Latest News from: Indiana University

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Released: 15-Sep-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Don't Pin Hopes on Burma's Upcoming Elections
Indiana University

The international community should not focus on encouraging Burma to hold "free and fair" elections in November, says an Indiana University law professor who has advised the Asian nation's ethnic opposition groups.

Released: 20-Aug-2010 1:00 PM EDT
Energy-Based Economic Development: a Fad Or Here to Stay?
Indiana University

Energy-based economic development has received little academic attention, but researchers have a rare opportunity to evaluate the potential impacts of EBED for society, says Indiana University faculty member Sanya Carley.

Released: 6-Aug-2010 3:20 PM EDT
Philanthropy Experts on 'Giving Pledge': What Matters Is How Gifts Are Used
Indiana University

Patrick Rooney, executive director of the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, and Leslie Lenkowsky, a professor at the IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs and the Center, comment on The Giving Pledge.

Released: 5-Aug-2010 10:05 AM EDT
Indiana University Experts Available to Discuss Same-Sex Marriage Ruling
Indiana University

Two faculty experts at Indiana University Bloomington are available to comment on the ruling Wednesday by a federal judge that California’s prohibition of same-sex marriage violates the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

Released: 5-Aug-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Expert Source: Same-Sex Marriage Expert Available to Comment on California Ruling
Indiana University

Indiana U. sociologist Brian Powell has talked with more than 2,000 adults nationwide about their attitudes toward same-sex marriages and is publishing a book in September on the topic. He is available to talk about the issue and can be reached on Wednesday.

Released: 7-Jul-2010 1:05 PM EDT
Wetlands Expert: It’s Too Early to Assess Oil Spill Effects
Indiana University

Indiana University professor Christopher Craft says the doom-and-gloom predictions for the Gulf oil spill's effects on coastal wetlands are premature.

Released: 2-Jul-2010 11:00 AM EDT
Window Is Closing for Immigration Reform
Indiana University

Indiana University dean John Graham, a former administrator in the White House OMB, says it may be too late for bipartisan support of immigration reform.

Released: 26-May-2010 10:40 AM EDT
Professor: the U.S. Needs a Time-Out on Offshore Drilling
Indiana University

Indiana University Professor and former EPA official Jim Barnes says federal regulators are making a big mistake by not following through on a moratorium on offshore drilling.

Released: 19-May-2010 10:20 AM EDT
Energy Expert: Leave Oil in Ground as High-yielding Investment
Indiana University

The Gulf oil spill points to the risks of off-shore drilling. A better strategy is to preserve the oil as an insurance plan for the future, says Rafael Reuveny, a professor at Indiana University

Released: 17-Mar-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Professor: U.S. Must Immediately Stop Funding Israeli Colonial Project
Indiana University

Vice President Joe Biden's rebuke of Israel over proposed settlement expansion is not only ineffective, it's hypocritical, said Professor Rafael Reuveny, a researcher on Middle East violence and political economy at Indiana University.

Released: 24-Feb-2010 1:40 PM EST
Biggest Marathon, Half-Marathon Training Mistakes
Indiana University

Indiana U. distance running expert Robert Chapman discusses the four biggest mistakes runners make when training for 13.1- and 26.2-mile races, just as the training season for spring half-marathons kicks in.

Released: 22-Feb-2010 4:00 PM EST
Expert Can Comment on Proposed Changes to Autism Diagnosis
Indiana University

Cathy Pratt, director of the Indiana Resource Center for Autism at Indiana University, comments on proposed changes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - 5.

Released: 15-Feb-2010 2:20 PM EST
Winter Olympics: Experts Discuss Altitude and Performance
Indiana University

Indiana U. altitude training expert Robert Chapman discusses how altitude can affect Olympic winter skill sports such as snowboarding and ski jumping, not just endurance athletes, and can give sprinters an edge – but not this year.

Released: 11-Feb-2010 9:00 AM EST
Safety Expert: Toyota Problems Could Distract from Serious Issues
Indiana University

Toyota's recall problems may cause government and the public to steer away from more effective safety-improvement strategies, says auto safety expert John Graham at Indiana University.

Released: 9-Feb-2010 9:00 AM EST
Professor: Obama Should Issue Executive Order on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Indiana University

Rafael Reuveny, a professor of public and environmental affairs at Indiana University, says President Obama should bypass the gridlocked Congress and issue an executive order to cut greenhouse gases.

Released: 21-Jan-2010 11:55 AM EST
Indiana University Expert Available to Discuss Ongoing Impact of Google/China Dispute
Indiana University

International discussion and diplomacy continues in light of Google's announcement last week that it may pull out of China over concerns about censorship and security. Today (Jan. 21). a top Chinese official announced that the threat should not affect China's relations with the United States. Scott Kennedy, director of the Research Center on Chinese Politics and Business and an associate professor of political science and East Asian languages and cultures, is available for comment.

Released: 13-Jan-2010 5:00 PM EST
Indiana University Experts Comment on Haiti Earthquake
Indiana University

A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Haiti late Tuesday afternoon, causing widespread damage and many deaths and injuries. Indiana University experts comment on the quake and its likely aftermath.

Released: 17-Dec-2009 2:00 PM EST
Expert Source: Tiger Woods' Fall from Grace Steep, Will Pass
Indiana University

Gary Sailes is an Indiana U. sport sociologist whose research has tracked Tiger Woods' impact on American golf. Of Woods' current troubles, Sailes says, "If sport has taught us anything, it is that sports fans are very forgiving of their superstars."

Released: 3-Dec-2009 12:10 PM EST
Climate Talks in Copenhagen: Indiana U. Professors Offer Perspectives
Indiana University

Leaders of the world's nations will meet Dec. 7-16 in Copenhagen, Denmark, for talks as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Indiana University experts comment on their prospects.

Released: 24-Nov-2009 9:45 AM EST
IU Health & Wellness: Alcohol and Kids, Food Journals and More
Indiana University

Health and swimming experts at Indiana University discuss why holidays can be risky times for kids and alcohol. They also discuss the hows and whys of food journaling, and why swim lessons make great gifts for adults, not just kids.
