Newswise — Big business is taking notice of what was long thought of as small money in oceanography. The indicator of this shift is in the emergence of large companies like Teledyne Corp. purchasing smaller companies like Benthos on Cape Cod and RD Instruments in San Diego. This is not an isolated case Lockheed Martin has also taken notice and most recently purchased Sippican also a Cape Cod based company.

According to a study by the University of Massachusetts Marine Science Technology in New England is a $7.8 billion industry employing more than 56,000 people. The study suggests that with the decline of major shipbuilding contracts marine science technology has flourished and taken its place.

"Well the landscape in ocean studies has changed dramatically in the past 10 years revenues for oceanographic companies have grown at exponential rates," said Mike Stewart, "Some factors that have contributed to this boom are lessened restrictions by the government, increased interest in ocean related disasters, and a rejuvenation of interest in global warming, particularly the melting of icebergs."

Oceans 2006 will have strong connections with the Canadian Marine Technology industry, in advance of next year's Ocean's 2007 in Vancouver, and 2008 in Quebec City. The Canadian Consulate in Boston has signed on as a major sponsor of the conference. More than 25 Canadian companies from Quebec, Newfoundland, British Columbia will exhibit at the show.

About the MTS/IEEEOceans Boston 2006 ConferenceIn its 26 year, the Oceans Conference is the foremost venue for the leading minds in oceanography. Themed with "Revolutionizing Marine Technology," the goal of the Oceans 2006 Conference is to highlight the vast scientific and technical innovation that has sprung from the mission-driven challenges of developing and deploying advanced technologies in the world's oceans. The conference which kicks off on Monday, September 18 and runs through Thursday, September 21, is packed with tutorials, workshops, panel discussions, plenary sessions, and exhibitions facilitated by leading scientists and entrepreneurs in the oceanographic industry from around the globe. For additional information please visit the Web site

About Northeastern: Northeastern University, located in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts, is a world leader in practice-oriented education and recognized for its expert faculty and first-rate academic and research facilities. Northeastern integrates challenging liberal arts and professional studies with the nation's largest cooperative education program. Through co-op, Northeastern undergraduates alternate semesters of full-time study with semesters of paid work in fields relevant to their professional interests and major, giving them nearly two years of professional experience upon graduation. The majority of Northeastern graduates receive a job offer from a co-op employer. For more information, please visit