Feature Channels: Story Ideas: Science

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Released: 21-Oct-2005 10:30 AM EDT
American Expert on the Himalayas of Northern Pakistan
University of Southern Indiana

Geology professor at University of Southern Indiana is one of a handful of American experts on the Himalayas. He has spent over 500 days in the region and up to three months at a time in remote mountain villages.

Released: 21-Oct-2005 8:40 AM EDT
Stronger than Steel, Harder than Diamonds
Florida State University

Working with a material 10 times lighter than steel "” but 250 times stronger "” would be a dream come true for any engineer. If this material also had amazing properties that made it highly conductive of heat and electricity, it would start to sound like something out of a science fiction novel.

Released: 20-Oct-2005 5:00 PM EDT
Largest-Ever Undersea Observatory Planned for Pacific Coast
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

Canadian and U.S. scientists are planning a multi-million dollar project that could turn hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of sea floor into an Internet-connected undersea observatory.

Released: 19-Oct-2005 2:15 PM EDT
IUB Biologist Opens Art Exhibit in Washington, D.C.
Indiana University

It's not every day that a scientist opens an artistic exhibit on the Washington, D.C., Mall, but that's exactly what Indiana University Bloomington biologist Roger Hangarter will do on Oct. 27 at the U.S. Botanic Garden Conservatory.

Released: 13-Oct-2005 8:35 AM EDT
The Shape of Things to Come: Morphology Database Going Global
Florida State University

A Florida State University researcher who specializes in the evolutionary history of wasps is now creating a buzz about a new way for scientists to store, share and study plant and animal images.

Released: 10-Oct-2005 4:30 PM EDT
Expert Available for Pakistan Earthquake
Michigan Technological University

Geologist Wayne Pennington of Michigan Tech has seen first hand how deadly quakes in Himalayas can be.

Released: 7-Oct-2005 3:30 PM EDT
Mother Nature’s Weapon of Mass Destruction? Red Leaves
Colgate University

Research has shown that the breakdown of chlorophyll is largely responsible for the vibrant hues of most fall foliage. But the anthocyanins that give some leaves their red tint could serve a more Darwinian purpose: They could be the trees' own form of chemical warfare.

Released: 7-Oct-2005 3:10 PM EDT
Expedition to Help Protect Florida's Oculina Deepwater Reefs
Florida Atlantic University, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

Researchers are beginning an expedition to explore the spectacular deepwater coral reefs of Florida's Oculina Bank. The team will begin a critically needed monitoring program to complement, and evaluate the effectiveness of, new regulations and enforcement activities in the area.

Released: 7-Oct-2005 1:00 PM EDT
IODP Launches Tahiti Sea Level Expedition
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program

Scientists from nine nations have set sail for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Tahiti Sea Level Expedition, a research expedition initiated to investigate global sea level rise since the last glacial maximum, approximately 23,000 years ago.

Released: 3-Oct-2005 10:40 AM EDT
Scientists Investigate Ocean’s Role in Carbon Cycle, Global Warming
University of Rhode Island

With concerns about global warming on the rise, a team of scientists is trying to improve the current understanding of the ocean's role in transferring carbon dioxide from the surface to the deep sea.
