A new study by the Australian Council for Education Research (ACER) on behalf of the International Baccalaureate (IB) examines the postsecondary transition, progression, academic performance and post-university pathways of IB Diploma Programme (DP) graduates undertaking tertiary studies in Australia.

Among its findings, the ACER study suggests that IB DP graduates progress through university studies at higher rates than non-IB cohorts and that IB DP graduates are more likely than non-IB DP graduates to complete their degree within five years.

The ACER study, the first of its type commissioned by the IB in Australasia, provides valuable insight into the transition of 154 IB DP graduates as they progressed through their university careers at a selective research-intensive university in southeastern Australia and a large university on the eastern seaboard. Other findings from the study include:• From 2006/07 to 2010/11, IB applicants to the universities increased by an average of 67%.• IB DP students were more likely to be offered admission.• At one university, which had data for an IB applicant group and a non-IB group, comparative data indicated that:– after controlling for student characteristics, the two groups had similar GPAs.– IB scores converted to ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank) had higher correlations to GPAs than non-IB group scores.– Both groups had similar rates of continuing on to further study, but IB students had slightly higher rates of full- or part-time employment.

Considered alongside earlier studies, particularly those undertaken by the University of Chicago, the Higher Education Statistic Agency, UK, and SRI International, the picture of IB DP student postsecondary success is positive in terms of high university admission rates, high university graduation rates and higher rates of progression throughout their university education.

See the complete ACER report, along with other studies on the impact of the IB DP, here. (www.ibo.org/research/policy/programmevalidation/diploma/documents/ACERIBAustralianHEPathwaysreportFinal120928revised.pdf)

About the IBFounded in 1968, the International Baccalaureate (IB) is a not-for profit foundation, which offers four high-quality and challenging educational programmes for a worldwide community of schools. IB programmes have gained a reputation for their rigor and high academic standards, for preparing students for life in a globalised 21st century, and for helping to develop citizens who will create a better, more peaceful world. Currently more than 1 million IB students attend nearly 3,500 schools in 143 countries. To learn more, please visit www.ibo.org.