Experts Available

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Released: 24-Jan-2012 9:00 AM EST
Astrophysicists Can Discuss Huge Solar Flare
University of New Hampshire

A potent and unexpected solar flare observed yesterday morning by a NASA satellite could cause disruptions to satellite communications and power on Earth over the next few days, according to scientists at the University of New Hampshire’s Space Science Center (SSC).

Released: 18-Jan-2012 1:00 PM EST
Expert: Environmental Impact of Italian Cruise Ship
University of New Hampshire

Nancy Kinner, professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of New Hampshire and an expert on oil spills, is available to comment on the environmental impact of the cruise liner Costa Concordia, grounded off the coast of Italy with more than 2,000 tons of oil onboard.

Released: 3-Jan-2012 10:50 AM EST
New Hampshire Presidential Primary Experts Available From University of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire

Two Presidential Primary experts from the University of New Hampshire are available to discuss the results of the Iowa Caucus and how they may impact the upcoming first-in-the-nation New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary Jan. 10, 2012.

Released: 21-Nov-2011 8:30 AM EST
During Critical Christmas Shopping Season, Consumer Habits of Generations X and Y Present Tricky Mix for Marketers
University of New Hampshire

While the independent-minded members of Generation X take consumer decisions into their own hands, the younger Generation Yers are much more dependent on the opinions of others – especially their parents – when making purchases. Taken together, the significantly different shopping habits of these two generations of consumers present a tricky situation for marketers who are now in their most lucrative time of the year – the Christmas shopping season, according to a University of New Hampshire professor.

Released: 3-Nov-2011 7:00 PM EDT
National Expert on Corporal Punishment Available to DiscussLong-Term Impact of Spanking Children
University of New Hampshire

Murray Straus, co-director of the University of New Hampshire Family Research Lab, is available to discuss the long-term impact of corporal punishment. Straus is widely considered the foremost researcher in the field of corporal punishment and one of the world’s leading researchers on family violence.

Released: 2-Nov-2011 3:00 PM EDT
Child Abuse Experts Available to Discuss Beating of Texas Teen
University of New Hampshire

Two nationally recognized child abuse experts from the University of New Hampshire are available to discuss the beating of a Texas woman when she was 16 years old, allegedly by her father, a Texas county court judge.

Released: 21-Sep-2011 10:00 AM EDT
Carsey Institute Researcher Available to Discuss New Child Poverty Data Sept. 22
University of New Hampshire

Beth Mattingly, director of research on vulnerable families at the Carsey Institute and research assistant professor of sociology at the University of New Hampshire, will be available Sept. 22, 2011, to discuss the latest information on and trends about child poverty in America.

Released: 14-Sep-2011 3:10 PM EDT
National Child Abuse Expert Available to Comment About Abuse Allegations Made Against Former Boy Scout Leader
University of New Hampshire

David Finkelhor, professor of sociology and director of the Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, is available to discuss abuse allegations made against a former Oregon Boy Scout leader.

Released: 24-Aug-2011 9:00 AM EDT
UNH Faculty Experts Available to Discuss 10-Year Anniversary of Sept. 11
University of New Hampshire

Faculty experts at the University of New Hampshire are available to discuss a number of topics related to the 10-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Released: 29-Jul-2011 10:00 AM EDT
National Child Abduction Expert Available to Discuss Missing Child Celina Cass
University of New Hampshire

David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, is available to discuss the disappearance of Celina Cass of West Stewartstown, N.H.

Released: 14-Jul-2011 11:25 AM EDT
UNH Economist: Failure to Raise Debt Ceiling Could Cause Global Financial Crisis
University of New Hampshire

Michael Goldberg, the Roland H. O'Neal Professor at the University of New Hampshire, said the government’s failure to raise the debt ceiling could cause a global financial crisis even more severe than the 2008 financial meltdown and send the United States and world economies back into recession.

Released: 2-Jun-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Presidential Primary Experts Available from University of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire

Two Presidential Primary experts from the University of New Hampshire are available to discuss the Republican Primary candidates who are announcing their candidacies this week or indicating that they may do so soon.

Released: 18-May-2011 10:00 AM EDT
National Child Abuse Expert Available to Discuss Landmark Study on Youth Sexual Abuse by Catholic Clergy
University of New Hampshire

David Finkelhor, professor of sociology and director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, is available to discuss the results of the largest study ever on youth sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, to be released today.

Released: 2-May-2011 10:00 AM EDT
UNH Experts Available to Discuss Political, National Security Implications of Osama bin Laden’s Death
University of New Hampshire

Experts from the University of New Hampshire are available to discuss the national security, foreign policy, and political implications of the death of Osama bin Laden.

Released: 25-Apr-2011 7:00 AM EDT
UNH Scholar Available to Discuss Why British Royals Captivate Americans
University of New Hampshire

Americans maintain a vexed relationship with aristocracy. We pride ourselves in not having one, but our fantasy lives are completely peopled by royals, according to James Krasner, professor of English at the University of New Hampshire. So it’s no surprise that Americans are eagerly anticipating the wedding of Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton this week.

Released: 18-Mar-2011 11:30 AM EDT
Supply Chain Expert Available to Discuss Impact of Japan Crisis
University of New Hampshire

Christine Shea, associate dean for graduate programs and research, and professor of technology and operations management at the UNH Whittemore School of Business and Economics, is available to discuss supply chain and operations management issues that may develop as a result of the crisis in Japan.

Released: 11-Mar-2011 11:10 AM EST
Collective Bargaining Expert Available to Discuss Unions
University of New Hampshire

Todd DeMitchell, professor and chair of the Department of Education and the Lamberton Professor in the Justice Studies Program at the University of New Hampshire, is available to discuss public unions, collective bargaining, and trends in organizing public-sector workers.

Released: 15-Feb-2011 9:30 AM EST
Stuttering Expert: ‘The King’s Speech’ Gets It Right
University of New Hampshire

A communications sciences and disorders professor who specializes in stuttering is available to comment on the portrayal of stuttering in “The King’s Speech.” “The emotional turmoil that dealing with stuttering causes was represented just beautifully,” says Sheryl Gottwald, a fluency specialist with three decades of clinical experience.

Released: 8-Feb-2011 11:00 AM EST
Expert: Roof Collapses Predictable in Record Snowy Winter
University of New Hampshire

A structural engineering professor at the University of New Hampshire is available to discuss two hazards of this season’s record snowfalls: roof collapses and ice dams. Ray Cook, assistant professor of civil engineering, can discuss the science behind this winter’s many roof collapses and give advice for preventing them.

Released: 8-Feb-2011 10:00 AM EST
For Men, Shopping for Valentine’s Day is All About Rejection
University of New Hampshire

With Valentine’s Day less than a week away, millions of men will be in search of just the right gift for their sweetie. According to a shopping behavior expert at the University of New Hampshire, more than anything else, men want to be sure that what they buy their sweetie will not be rejected.
