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Released: 9-Apr-2020 3:30 PM EDT
Minority-Owned Banks: Doing More with Less
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Minority-owned banks offer a valuable function in providing equitable support to minority communities and small-businesses. While they receive some government benefits, they also receive criticism for the support and a perception they’re “risky.” Is that criticism founded? Research analyzes actual outputs and inputs.

Released: 9-Apr-2020 3:25 PM EDT
Leading Virtually Is Emotional
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

The science of collective intelligence is clear: a positive emotional state enables the highest levels of performance. How do we reach that in the midst of social distancing and the anxiety the COVID-19 pandemic breeds? Here: practical steps to create a positive virtual working environment and daily practices to foster emotional connection.

Released: 9-Apr-2020 3:15 PM EDT
Retail Health Clinic Leaders Help Flatten the Curve of COVID-19
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

The actions taken by retail health clinics — small primary care clinics located within retail outlets like Walmart’s Care Clinics or CVS’ MinuteClinic — will have a significant impact on public safety, and their actions may prevent the COVID-19 pandemic from overwhelming the U.S. health care system. Darden Professor Dennie Kim explains.

Released: 9-Apr-2020 3:10 PM EDT
Darden Executive Education Expands Digital Offerings to Advance Lifelong Learning Remotely
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Rapid strategic pivots due to the coronavirus pandemic, digital disruption at massive scale and increasingly global, complex organizations — the need for lifelong learning to advance leadership capabilities and technical skills has never been greater.

Released: 9-Apr-2020 3:10 PM EDT
University of Virginia Press Partners With the Darden School of Business on New Imprint
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

University of Virginia Press and the University of Virginia Darden School of Business have announced a publishing partnership to launch UVA Darden Business Publishing, an imprint of the University of Virginia Press. Through the partnership, UVA Press will publish books in print and digital editions under the auspices and imprint of the business school.

Released: 9-Apr-2020 3:05 PM EDT
A New Model: Dynamics of Household Income and Consumption
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

What drives household consumption? Standard theories of consumer behavior may not fully account for a major driver of spending (or not spending). Professor Dan Murphy and colleagues have a new model to help us understand consumption choices and the broader effects of policymakers’ attempts to stimulate the economy.

Released: 9-Apr-2020 3:05 PM EDT
Ted Turner Named 2020 Recipient of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Global Innovation
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Media pioneer and philanthropist Ted Turner is the 2020 recipient of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Global Innovation.

Released: 9-Apr-2020 3:05 PM EDT
UVA Darden Grad’s Rhoback Apparel Company Shifts Focus to ‘Victory Mask’ Production
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Rhoback, the line of stylish activewear owned and operated by University of Virginia Darden School of Business alumni Matt (MBA ’16) and Kristina Loftus (MBA ’17), has temporarily shifted much of its production from performance polo shirts, Q-Zip pullovers and performance t-shirts to face masks intended to stop the transmission of the novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19.

Released: 1-Apr-2020 3:10 PM EDT
Leading Mindfully: COVID-19 and the Big Human Pivot, Part I
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

What’s novel about COVID-19 isn’t just the coronavirus. It’s the sheer scale and depth of The Big Human Pivot that this tiny infectious particle has triggered. In unprecedented times, what can you do to lead mindfully through it? In this series, Lili Powell introduces a Leading Mindfully strategy: “see it, name it, tame it and reclaim it.”

Released: 1-Apr-2020 3:05 PM EDT
How to Leverage Virtual Technologies at a Time of Physical Distancing
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Humanity is a social species — yet the coronavirus pandemic requires that we reduce physical contact. Here are actionable suggestions for effective interactions to help balance efficiency and connectedness, as modern technology helps us move our interactions to the virtual world and avoid significant social isolation.

Released: 1-Apr-2020 2:55 PM EDT
What Leaders Need Now More Than Ever: A ‘Team of Rivals’
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Churchill and Lincoln deliberately solicited the opinions of those who were willing to challenge them. Leaders may be best advised to evaluate where loyalty lies: the leader’s self-interest or the organization’s mission? Professor Detert discusses courageous leadership — necessary to get us through COVID-19.

Released: 1-Apr-2020 2:50 PM EDT
Quick Pivot to Distance Learning Brings San Francisco Bay Area Leaders to Reimagined Darden Course
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

A recent highlight of the University of Virginia Darden School of Business Executive MBA academic calendar has been the “Marketing Technology Products” elective delivered every spring in San Francisco. The Second Year course sponsored by the Batten Institute focuses on the influence of technology in business models and marketing, with themes that vary year to year

Released: 1-Apr-2020 2:50 PM EDT
Critical Care and Infectious Disease Specialist in Darden Executive MBA: What to Know About the Coronavirus
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Like his peers in the University of Virginia Darden School of Business Executive MBA Class of 2020, Dr. Taison Bell’s world has been upended by the global coronavirus pandemic. As a critical care and infectious disease specialist and director of the medical intensive care unit at the UVA Health System, Bell is a leader in the rapidly evolving response to the pandemic, a role that involves trying to ensure adequate resources, advising on treatment and prevention, and, of course, tending to patients.

Released: 25-Mar-2020 10:35 AM EDT
UVA Darden Announces Updates to Full-Time MBA Admissions Process for Class of 2022, Providing Additional Flexibility for Round 3
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

In light of the disruption stemming from the coronavirus pandemic, the University of Virginia Darden School of Business has added additional flexibility for students applying for admission to the full-time MBA program for the Class of 2022.

Released: 24-Mar-2020 11:00 AM EDT
The Coronavirus: Communicating With Virtual Teams
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the number of teams working virtually. Here: tips for leaders of virtual teams on how to communicate expectations clearly, choosing the appropriate communication style and supporting a team from afar.

Released: 24-Mar-2020 11:00 AM EDT
The Importance of the Decennial Census to Research
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Mandated by the Constitution, the U.S. Census Bureau counts the nation’s residents every 10 years. The data determine seats in the House and federal funds for local communities, as well as inform practical research. Examples from Darden: studies on poverty and race, allocation of opportunity zones, and the effect of technology on rich and poor.

Released: 24-Mar-2020 10:50 AM EDT
Leading Mindfully: COVID-19 and the Big Human Pivot, Part I
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

What’s novel about COVID-19 isn’t just the coronavirus. It’s the sheer scale and depth of The Big Human Pivot that this tiny infectious particle has triggered. In unprecedented times, what can you do to lead mindfully through it? In this series, Lili Powell introduces a Leading Mindfully strategy: “see it, name it, tame it and reclaim it.”

Released: 24-Mar-2020 10:35 AM EDT
Is Your Organization Coronavirus Agile? 10 Tips
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

COVID-19 has sent us into a grand and growing telework experience. How do organizations, employees and leaders function in a world in which operations must continue but face-to-face may be impossible? Included: alternatives to in-person communication and physical contact, developing relationships virtually, and managing yourself and productivity.

Released: 24-Mar-2020 10:25 AM EDT
The Coronavirus and Managing Your Organization’s Response
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

The coronavirus has spread around the world rapidly. Here, one Darden professor examines the financial implications versus the ethical ones. What would an uncontrolled outbreak mean in the U.S.? What can we learn from China and Italy? And what questions should organizations be asking?

Released: 10-Mar-2020 10:15 AM EDT
Minority-Owned Banks: Past and Present
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

From the Civil War and Reconstruction to Martin Luther King Jr. and Richard Nixon to Jay-Z and Killer Mike: Darden experts discuss the history of minority depository institutions, the integral service they provide diverse communities and the challenges that still exist.
