Newswise — Being sick is never easy, but to be hospitalized during the holidays can be especially disheartening. Bringing holiday hope, tradition and cheer to the hospital, Loyola University Health System’s Pastoral Care Department will hold special noon Masses on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

“Holidays are difficult times for our patients and their families. I think it’s a blessing for them to know and experience that they are surrounded by the support and prayers of the Church and people here at Loyola,” said Ron Galt, chaplain.

The services also will be broadcast on Loyola’s internal TV channel allowing patients unable to attend the services due to medical conditions to watch them from the comfort of their room.

“It’s all about being part of a family, whether they can be physically present or not,” said Galt. “It can be of help and support to know they are being prayed for every day and that they are an important part of our Loyola family.”

According to Galt members of Loyola’s staff who give up their time with family and friends to care for those in need during the holidays, as well as people from the surrounding community also take part in the services.

“This truly speaks to who we are as an institution,” said Galt. “Given the importance of Christmas and the holidays to people and their faith, it is important to offer these services. Being here is no sacrifice; it’s a privilege.”

The services will be held Thursday, December 24, Friday, December 25,Thursday, December 31 and Friday, January 1 at noon in the Paul V. Galvin Memorial Chapel, Loyola University Hospital Lower Level

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