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Released: 15-Jan-2018 10:05 AM EST
Two Yoga Poses Proven to Reverse Scoliosis Curves
Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Significant, quick reduction in scoliosis curves with two yoga poses

Released: 15-Aug-2017 8:05 AM EDT
Research Solves Riddle of Effective Treatment for Buttock Pain/Sciatica
Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Botulinum toxin is of statistically significant benefit for a surprisingly common cause of crippling, often chronic, back pain, sciatica and especially buttock pain.

Released: 7-Oct-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Peer Reviewed: Very Short-Term Practice of a Simple Yoga Pose Reduces Adolescent Scoliosis By Almost Half
Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

A basic yoga pose, done for an average of only 1.5 minutes a day, six days a week for two months, reduced idiopathic scoliosis curves for adolescent and adult patients an average of 32% in the first peer-reviewed published clinical trial studying yoga for the reduction of scoliosis curves.

2-May-2011 2:45 PM EDT
Peer-Reviewed Exercise Cures Rotator Cuff Pain and Disability
Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

A yoga-based maneuver, reported in the peer-reviewed Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, relieves the pain of rotator cuff tear and restores range of motion during one short office visit. The subscapularis muscle takes over for the injured supraspinatus muscle in the rotator cuff. Symptoms usually almost completely disappear.
