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Newswise: Combler le fossé du traitement de l'épilepsie en Bolivie : trois décennies d'initiatives
Released: 29-Apr-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Combler le fossé du traitement de l'épilepsie en Bolivie : trois décennies d'initiatives
International League Against Epilepsy

Le déficit de traitement de l'épilepsie en Amérique latine est d'environ 60 %, mais le déficit de traitement dans les zones rurales de la région peut atteindre 90 %. En Bolivie, les facteurs contribuant à l'écart de traitement sont similaires aux facteurs dans d'autres régions éloignées à faibles ressources.

Newswise: Educating non-specialists in Mexico: New university course offers hybrid experience
Released: 24-Apr-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Educating non-specialists in Mexico: New university course offers hybrid experience
International League Against Epilepsy

The involvement of primary healthcare providers in epilepsy care can translate to early intervention, education about the condition, and coordination of care. However, many primary healthcare providers do not have sufficient training to care for people with epilepsy, leading to gaps in diagnosis and treatment.

Newswise: Educando a no especialistas en México: Nuevo curso universitario ofrece experiencia híbrida
Released: 24-Apr-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Educando a no especialistas en México: Nuevo curso universitario ofrece experiencia híbrida
International League Against Epilepsy

Un nuevo curso acreditado sobre epilepsia está educando a una variedad de profesionales de la salud a través de un modelo híbrido. Impartido en español, el curso está atrayendo a médicos de atención primaria, neurólogos, neuropsicólogos y antropólogos.

Newswise: Clinical neurophysiology training in epilepsy: The present and the future
Released: 16-Apr-2024 1:05 PM EDT
Clinical neurophysiology training in epilepsy: The present and the future
International League Against Epilepsy

EEG training varies across the globe; in many countries, there is no training. Dr. Bruna Nucera talks with Dr. Sandor Beniczky about the present and future of clinical neurophysiology training.

Newswise: Après une chirurgie de l'épilepsie : gérer les attentes et les soins
Released: 1-Apr-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Après une chirurgie de l'épilepsie : gérer les attentes et les soins
International League Against Epilepsy

Avant la chirurgie, les personnes atteintes d'épilepsie subissent une longue évaluation et des tests approfondis. Mais après une opération chirurgicale, certains professionnels et défenseurs affirment que les gens sont injustement laissés seuls pour gérer le traitement et les soins, sans beaucoup d’aide ou de conseils.

Newswise: Epilepsy research and funding in low-resource countries: Ethical issues and steps toward equity
Released: 28-Mar-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Epilepsy research and funding in low-resource countries: Ethical issues and steps toward equity
International League Against Epilepsy

Less than 10% of funding for health research goes towards health in lower-resource countries, where 90% of preventable deaths occur. Epilepsy research faces similar challenges to research in other health conditions, but also some unique issues.

Newswise: Neonatal seizures: Guidelines and consensus-based recommendations: Dr. Ronit Pressler
Released: 22-Mar-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Neonatal seizures: Guidelines and consensus-based recommendations: Dr. Ronit Pressler
International League Against Epilepsy

Seizures are different in newborns. Dr. Emma Carter speaks with Dr. Ronit Pressler about recent guidelines and recommendations for treating seizures in newborns and how they were established.

Newswise: Epilepsy research in low-resource areas: The complexities of data and consent
Released: 13-Mar-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Epilepsy research in low-resource areas: The complexities of data and consent
International League Against Epilepsy

Although 80% of people with epilepsy live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), most epilepsy research originates in high-income regions.

Released: 5-Mar-2024 2:05 PM EST
Bringing Epilepsy Out of the Shadows: How Far Have We Come? Dr. Ted Reynolds
International League Against Epilepsy

In the mid-1990s, Dr. Edward (Ted) Reynolds, then president of ILAE, recognized that epilepsy required global solutions. His ideas blossomed into the Global Campaign Against Epilepsy and established partnerships between ILAE, the World Health Organization, and the International Bureau for Epilepsy.

Newswise: Special session reviews goals, progress for advancing epilepsy research and care
Released: 4-Mar-2024 12:05 PM EST
Special session reviews goals, progress for advancing epilepsy research and care
International League Against Epilepsy

A special session at the American Epilepsy Society meeting in December 2023 reviewed progress on the Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders (IGAP) and discussed strategies for moving forward.

Newswise: Behind the wheel: Navigating driving with epilepsy
Released: 19-Feb-2024 9:15 AM EST
Behind the wheel: Navigating driving with epilepsy
International League Against Epilepsy

For people with epilepsy, driving is a top concern. The inability to drive often comes with frustration, a loss of freedom, and dependency on others. Regulations vary; some countries ban people with epilepsy from driving for life, while most require a specific seizure-free period.

Released: 15-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
"Talking about things that no one else will talk about": Torie Robinson, host of Epilepsy Sparks Insights
International League Against Epilepsy

Diagnosed with epilepsy at age 10, Torie Robinson uses her podcast to share knowledge with people with epilepsy, their families, and the public. Her episode topics range from the biochemistry of epilepsy to gastrointestinal issues and much, much more.

Newswise: Mejora del proceso de evaluación de la cirugía de la epilepsia: formación y comunicación
Released: 7-Feb-2024 10:05 AM EST
Mejora del proceso de evaluación de la cirugía de la epilepsia: formación y comunicación
International League Against Epilepsy

Aunque la cirugía puede ser una opción para hasta el 40% de las personas con epilepsia resistente a los medicamentos, menos del 1% son remitidos a centros de epilepsia cada año. ¿Por qué?

Newswise: Improving the epilepsy surgery evaluation pipeline: Training and communication
Released: 7-Feb-2024 10:05 AM EST
Improving the epilepsy surgery evaluation pipeline: Training and communication
International League Against Epilepsy

Surgery may be an option for up to 40% of people with drug-resistant epilepsy, but fewer than 1% are referred to epilepsy centers each year. Why?

Newswise: Book review: The Idea of Epilepsy by Simon Shorvon
Released: 5-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
Book review: The Idea of Epilepsy by Simon Shorvon
International League Against Epilepsy

In a detailed, comprehensive, and scholarly fashion, the writer takes us on a journey, using the metaphor of “The Voyage of the Good Ship Epilepsy." As a near footnote, the author suggests in the end that the term "epilepsy" should be abolished altogether.

Newswise: Cambiando las reglas del juego: la inventora de un sujetador deportivo lideró el impulso para desarrollar más investigación sobre la epilepsia en las mujeres
Released: 25-Jan-2024 9:05 AM EST
Cambiando las reglas del juego: la inventora de un sujetador deportivo lideró el impulso para desarrollar más investigación sobre la epilepsia en las mujeres
International League Against Epilepsy

Después de inventar el primer sostén deportivo comercial en la década de 1970, Lisa Lindahl aprovechó su perspectiva única como líder empresarial con epilepsia para aumentar la financiación de la investigación y la concienciación sobre los problemas relacionados con la epilepsia en las mujeres.

Newswise: A conversation about The Idea of Epilepsy: Dr. Phillip Pearl and Dr. Simon Shorvon
Released: 18-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
A conversation about The Idea of Epilepsy: Dr. Phillip Pearl and Dr. Simon Shorvon
International League Against Epilepsy

Published in 2023, Dr. Simon Shorvon’s The Idea of Epilepsy covers the history of epilepsy from multiple perspectives over the past 160 years. It ends with a tantalizing question: Does epilepsy actually exist? Harvard's Dr. Phillip Pearl interviews Dr. Shorvon.

Newswise: Después de la cirugía de epilepsia: manejo de las expectativas y del cuidado
Released: 18-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
Después de la cirugía de epilepsia: manejo de las expectativas y del cuidado
International League Against Epilepsy

Antes de la cirugía, las personas con epilepsia se someten a un proceso exhaustivo que implica una evaluación prolongada, pruebas detalladas y mucho tiempo con los equipos médicos. Pero después de la cirugía, argumentan algunos profesionales y defensores, se dejan las personas injustamente a cargo del tratamiento y del cuidado sin mucha ayuda u orientación.

Newswise: First seizure from sleep and risk of recurrence: Dr. Elaine Pang
Released: 15-Dec-2023 10:05 AM EST
First seizure from sleep and risk of recurrence: Dr. Elaine Pang
International League Against Epilepsy

People who have their first seizure during sleep are at greater risk for future seizures, compared with people who have their first seizure when awake.

Newswise: Changing the game: Sports bra inventor led charge for more research on epilepsy in women
Released: 12-Dec-2023 9:30 AM EST
Changing the game: Sports bra inventor led charge for more research on epilepsy in women
International League Against Epilepsy

After inventing the first commercial sports bra in the 1970s, Lisa Lindahl leveraged her unique perspective as a business leader and woman with epilepsy to advocate for more research and awareness of epilepsy-related issues in women.
