Latest News from: American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

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Released: 5-Apr-2002 12:00 AM EST
American Academy of Neurology Presents 54th Annual Meeting
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

More than 8,000 neurologists are expected at the American Academy of Neurology's 54th Annual Meeting in Denver, April 13-20.

26-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
Alzheimer's Disease with Psychotic Behaviors Aggregates in Families
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Various studies have found that 40 to 60 percent of Alzheimer's disease patients suffer from psychotic symptoms including hallucinations and delusions. A new study took those findings a step further and found that the development of psychosis among Alzheimer's disease patients may be determined, at least in part, by genetic factors.

26-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
Millions of Migraine Sufferers Could Benefit From Better Use of Medical Care
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

While more than 28 million U.S. adults (13 percent of the total ) suffer from migraine headaches, less than one-half are seeking medical treatment and taking advantage of the latest in prescription medications.

Released: 16-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
American Academy of Neurology Presents 54th Annual Meeting
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

More than 8,000 neurologists are expected at the American Academy of Neurology's 54th Annual Meeting in Denver, April 13-20. The very latest research findings on dementia, Parkinson's disease, obesity and stroke, epilepsy, headache, multiple sclerosis, and many other topics of interest to neurologists and neuroscientists will be part of the 1,100 scientific studies presented as platform and poster sessions.

12-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
Treating Eye Pain May Remove Other Migraine Symptoms
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Eye pain is an oft-accompanied symptom of migraine sufferers. Researchers have found that treating inflammation in the eye's trochlea tendon can relieve the headache pain associated with migraines, or prevent the triggering of full-blown migraine attacks.

12-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
Baldness Induced By Dopamine Treatments May Be Reversible
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Two women with Parkinson's disease who developed alopecia (baldness) while being treated with the dopamine agonists pramipexole or ropinirole found that the hair loss stopped after the drugs were discontinued and replaced with a new treatment.

26-Feb-2002 12:00 AM EST
Cyclists' Blood Doping Associated with Cerebral Blood Clots
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A recent case study has associated cerebral sinus thrombosis, a condition that may lead to tissue death in the brain, with the practice of "blood doping." Blood doping is the use of human growth hormones to increase the proportion of oxygen-carrying red blood cells in an athlete's blood. Thrombosis is a blood clot within a blood vessel. This method of performance enhancement is widely practiced because it is not readily detected through urine testing.

26-Feb-2002 12:00 AM EST
Effective Treatment for Children with ADHD and Chronic Tic Disorders
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Research has recently revealed an effective drug therapy for children who have chronic tic disorders (including Tourette's syndrome) concurrent with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). As many as nine in 10 children with tic disorders also have ADHD.

12-Feb-2002 12:00 AM EST
Abnormalities in Brains of Autism Patients
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Withdrawing from social interaction and communication is a hallmark of autism. Now, researchers have identified structural differences in the brains of autism patients that might explain the behavor.

Released: 9-Feb-2002 12:00 AM EST
Correlation Between Older Adults' Use of Speech and the Ability to Gesture
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Researchers have reported that there may be a correlation between older peoples' ability to gesture accurately and how much they speak while gesturing.

22-Jan-2002 12:00 AM EST
Imaging Tests Shed Light on Brain Matter Changes in Relatives of MS Patients
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Relatives of patients with multiple sclerosis have a higher risk of developing MS than the general population.

Released: 8-Jan-2002 12:00 AM EST
Review of New Drugs for Treating Parkinson's Does Not Alter Existing Treatment Guidelines
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A re-examination of the practice guidelines for the treatment of Parkinson's disease suggest that, despite the introduction of new drug therapies since 1993, when the AAN last released the guidelines, treatment strategies remain unchanged. The last set of guidelines released by the Academy concluded that levodopa was the most effective in treating the motor symptoms of the disorder.

8-Jan-2002 12:00 AM EST
Combination of Common Medications May Lead to Stroke
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

The use of serotonin-enhancing drugs -- including some newer antidepressants, antimigraine agents, decongestants, diet pills, amphetamines, and the popular drug of abuse "ecstasy" -- can precipitate cerebrovascular syndrome (stroke) due to narrowing of cerebral blood vessels.

8-Jan-2002 12:00 AM EST
Diagnostic Criteria for Brain Death Vary Worldwide
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Since Harvard Medical School published its landmark criteria regarding clinical definition of "brain death" in 1968 (JAMA, 1968), diversity in these criteria has evolved worldwide. According to the first comprehensive survey of its kind, major differences in the procedures used to diagnose brain death in adults have been identified among the 80 countries that responded to the survey inquiries.

25-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Leisure Activity Decreases Risk of Alzheimer's Disease
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Pick up a book or magazine, go for a walk, see a movie or visit a friend or relative -- and reduce your risk for developing Alzheimer's Disease. Reading and engaging in other leisure activities may reduce the risk or delay onset of clinical manifestations of dementia.

25-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Hormone Replacement Therapy May Delay Cognitive Decline In Older Women
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Lifetime exposure to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be associated with better maintenance of cognitive function in older women free of dementia.

Released: 18-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
American Academy of Neurology - 54th Annual Meeting
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

We invite you to attend the American Academy of Neurology's 54th Annual Meeting April 13-20, 2002 at the Colorado Convention Center, where breakthroughs in neurologic research will be reported during courses and seminars and at more than 17 poster and plenary scientific presentations. More than 8,600 neurologists and neuroscientists are expected to attend.

11-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Study Links Cognitive Impairment and Heart Failure in Elderly Patients
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A multicenter study of 13,600 patients found a correlation between cognitive impairment and heart failure among older patients. This finding adds to the growing body of evidence that arterial hypotension (abnormally low blood pressure) is associated with an increased risk of dementia.

27-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Electrical Brain Stimulation Reduces Parkinson's Symptoms
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Electrical brain stimulation can reduce the problems Parkinson's patients develop after long-term use of the drug levodopa, the main treatment for Parkinson's.

13-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Bupropion SR Effective in Treating Neuropathic Pain
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Patients with neuropathic pain found greater relief, and fewer side effects, when treated with bupropion SR (sustained-release) than with commonly prescribed treatments. These findings came from a study conducted at the University of Arizona Neurology Clinic and Pain Clinic in Tucson.

13-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Memory Loss Affects Nearly One-Fourth of Those Over 65
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Nearly one quarter of all Americans over age 65 may suffer from memory loss and mild cognitive impairment, which means they are at greater risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Released: 25-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Apply Now for AAN Journalism Fellowship
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

The American Academy of Neurology, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving care for patients with neurological disorders through education and research, is offering up to three journalism fellowships. The fellowships honor excellence in medical/health reporting in either print or broadcast journalism. Preference will be given to individuals with five years or fewer of journalism experience.

23-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Tic Disorders Related to Problems in School
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Children in special education classes are more likely to have tic disorders such as Tourette syndrome than children in regular classes, and these disorders are more common in all children than was previously estimated.

23-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Small Head Circumference Coupled with ApoE e4 Gene is a Factor in Alzheimer's Disease
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

The risk of developing Alzheimer's is increased for people with small head sizes who also carry an Alzheimer's-related gene.

9-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Autistic Behavior Linked to Several Brain Areas in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

More than one area of the brain is responsible for autistic behavior in children with tuberous sclerosis and brain lesions.

9-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Oliver Sacks Reaches into History for Latest Diagnosis
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Celebrated neurologist Oliver Sacks combines his loves of chemistry and neurology in his latest article, which explores the mind of 18th Century British chemist Henry Cavendish.

Released: 5-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Clinical Research and the Last Frontier
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Writers and Editors - Save November 15 for the AAN neuroscience briefing! Clinical Research and the Last Frontier. A briefing for science and medical writers. Hilton Times Square Hotel, New York, NY.

25-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Can Viral Infections Cause ALS?
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

The AIDS virus can cause a form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, that can improve or even resolve with treatment.

11-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Cooling Vest Improves Symptoms for MS Patients
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Wearing a cooling vest can help multiple sclerosis (MS) patients with muscle strength, fatigue and balance, according to a study.

11-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
The Neurology Journal
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Parkinson's patients who use alternative treatments such as vitamins and acupuncture are more likely to be younger, more educated and have higher incomes than patients who don't use alternative treatments, according to a study.

28-Aug-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Generic Drugs May Cause Problems for Epilepsy Patients
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

New study adds weight to the argument that, for some epilepsy medications, generic drugs should not be substituted for brand-name drugs, at least not without informing the patient and physician.

28-Aug-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Estrogen Patch May Improve Memory for Women with Alzheimer's
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A new study shows that an estrogen skin patch given to women with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease can improve their memory and attention skills.

14-Aug-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Constipation Linked to Developing Parkinson's Disease
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Men with constipation problems were nearly three times as likely to develop Parkinson's disease over the next 24 years as men who were not constipated.

14-Aug-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Alzheimer's Patients Taking Drug Maintain Daily Activities Longer
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

The Alzheimer's drug donepezil can help patients maintain their functioning in everyday activities such as shopping and fixing meals.

24-Jul-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Study Ties Stuttering to Anatomical Differences in the Brain
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Stuttering has been long thought to be caused by emotional factors, but researchers who studied adults with persistent stuttering found that these individuals had anatomical irregularities in the areas of the brain that control language and speech.

10-Jul-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Febrile Convulsions in Early Childhood Not Harmful to the Developing Brain
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A study of 87 young children ages 7 to 8 years old with a history of confirmed febrile convulsion (FC) found that the children performed consistently better than controls in working memory tests.

26-Jun-2001 12:00 AM EDT
APOE epsilon 4 and Alzheimer's Linked in Very Elderly
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

In people age 90 and older, the presence of the gene variation apolipoprotein epsilon 4 (APOE epsilon 4) is linked to an increased probability of Alzheimer's disease (AD), according to a study.

26-Jun-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Test Can Predict Whether Whiplash Will Lead to Disability
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A test of neck movement can predict which people with whiplash injuries will be disabled a year later, according to a study published in the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

12-Jun-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Using Computer Doesn't Increase Risk of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Using a computer at work doesn't increase your chances of developing carpal tunnel syndrome, according to a new study.

12-Jun-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Study Helps Predict Children with Difficult-to-Treat Epilepsy
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A new study may help neurologists predict which children with epilepsy will not respond to the most common medications, and thus may be candidates for treatment with more aggressive approaches.

22-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
New Marker for Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Scientists have identified a potential new marker for MS disease activity.

22-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Botulinum Toxin Injections May Ease Low Back Pain
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Help may be on the way for sufferers of chronic low back pain. Injections of botulinum toxin A, a drug based on the bacteria that causes food poisoning, eased the pain for patients.

12-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Antioxidant Drugs May Prevent HIV Dementia
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Antioxidant drugs may help prevent the effects of HIV on the brain, according to a preliminary study using cell cultures. The study was presented during the American Academy of Neurology's 53rd Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, May 5-11, 2001.

11-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Drug May Prevent Parkinson's Cell Death
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A drug used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease may also play a role in preventing disease progression, according to a preliminary study using cell cultures. The study was presented during the American Academy of Neurology's 53rd Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, May 5-11, 2001.

11-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Galantamine's Cognitive Benefits for Alzheimer's Patients
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Cognitive benefits of galantamine treatment are likely to be sustained for at least two years in patients with Alzheimer's disease, according to a study presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 53rd Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

10-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Walking Protects Women from Cognitive Decline
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Walking may help women keep their brains young, according to research presented during the American Academy of Neurology's 53rd Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, May 5-11, 2001.

9-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Mind's Key to Self-Image Discovered
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Researchers may have identified the area of the brain that controls our sense of self, according to a study presented during the American Academy of Neurology's 53rd Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, May 5-11, 2001.

9-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Childhood Musical Training May Influence Brain Growth
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Research has revealed significant differences in the gray matter distribution between professional musicians trained at an early age and non-musicians, as presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 53rd Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

8-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Guidelines for Early Recognition, Care of Alzheimer's Disease
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Early recognition, diagnosis and care are recommended for patients with Alzheimer's disease according to new practice guidelines announced at the American Academy of Neurology's 53rd Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.

7-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
ADHD more Likely in Adults with Restless Legs Syndrome
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Adults who have restless legs syndrome are more likely to also have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than adults who don't have the sleep disorder, according to research presented during the American Academy of Neurology's 53rd Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, May 5-11, 2001.
