Contact: Dilsey Davis, National Cancer Institute, 301-496-6667, [email protected]

Interactive Web Site Helps Meet Top New Year's Resolution: Better Health

(Washington, DC)--Research shows Americans' top New Year's resolutions involve getting healthier--eating more fruits and vegetables, and getting more physical activity. Now, there is free, interactive help at your fingertips.

The National Cancer Institute and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released an all-new Web site designed to help Americans improve their health. This easily navigable site helps you track your health habits with an easy chart. It analyzes your responses, then compares your habits to experts' recommendations and other Americans. It also provides personalized advice on how to improve or maintain your health, with specific, easy tips.

By adopting two practices--eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day and doing 30 minutes or more of physical activity at least five days a week--you can make 1999 your healthiest year yet. To see how you measure up and learn about ways to improve your health, visit