An expert on what a candidate is saying with their hands and facial expressions.

Together with colleagues and student collaborators, she's discovered that humans convey dominance through facial expressions akin to those of other primates; that facial features which make people appear powerful also make them seem untrustworthy; that people who are socially powerful have unusually good acting skills; and that persuasive performances begin with kidding yourself.

She also studies the charismatic processes by which groups inspire a following. Her research on dominance and deception was funded by a grant from the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation.

Some of her studies have been featured in the print media here and abroad, on radio talk shows, and on television, including PBS's Scientific American Frontiers, Dateline NBC, Discovery Magazine, CNN Times/Newsweek Magazine, The McLaughlin Group, McLaughlin One-On-One, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and The Learning Channel.

Read more about Carrie Keating