial Campus, will give a presentation on the new technologies and capabilities being built into the new facility. Presenters are Kristin Antelman, associate director, digital library; Patrick Deaton, assistant director, learning spaces and capital management; and Susan Nutter, vice provost and director of libraries, NC State University

Seventh Annual BioSciences Forum

CIMS meeting participants also are invited to attend Poole College’s Seventh Annual BioSciences Forum on Friday, October 28, 7 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center in Research Triangle Park, N.C. There is no charge for this program but registration is requested. Individuals may register for both programs at the CIMS website,

Confirmed presenters at this year’s Biosciences Forum are:

- Harry Reynolds, director of health industry transformation, Global Healthcare & Life Sciences Industry at IBM

- Mark Augusti, president of Orthopaedics Trauma and Clinical Therapies, Smith & Nephew, Inc.

- Chris MacDonald, site director, Novartis vaccines and diagnostics

About the Center for Innovation Management Studies (CIMS)

CIMS ( is an academic-industry center that studies technological innovation and its management. It disseminates that knowledge through its biannual meetings, executive programs, and newsletters, helping companies achieve bottom-line results. CIMS is based in the Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University, in Raleigh, N.C. Poole College offers undergraduate and graduate education in accounting, business administration, and economics, and custom and open enrollment programs through Executive Programs, LLP.

About the BioSciences Forum

The BioSciences Forum is presented each fall by the Biosciences Management Initiative ( in NC State's Poole College of Management ( This initiative helps to support the college's Jenkins MBA program's concentration in biosciences management through course development and by coordinating practicum and other real world learning experiences for its students, as well as helping to identify internship experiences.

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