Newswise — Diet and weight-loss books have become a multi-million dollar a year business, with millions of Americans searching for the latest way to shed those extra pounds. As 2007 wraps up and Americans get ready for another round of weight-loss New Year's resolutions, a study by American University nutrition expert Stacey Snelling analyses the year's best-selling weight-loss books to find those that provide a healthy way to lose the weight and those that are all hype.

The study looked at the top six weight-loss books on the 2007 New York Times best-seller list to assess approaches advocated in each and compare each weight-loss technique to the national nutrient standards. A 22-item "rating the diets" questionnaire was used to score each book on a 0 to 100 point scale for nutritional adequacy, flexibility and sustainability of the diet, energy allowed, recommended rate of weight loss, physical activity, scientific evidence, supplement recommendations, claims and author credentials.. A registered dietitian analyzed the weight-loss approach being promoted in each book on the 0 to 100 point scale with a greater score indicating a healthier weight-loss technique.

Here's a look at how 2007 weight-loss books rank:

80 " 100 Points: You: On a Diet by Mehmet C. Oz and Michael F. Roizen The Best Life Diet by Bob Greene

40 " 80 Points: The South Beach Diet by Arthur Agatston

0 " 40 Points: Skinny Bitch by Kim Barnouin and Rory Freedman 21 pounds in 21 days by Roni Deluz and James Hester The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau.

"Consumers would benefit from knowing the quality of information in a weight loss book," said Snelling. "It is important to acknowledge that best-sellers do not always equate to best practices."

Snelling, associate professor of health and fitness, has been teaching undergraduate and graduate health promotion programs for the past two decades with a focus on nutrition and behavior change and childhood obesity. Dr. Snelling has written papers on school food choices, bone health, weight management, stages of change and fruit and vegetable intake and is a regular speaker at local, regional, and national conferences, such as Art and Science of Health Promotion, American Dietetic Association, Chronic Disease Prevention and Control and Maryland Health Care Coalition. American University ( is a leader in global education, enrolling a diverse student body from throughout the U.S. and nearly 150 countries. Located in Washington, D.C., the university provides opportunities for academic excellence, public service and internships in the nation's capital and around the world.