Experts on Terrorism and Post-Disaster Coping Available

1. Mike Greenberger -- School of Law -- visiting faculty member this year at the University of Maryland School of Law. He served as counselor to the US attorney general and then as Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General in the last two years of the Clinton Administration. In that capacity, he assisted the AG in managing a Congressionally mandated nationwide intergovernmental counter-terrorism exercise. Contact is Brian Shea (410-706-0023).

2. Coping - School of Social Work -- School of Social Work, Dean Jesse Harris -- coping with disaster aftermath 410-706-7794. He has a military background (unusual for a social worker). Rosalia Scalia (410-706-7946) is the contact. The dean's Web site is

3. Dale Masi PhD, School of Social Work, workplace issues; danger at work 410-202-223-2399


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